Okay, I'm in... skipping my family reunion, rescheduling my vacation for later August, and hanging with you nuts instead. Will be taking Friday off and attending full days Friday and Saturday, possibly coming over for awhile on Thursday night as well. Won't be staying at the hotel since I live in town... but looking forward to great riding and peeps! Do I need to sign up and pay SWFOG some filthy lucre? CFO always wanted money up front before they would admit me. Or maybe that was just me.
+2 Linc and Wifey of Linc
No money necessary to show up and hang out. SW-FOG has always been a little different. There is no banquet, no name tags, no SWAG, no group settings. It's on the attendees to show up, eat together somewhere, share drinks, tell lies, and be full of crap. However, this year, it is required that you let me stay at your house for free, and you provide the beer and breakfasts.
See you on a couple months. Don't forget to fluff my pillow!