Now, this guys tough!

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he aint got nuth'n on Scab
Wouldn't those two make for a great TV reality show?


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This was about 15 miles from here and has been in the local paper a couple days this week. It happened a few days after O'vale, Cdogman and Barabus went through the area (see their ride report on their ride through Iowa Hill). I wonder if they had anything to do with the guy's misfortune?

He probably didn't have much in the way of options, but still . . . amputating your leg with a pocket knife must be a long and painful process. Clearly, he is one tough old bird.

Thats why I buy my wood, :D dang ol' trees always tryin ta kill ya. Next time, bet he takes a chain saw, be alot quicker.


Tough, or impatient, or both.

There once was a man from Iowa Hill

Pretty handy with a chainsaw they called him Al Hill

Yes good with a saw, bad on his toes

A tree soon pinned him down so the story goes

Al Hill Once had two legs

Now he's got one

Started cutting the trapped one

Til he got it undone

People call him brave

Some credit him courage

Others just thought boredom

Could've lead to his grave

You see he didn't really sit

there all that long

But in this immediate world

patience is as long as a song

So a saw and a tree

On a lonely Iowa Hill

Could have been the undoing

Of an impatient Al Hill

One wonders indeed

how he'd have fared

If he knew that in eleven hours

His life would be spared

Al Hill

of Iowa Hill

Perhaps in need

of an ADD pill

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Tough, or impatient, or both.
There once was a man from Iowa Hill

Pretty handy with a chainsaw they called him Al Hill

Yes good with a saw, bad on his toes

A tree soon pinned him down so the story goes

Al Hill Once had two legs

Now he's got one

Started cutting the trapped one

Til he got it undone

People call him brave

Some credit him courage

Others just thought boredom

Could've lead to his grave

You see he didn't really sit

there all that long

But in this immediate world

patience is as long as a song

So a saw and a tree

On a lonely Iowa Hill

Could have been the undoing

Of an impatient Al Hill

One wonders indeed

how he'd have fared

If he knew that in eleven hours

His life would be spared

Al Hill

of Iowa Hill

Perhaps in need

of an ADD pill
O'vales a poet and he.... (good one!)

I once ate vegetables for a snack because I was so hungry, so it's not to much of a stretch to see myself SAWING MY LEG OFF with a pocketknife if I was cornered and stuck. j/k :)

"After freeing himself, he cried out for help, and a neighbor passing through this sparsely populated area heard him."

Ya think he should have called for help FIRST?

sounds like the dude of a year or so ago that had his arm pinned in some rocks, he was in some national park or something and got stuck. had to drink his own urine, and lots of other fun stuff, but the worst part was that he couldn't get his arm free. he had to flip himself over, which caused the bone to break. he was asked something like "didn't that hurt like a sumbitch?", and he replied he didn't care, it was his ticket to freedom. he could then cut thru his arm with his pocket knife. yowzaaa...

I have heard of another story like this in the past. I don't think I could wait around to die if I had the means to free myself from a certain prison of death.

sounds like the dude of a year or so ago that had his arm pinned in some rocks, he was in some national park or something and got stuck. had to drink his own urine, and lots of other fun stuff, but the worst part was that he couldn't get his arm free. he had to flip himself over, which caused the bone to break. he was asked something like "didn't that hurt like a sumbitch?", and he replied he didn't care, it was his ticket to freedom. he could then cut thru his arm with his pocket knife. yowzaaa...
Yeah, but he was there a number of days, not hours :rolleyes:
