Nothing like a bungie to wreck holliday

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Anyone ever have the cargo net ones almost get them?Find it a really handy piece of kit and really don't want to part with it if I don't have to
Yes, but their reach is much shorter and easier to dodge :)

However since switching to rock straps I can't recall using my cargo net. But I still have it just in case.

Fellow at work just got back from Florida where he took care of his daughter after she had surgery to repair a hole in her eyeball that resulted from being hit by a bungie. Surgeon told him they were a leading cause of eye injury.
I tossed mine and went to straps.

The Doc that saw me said the same thing

This is an amazing response to this subject, and so many close calls. I had the pleasure of having a detached retina a few years back. You should have one too, they're fun. And I got to know the doc pretty well, what with daily visits for quite a while. He was telling me about some of his other cases and he brought up bungies. He won't use them or let his family use them at all, based on what he's seen. I feel the same. And plus one on the ROK straps, they're great.

Over 40 years and never a nick but I to think I will look into the ROK straps after this screwed up fourth.
