no horn/heated grips/electric windshield/glove-box

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Apr 27, 2015
Reaction score
Recently picked up a 2006 and now I have lost power to my windshield/heatded grips/glove-box/horn/ and my green neutral light doesn't come on. The bike runs fine and all other lights/signals etc work just fine. Checked with Yamaha and all recalls have been completed, checked the S6 failure along with all fuses in fuse box. I assume there is a relay or fuse that I am missing. I have ordered but have not yet received the service manual so I am unsure where the wires/cables go and cannot for the life of me get the faring off, any and all help is greatly appreciated.


Allen, thanks for the info, I replaced that fuse with a "new" one I have in my shop, but will purchase a new pack on my way home today and change it out again, as that is what it seem like it should be to me as well.

I'll mention that fuses in OEM circuits don't blow for no reason.
Mine was an aftermarket horn, even with relay installed.
See, the horn was aftermarket and a relay makes no difference to a wiring issue, it only makes the problem switchable via whatever switches the relay.

It's a good thing that the OP is buying a pkg of fuses, there is some troubleshooting in their future. Finding a problem = good. Having the problem suddenly go away for no reason = scary. At any time, anyplace, and at Murphy's sense of humor, it will be back.

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So it was the 15amp looked a bit carotid, so put new one in and everything (except all my faring screws) is I can back up and working. I will keep an eye on this and see if it has problems again, happening once I can chalk it up to an anomaly, but repeated offense's and I will have to start digging.

Thanks for all the help and man do I LOVE this ride :)


Try turning on your heated grips and beep the horn while raising the windshield (before you button up the fusebox). I expect a repeat performance. I'm guessing there is something not right with the wiring for the horn relay. Does the horn circuit just power the relay while the power for the horn comes direct from the battery (or other high current capable source)?
