Nothing like a bungie to wreck holliday

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Well-known member
May 13, 2008
Reaction score
Rapid City, SD
Had one break loose and damn near take out an eye. I am just starting to get some vision back in it and the Optimoligist says it should come back to near as good as new. Also thanks to the brothers in my association for covering my front and back door on the long ride back from LaCrosse with only one working eye. Not the best for depth perception.

I too know what you're talking about. 1979, strapping a color tv chassis to my TT500, one last bungie to go.. Streeeettcchh Mr. Bungie, hook it, then SNAP!

Instant headache, blood everywhere, bungie hook is stuck in my forehead, just above the eyesocket. Still have the scar to prove it.

Glad to hear you're ok, in a sense.. You may have bungie issues from this point forward...

I too know what you're talking about. 1979, strapping a color tv chassis to my TT500, one last bungie to go.. Streeeettcchh Mr. Bungie, hook it, then SNAP!Instant headache, blood everywhere, bungie hook is stuck in my forehead, just above the eyesocket. Still have the scar to prove it.

Glad to hear you're ok, in a sense.. You may have bungie issues from this point forward...
So that's your story. :eek: Bust told me something completely different. :lol:


Spook, glad you made it back ok. :)

Sorry about yer eye...

...Steve/Bungie will be along shortly to confirm or deny whether he wrecks Holidays or not...well do you Steve-hoser man? :p


After reading this thread I'm getting rid of my bungees. I wonder of the mother-in-law needs to strap some things down. :devil:

Let's list everyone who you should sue:

The bungie producer.

The company that did the ISO testing at the bungie manufacturing site.

The distributor who sold the bungie to the store where you bought it.

The store who sold you the bungie.

The dealership that sold you the FJR.

The salesman who sold you the FJR.


Michael Jackson's estate.

Your MSF instructor and company for not giving you guidance on how to prevent this.

The city, county, and state where the inicident occured.

The helmet maker for not informing you to wear your helmet within 10 feet of the bike at ALL times.

Funny how we're told growing up that whacking the weiner will make us go blind but they don't inform you that one miss-strap of the bungie can take out your sight in less than a second. Ok, maybe we should add your parents/guardians on the sue list....

Glad you are fine.

Care to go into a bit more detail on how a bungie hit your eye?
Not at all. Loading the Bike down and every thing seemed AOK but I must not have gotten a good hook up on one of the cords and when I was pulling another one to better secure the load the one that hit me snapped loose and hit me in the face. Must have gotten my eye closed in time but got a nasty nick in my eye brow and as far as sight went for the next few days it was like looking through a bowl of jello with blood clots in it, could not see nothing but a blur. I will not deny I should have been more careful and will hopefully remember to wear safety glasses from now on out. Shit I have been loading bikes with these damn things of one sort or another since they first came out and I guess I am lucky it was not one of the old metal hooked ones and had a good plastic cover over the hook. This is the first time it ever happened to me and I guess my luck has been pretty good considering the hundreds of times I have done this.

After reading this thread I'm getting rid of my bungees. I wonder of the mother-in-law needs to strap some things down. :devil:
Umm I don't think your wife wants to hear about her Mom's strap on....

Sick fuk..



I too know what you're talking about. 1979, strapping a color tv chassis to my TT500, one last bungie to go.. Streeeettcchh Mr. Bungie, hook it, then SNAP!Instant headache, blood everywhere, bungie hook is stuck in my forehead, just above the eyesocket. Still have the scar to prove it.

Glad to hear you're ok, in a sense.. You may have bungie issues from this point forward...

Yup they were a lot more dangerous back then with the metal hooks.

Let's list everyone who you should sue:
The bungie producer.

The company that did the ISO testing at the bungie manufacturing site.

The distributor who sold the bungie to the store where you bought it.

The store who sold you the bungie.

The dealership that sold you the FJR.

The salesman who sold you the FJR.


Michael Jackson's estate.

Your MSF instructor and company for not giving you guidance on how to prevent this.

The city, county, and state where the inicident occured.

The helmet maker for not informing you to wear your helmet within 10 feet of the bike at ALL times.

Funny how we're told growing up that whacking the weiner will make us go blind but they don't inform you that one miss-strap of the bungie can take out your sight in less than a second. Ok, maybe we should add your parents/guardians on the sue list....

Glad you are fine.
Lawyer???? Think we have a chance to win??? Thanks for the laugh.

Sorry about yer eye...
...Steve/Bungie will be along shortly to confirm or deny whether he wrecks Holidays or not...well do you Steve-hoser man? :p


Hey Mark I was wondering what Steve was screwing up now!

Sorry Steve I'm sure you were nowhere near this misshap.

Spook I'm glad you're ok.

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