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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
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V to the izzay
Did you notice an increased feeling of monkeybutt-itus when you installed Heli risers?

I bought my bike with them installed and have since taken them off. I haven't done any higher mileage rides yet. Just wanted to get an idea of what you've experienced.

I know, I'll have my answer soon enough. I am from the "I want it now" generation. If I can have popcorn in 2 minutes 30 seconds, I can have a response to this question. :D

You probably noticed it due to lack of pain in other areas, pain alleviated by the risers. I loves my 6 degree MC Larry's! :D

Can't wait until Nov. 12th when I get a saddle. Risers are a lot cheaper than custom saddles.

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I was experiencing wrist pain & numbness in my hands ,, and some shoulder pain ,, now with the Heli risers it is all gone ,, but I am also of the opinion that my body has just gotten used to the riding position ,, I also got a Yamaha/Corbin seat ,, and I am sure this has made a difference also ,,

I came from cruisers so when I first got the bike I thought the ergos where horrid. I got helis and a Russell first thing. Even with the Russell my arse would kill after about 400 miles. A year later ( this summer ) I removed the helis and really enjoyed the more sporty erogs. I rode up to Ely and back, 550 miles, without the Helis and didn't notice any arse pain. As a matter of fact, the only discomfort I felt was boredom from slabbing down 169 on the way home.

So yes, I got more monkey butt with the Helis.

I, like Toecutter, have the 6 degree MC Larry's. I noticed the pain in my neck was gone completely. Can't say I noticed any additional pain in the butt. I have a stock seat so long days are a PITB but no more so with the risers.


Ditto with respect to comfort. I rode with stock seats for a couple weeks then switched to a Corbin.

I also came from a cruiser (HD Road King) and was amazed people could ride with their hands falling asleep. Heli risers largely fixed that.

But, IMO, there is a bit of a performance hit with risers. The bike is not as quick entering a turn and it seems to wander a tad bit more mid-turn.

The flip side of this (good for my riding habits) is that the bike seems to take a little less concentration to keep it pointed straight, like on the freeway.

Installed Heli's when I got the bike. Didn't ride much without them, but am happy with the ergos. Much less butt discomfort than previous cruisers. Had Corbins on cruisers (big improvement over stock seats), but FJR stock seat is fine for me (wish I could say the same for my '05 SV650).

I added the Heli's to my 05 and they helped improve the comfort level. However, the angle of the bars was still wrong for me. I put on a set of Motorcyle Larrys 6 degree risers and the are a big improvement. I just finished a 2500mi trip with the MC Larry risers and WOW. The heli's helped but the MCLs are better for me. :agent:

I figure the highway pegs made the single biggest difference to me. The Heli-Bars let me use an Airhawk I had from a prior bike without getting thrown forward so badly (tilt) but by themselves I'm not convinced they helped me much. The Airhawk is probably not as good as a custom saddle but I get a few more hours out of the change in pressure points by taking it off or putting it on mid-ride.

I'm pretty much ready to get off after about six hours of riding (with a lunch stop) so I guess I'm more marshmallow butt than iron butt. :)
