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James Burleigh must be a pussy ass lawyer from SF. Great idea from from a few beers and some hardware. If we can load it with super-stink juice then we have a product. I bet you could squirt some 'gaiters with red water and they would still not have a clue to your proximity.
Please don't insult anyone, :nono: this thread was put up for FUN, thanks.... ;)

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I'm waiting for some of the LEO's on this forum to chime in.

No good will come of this, DailyCommuter. Do you have an attorney on retainer?

I am so howling now

Have at er and don't let anything like fear nor common sence stop you

Brave and Crazy

Could you video tape your first use of the back off tool


Pretty Please

Put Cool-Aid in it with extra sugar

Smell sweet and sticks nice

All round good stuff

Or maybe a quart of old aftershave

Old Spice


Aqua Velva - Blue

Don't use the green - that would be just mean spirited


One minor detail. This only works on folks who are behind you!

Don't ask how I know, but I'd rather be behind an angry driver than in front of one!

Something to consider.

James Burleigh must be a pussy ass lawyer from SF. Great idea from from a few beers and some hardware. If we can load it with super-stink juice then we have a product. I bet you could squirt some 'gaiters with red water and they would still not have a clue to your proximity.

Hotboot, if DailyCommuter didn't want everyone's opinion, then he should have kept this kind of crap off of the forum. You put it out there in public, somone's gonna piss on it.

So let's think about this -

Gater gits pissed on -

Chases DailyCommuter -

DailyCommuter pulls out his gun which now the global virtual community knows that he has -

And what happens next. Well?

Two things:

1} Atomize the spray more to be more discreet, plus blanket the windshield more. Not unlike different chokes for shotguns.

I know the stream won't reach but the fog will.

2} JB response: we're just having a little fun. Believe it or not, we're all adults. Lighten up, we don't need another dad,... dad! We've seen your replys before.

BTW, in my six years of riding to work every day on freeways at about 20K miles a year, I can't even remember a time when I was tailgated (I don't ride like a Harley rider, which is probably why).
Unfortunately tailgating is a fact of life where I live. The worst part is when I leave a long buffer zone in front of me to account for the tailgater (so I don't have to stop short and get killed by this idiot) people take it as an open invite to cut in front of me. :angry2:
If somebody's going faster than me, and very few do, I let 'em go by, then they get to be the performance award dummy.

Why am I reminded of some paranoid evil scientist, toiling away for hours in his lab, fixing to make "them" pay for slighting him?


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The psycology of it all:

- Post a dumb ass idea and then get bent when someone says its a dumb ass idea. I don't get it.

- Poster knew it was a dumb ass idea cause he took effort to explain that it came together after 9 beers to justify the dumb ass idea

- Justified it further by saying he had "plenty of self control" and proved by saying he hadn't shot anyone yet with the gun he carries

- Was this the nine beers self control?

- Or was the the "total mischief to be moderately dangerous and downright vengeful!" self control?

- It did turn out in the end that there was a daddy complex and maybe the whole thing was a cry for help

All in all, it was a pretty funny idea. Cracked me up. Even more so the human ingenuity to make it work complete with dance club LED's. It got posted to get a reaction and the reactions are half the fun of the project. Enjoy DPF since this will surely make the grade for this most important day of the week, then turn it into a hydration system, or a mister for those hot days.

BTW - great job with the new switch near the AE controls.

Maybe you could hook this whole thing up to a small propane tank, and add some way to get a spark. You could drive down the road with flames shooting out your ass. :ph34r: That would decrease the tailgaters for sure. The original idea is pretty ingenious I think. ;)

Oh, and edited to add: Something is still frigging wrong with you! :p

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I have no use for such a contraption.

DC, Your underlying motivations need to be sorted out.

Good luck.

BTW, in my six years of riding to work every day on freeways at about 20K miles a year, I can't even remember a time when I was tailgated (I don't ride like a Harley rider, which is probably why).
Unfortunately tailgating is a fact of life where I live. The worst part is when I leave a long buffer zone in front of me to account for the tailgater (so I don't have to stop short and get killed by this idiot) people take it as an open invite to cut in front of me. :angry2:
If somebody's going faster than me, and very few do, I let 'em go by, then they get to be the performance award dummy.

Why am I reminded of some paranoid evil scientist, toiling away for hours in his lab, fixing to make "them" pay for slighting him?
You guys are missing the whole point of what I mean by being tailgated in traffic. I don't know where you live or ride , but What I am referring to is in solid traffic when all lanes are full, no room in front and no room behind, when the proper driving method is the 3 second rule, for safe following distance. Now picture that as your surrounding and as a good rider your watching in front and behind simultaneously, your leaving room in front of you to allow for emergency, road debree, or other problems that are lurking waiting for you. The drivers around here can't help themselves when there is even a tiny bit of room in front of you between the next driver. If you're not right up their ass they act as though you need to be cut off.

I love it when others claim no-one tailgates them because they are the fastest on the road all the time, Pah-Lease :rolleyes: not in my traffic you're not. Maybe I'll buy that "little hero" weather tight camera and start videoing my rides to and from work, then you'd understand. ever have anyone come on from the on ramp and just punch it, cut all the way over 4 lanes whether anyone is in the way or not, look straight at you in their rear view mirror when you lay on the stebel nautilus air job, and keep coming in front of you anyway 18 inches off you're ******* front tire, only to give you that extra little quick jab swerve as they finish there attempted murder driving maneuver, THEN ONCE THEY ARE IN FRONT OF YOU KEEP LOOKING IN THE MIRROR LAUGHING, FLIP YOU OFF, AND EVEN GIVE YOU A LITTLE BRAKE JOB TO SHOW YOU YOU HAVE NO PLACE HONKING AT THEM AND ALMOST SENDING THE CAGER BEHIND YOU INTO YOU REAR BECAUSE HE'S AN ******** TOO AND FOLLOWING TO CLOSE.

It must be nice to ride such a sheltered life, where you can avoid all conflict with the cagers, Give me a break every fifth thread around here (slight exaggeration) is complaining about cagers in one way shape or form.

If you were to commute to work every day 60 plus miles each way, how many rear enders do you think you'd see? How many roll-overs are on your local highways daily? I see a least 3-5 rear enders between morning and afternoon commutes, and roll-overs (albeit they are mostly in the afternoon) are almost daily. Evey one knows the reputation of Massachusetts drivers, This is merely my response to them.

[SIZE=12pt]....And for Christ sake this whole thread was put up for fun, to give people a chuckle during times when the economy has people ledge bound, and when your breakfast sausage will give you the death flu, and you can't get any Spanish Fly because Mexico is closed for business.[/SIZE]

:yahoo: :clapping: :lol: :crazy: :bleh: Now, Get back on track Fjrforum and learn to have a little laugh now and again, only about half of you all so far are getting it. :yahoo: :clapping: :lol: :crazy: :bleh:

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