If you want to set a rule, put it in the first thread. My motives are only to make this tag-o-rama move, and after a month of great weather I can only assume this need a more interesting tag. I enjoy this kind of thing, and hate to see it sit idle. Also, this thread probably belongs in the Ride Planning and Regional Information Exchange forum. Off-topic stuff does not apply to the Jokes forum. I'll be glad to remove the extra photos if you want....your thread. Ask a moderator to move it. I don't think it's working in the jokes section.Don't do that again please. The tag is the tag. Yes, it sat for almost a month, but for some the riding season is ending, for others there simply hasn't been time to go collect tags. It is what it is until it moves on. For now, we'll just stick with your covered bridge tag. Posting the other pics of the houses did't really add to the thread. Nice pics, just no need here. Grab pic, tag pic, done. Close ups as anyone feels are needed to show they got the tag or to help define the new tag.
An interesting observation. Could you give an example?The unnecessary rigidity of this thread is part of the reason I don't play anymore. It's supposed to be fun.