New Year

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Well, we made it to another year.

For me this is a big one because five years ago on Dec 30th I had a quad bypass to fix clogged arteries.

To celebrate, I rode 47 miles on my road bicycle with three of my friends in 2.5 hours.

2007 was a pivotal year for me - reconciled with my wife who I was sure was going to divorce me, lost my dear old mother at age 87 to old age and lost one of my best friends to a heart attack at age 47..

Ride safe and take care of yourselves so you live to see 2009.

Seems to be kinda common here that "cabg" procedure :huh:

Maybe we should start a club. :) Fifth anniversary July 29th this year. Might as well celebrate :clapping: it's better than the alternative eh.


Happy New Year! Merry Christmas as well! :yahoo: :yahoo:

2007 was a pivotal year for me as well.

The past 10 years I endured a divorce, bankruptcy, losing employment, depression, friends walking away, was direly sick for 6 months where I almost died, etc.

In June 2007 I moved to BEAUTIFUL HEAVEN-ON-EARTH COLORADO and found a great place to live in the mountains, was blessed with a wonderful job in Denver, and was able to start a whole, new, fresh life. Oh, and bought my first FJR! I'm now back on my feet and will start dating in a month or two.

To those of you who've been having a rough life just hang on... your day is coming as well. May your day shine for you in 2008!! I pray it so. :yahoo:

Happy New Year Everyone! :lol: Happy New Year!

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