Nothing like a bungie to wreck holliday

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I too know what you're talking about. 1979, strapping a color tv chassis to my TT500, one last bungie to go.. Streeeettcchh Mr. Bungie, hook it, then SNAP!Instant headache, blood everywhere, bungie hook is stuck in my forehead, just above the eyesocket. Still have the scar to prove it.

Glad to hear you're ok, in a sense.. You may have bungie issues from this point forward...
So that's your story. :eek: Bust told me something completely different. :lol:


Spook, glad you made it back ok. :)

I've had too many close calls - that's why I only use 3/4" nylon web straps & buckles. They don't stretch at all...

Adjustable web straps ROCK!!!

I'll use a cargo net....but I will also use a nylon web strap.

Besides, "You don't want that for Christmas, kid, you'll shoot yer eye out!"

heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh. ;)

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I have heard only good reviews for these straps ROK

I was going to pick up a set, but I decided on a Givi E52 instead....but motorcycle consumer news gives them a great rating and was listed top items to never leave at home on different polls....

Check them out....

Also thanks to the brothers in my association for covering my front and back door on the long ride back from LaCrosse with only one working eye. Not the best for depth perception.
You'd be surprised, I've been blind in one eye my entire life and have managed to compensate.....

You'll never see a bungee near my scoot again, once I found ROK straps I tossed the remainder of my old bungees in the trash!

Also thanks to the brothers in my association for covering my front and back door on the long ride back from LaCrosse with only one working eye. Not the best for depth perception.
You'd be surprised, I've been blind in one eye my entire life and have managed to compensate.....

It got better with time but when you are my age and this is the first time I have had to do it is can be a little disconcerting. I sure I would get used to it with time but I am glad I will not have to.

See, just another example...


Does Cycleport make a Kevlar face cover?

Where's Toe when you need him? :)

I too know what you're talking about. 1979, strapping a color tv chassis to my TT500, one last bungie to go.. Streeeettcchh Mr. Bungie, hook it, then SNAP!
Deja vu! 1982, Las Vegas, I strapped a 19" color TV to the back of the sissy bar on my XS650 and hauled it across town back to my apartment, practically doing a wheelie the whole way. Those damn bungies were pulled so tight you could have played a tune on'em.

Some days you bite the bear, some days the bear bites you. Rok Straps. No hooks, strong as hell and easy to use. I saved the bungie cords for the tarp on the junk trailer.


Glad you're gonna live. ;)

Fellow at work just got back from Florida where he took care of his daughter after she had surgery to repair a hole in her eyeball that resulted from being hit by a bungie. Surgeon told him they were a leading cause of eye injury.

I tossed mine and went to straps.


Also thanks to the brothers in my association for covering my front and back door on the long ride back from LaCrosse with only one working eye. Not the best for depth perception.
You'd be surprised, I've been blind in one eye my entire life and have managed to compensate.....
For some reason bungies seem to go straight for the eyes, it's uncanny. After a very close call early in my riding career I've been very cautious with bungies and often put my helmet on before making the final hookups.

I got stung directly in my eyeball by a hornet and it cost me the sight in my eye for over a year. Going from two eyes to one eye created an initial dramatic problem with dept of perception.

bungie cords are nasty. Out Scout district had a young scout prepping for a hike, and ended up losing an eye when the bungie he was using to strap his sleeping bag to his pack let go.

I don't use them, and we don't allow them to be used in our district.

I've had too many close calls - that's why I only use 3/4" nylon web straps & buckles. They don't stretch at all...
Yep!Adjustable web straps ROCK!!!

I'll use a cargo net....but I will also use a nylon web strap.
I have heard only good reviews for these straps ROK
These are the best: adjustable nylon straps with a some limited, contained stretchy section to take up the slack. I've been using these almost exclusively for the past few years. Never bungie cords.


If these don't do the trick for what I need to carry, I just lash it down with good old fashion dacron (non-stretch) rope.

Brings back memories from July 4, 1993. I was bungee cording a tarp on a trailer full of junk, headed for the dump. I had one last cord to hook and it wouldn't quite reach then, "SPROING" right between the eyes. Laid nose wide open and blood was gushing everywhere. I spent that holiday flat on my back with an icepack on my face. Needless to say, I am far more cautious now.

This is an amazing response to this subject, and so many close calls. I had the pleasure of having a detached retina a few years back. You should have one too, they're fun. And I got to know the doc pretty well, what with daily visits for quite a while. He was telling me about some of his other cases and he brought up bungies. He won't use them or let his family use them at all, based on what he's seen. I feel the same. And plus one on the ROK straps, they're great.
