No Mar changer

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Sorry for being Pissy I just didn't want to go there looking like an Idiot I will go over there Today and see what they say.

I didnt see anywhere on this post where you or anyone actually said they would step up and handle it.
I thought it was very clear that he was gaging interest and taking point on it:

....would there be enough interest that I should stop by and talk to them? ....would be willing to help out if there is interest I will go by thereand ask if they would be interested also.
I also know mehaffydr has reviewed and very familiar with the special guidelines for doing GBs here.

I would ask that you and others let him finish his work, answer up if you're interested, and maybe a GB actually happens. I've been around long enough to know that too many cooks in the kitchen...even well-intentioned ones.....make GBs difficult.


The Management

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I didnt see anywhere on this post where you or anyone actually said they would step up and handle it.
I thought it was very clear that he was gaging interest and taking point on it:

....would there be enough interest that I should stop by and talk to them? ....would be willing to help out if there is interest I will go by thereand ask if they would be interested also.
I also know mehaffydr has reviewed and very familiar with the special guidelines for doing GBs here.

I would ask that you and others let him finish his work, answer up if you're interested, and maybe a GB actually happens. I've been around long enough to know that too many cooks in the kitchen...even well-intentioned ones.....make GBs difficult.


The Management
Understood. I sent him a PM offering my help if needed.

And PS I reviewed and understand the GB rules to :assassin:

Oh Boy.


I'm glad we got that straightened out. I assumed mehaffydr was on the job. He was the first one to volunteer. (again, no disrespect to DeweyIsgod for offering his mom to the effort)

ynotride, your intentions were good, but we can't all call 'em.

Now get in there mehaffydr, and let us know how it goes!


edit: Damn I type slow! You guys added two posts before I hit "Add Reply"

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Well that was all for nothing. I did go by No-Mar just miutes ago and had a talk with them. They said NO to the GB. They were nice about it but said they have bad past expeirience with GB and are not interested in doing anymore.

They did point out they have a deal on shipping right now but No extra offers.

So its up to each person if you want to order on your own or look at the other options.

Again I have no affiliation with them just though if I could help the forum I would.


My apologies to ynotride for bitchin.

Well Thanks for trying anyway. I am still waiting for them to reply to my initial email. I wanted to know if they would substitute the spoon bars for a hitch mount on the big package deal they offer. This was the original reason for my email last night before I decided to add in the GB question which led to our fun this morning. :eek:

Well that was all for nothing. I did go by No-Mar just miutes ago and had a talk with them. They said NO to the GB. They were nice about it but said they have bad past expeirience with GB and are not interested in doing anymore.They did point out they have a deal on shipping right now but No extra offers.

So its up to each person if you want to order on your own or look at the other options.

Again I have no affiliation with them just though if I could help the forum I would.


My apologies to ynotride for bitchin.
Aww dang! Thanks for trying.

I just got the reply back to my email from last night. Funny they didnt really say no to the group buy but they arent going to make it easy on us if we wanted to make it work. I am probably just going to order 1 on my own tonight. Thanks again


You can switch out the Spoonbars for credit toward the Hitch Mount bracket. Sorry no group buys. If you want 21 units I can sell them to you for 1/3 off. You pay the freight and must have a loading dock to receive the order. Twenty one big packages are on two skids and no mix and match are done with bulk purchase.

$5109 for 21 cycle hill units OR 21 Big Packages for $7769 Plus freight. You would get to distribute them on your own.

Thanks for your efforts. Sorry to hear they'd had bad experiences with GBs, but I understand. Thought for a second about that 21 unit order, but then I went ahead and ordered a Cycle Hill from them. Shipping was free for standard 7 day ground.

Do we have 21?

1/3 off is like a hundred bucks each! We could have the orders shipped to one central loading dock (is Minnesota still central?) and ship individual orders from there.

This isn't dead yet.

Do we have 21?
1/3 off is like a hundred bucks each! We could have the orders shipped to one central loading dock (is Minnesota still central?) and ship individual orders from there.

This isn't dead yet.
But shipping could be $100 and this would be a major asspain of all ass pains for whoever does the secondary shipping.

...but good luck to you guys. I would love to have one of these changers...but economics is all about choices we make.

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Perhaps someone should direct No Mar to this thread and show them the level of interest and word of mouth that this site has created in such a short time for their product. As well,... i be guessing if they see moderators comment's and our very well set up "group buy section" they will realize that a little bit of Love is in order. I really feel that this has been the least expensive bit of advertising that they will ever buy. But maybe they are having trouble keeping up with production? More than 20 very interested parties in less than 60 hrs,...what whould it be by end of month?


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Looks like my mom still doesn't have much to do. :rolleyes:

I'm not terribly interested in shipping to a central location and reshipping. While a lot of us indicated interest, I'm sure there's plenty of customization desired. I'm thinking about the Cycle Hill Big Package myself. Anyone who would be the receiver would be in a very difficult position of fronting cash and risking someone doesn't pay.

That said, I think they gave some impression about their profit margins. If they're willing to take 33% off for a bulk sale, they're probably in the neighborhood of 40-50% profit margin. They must have had some bad experiences if a 10-15% discount with a minimum of 20 orders isn't enough to attract their owners. Not to mention that we're a group of heavy users who are more likely to buy add-ons than the general population. I agree with DonRed7 that directing them here with some specific indication of interest might change their mind. Couldn't hurt.

FYI - for anyone interested, they're selling the CH Big package through the Ebay store for $10 less (both free shipping).

You can add me to the want list. I'd also like to mention that No-Mar has done a GB with this forum. I obviously wasn't involved, but I believe AuburnFjr got his Jr. Pro during this GB. Perhaps he could tell us how it went and how we might convince them to do another with this forum.

Just a thought,


You can add me to the want list. I'd also like to mention that No-Mar has done a GB with this forum. I obviously wasn't involved, but I believe AuburnFjr got his Jr. Pro during this GB. Perhaps he could tell us how it went and how we might convince them to do another with this forum.

Just a thought,

Mine went well. Not sure if it was a group buy with this forum that they had trouble with. Even if all you get is free shipping, it is worth it. The No-Mar is a great machine and will pay for itself with about 4 or 5 tire changes (around here) depending on the rates your local dealer charges to change.

I did metion the FJRFORUM when I was there and he didn't say it was us that was the problem and I didnt push it. I dont believe it was us or he probly would have said so.

Thanks guys for all your efforts in trying to get this GB off the ground. I went ahead and orderd one up so I could at least take advantage of the free shipping offer. Still a good deal for a tool I'll use for the rest of my riding years.
