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The only thing missing is a hooker.
I thought Skooter called her a "professional relaxation therapist"?

....For some reason I think they're going to be much harder to find......or spot in Utah. Maybe we should troll the local stake at an evening fireside devotional..... ;)

Arthur Conan Doyle said it best:How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

Howie is not gay. Ergo, Howie is not in Santa Barbara. You're on your own from here.

I shoulda been a world renowned detective. Damn.
Man, that zin is bubbling your brain! :lol: And, I wasn't calling Howie a homo. I was calling him a pussy. Inasmuch as you stand up for him, I see I shoulda realized I should never put down one's lover. My regrets. ;)

And, it's Carpinteria. Had you read that bit you would not have made such an error in sleuthing. Ergo, you suck at detective work, but you excel at dictecting. :acute:


Edit: OK, let's get back on the WFO track. This kinda banter, though way too fun and funny, should be saved for the actual event. Ari is buying.

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So then, correct me if I'm in error, as of 10:40 AM this morning, December 22, 2007:

[SIZE=14pt]There is no news, yet![/SIZE]

By that definition, there hasn't been any change and we are still awaiting news of the final configuration for rooms and prices? Inquiring minds need to know.















[SIZE=8pt]Besides running this into the ground, I'm raising my post count. At least everyone will be "on the same page" and nobody will have missed the important iformation that hasn't developed yet. Baaaad Madmike, verrry baaaad! Go to your room and don't slam the door....or there will be no breakfast for you.[/SIZE]

Jeeze, this thread has taken a downward spiral..... :lol:
sometimes no news is good news but in this case if there isn't anything new they will make it up or talk about something that nothing to do about the event.

Oh ya what is this event called again? :blink:

Jeeze, this thread has taken a downward spiral..... :lol:
sometimes no news is good news but in this case if there isn't anything new they will make it up or talk about something that nothing to do about the event.

Oh ya what is this event called again? :blink:

I think it WTF-6, or something like that. :blink:

Jeeze, this thread has taken a downward spiral..... :lol:
sometimes no news is good news but in this case if there isn't anything new they will make it up or talk about something that nothing to do about the event.

Oh ya what is this event called again? :blink:
Pretty typical of the bunch around here. When its serious it gets dealt with fairly seriously. Otherwise its frivolity and jocularity. Once the "semi-official" announcement is made about the rooms things will get serious. Until then its conjecture and theory.....and wine?!?! :blink:

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BYOW? Bring Your Own Wine! Excellent suggestion. It is Utah after all. Wine that cost's $2 in CA cost's $20 in Utah if you can find the state liquor store. Or did you mean weed?
Well, as it's kinda hard to fit a case or two of good wine on an FJR....function over form, I usually say.
Ouch, those damn women in their SUVs, hauling their kids to school and then off to work, in a frickin hurry and then wham. Yes, I was rear-ended Dec 6th while stopped at a light to make a right. She was behind me, looking left for an opening in traffic and assumed I had gone, without looking ahead before proceeding. The estimate is $3500 to repair the '03. Nothing major, just some plastic and misc ****. But on the brighter side, I put $ down to get the first '07fjr that shows up at Temecula Motorsports. The '03fjr will actually be better after the repairs because the old scratches will be replaced with new plastic ready for sale.

Now for the more important things: Reservations have been made to N. Rim and Zion. All we need now is the green light for Park City. I hope we can find room for our wine bottles, because we are also bringing hiking gear to climb Angels Landing again in Zion.

Happy Holidays to all our friends, Ed & Jacquie


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So then, correct me if I'm in error, as of 10:40 AM this morning, December 22, 2007:
[SIZE=14pt]There is no news, yet![/SIZE]
Still no news as of 3:00 PM (West Coast Time) on Saturday, 12/23/06?

:clapping: :yahoo:
Correct. Merry Christmas! ;)

Ouch, those damn women in their SUVs, hauling their kids to school and then off to work, in a frickin hurry and then wham. Yes, I was rear-ended Dec 6th while stopped at a light to make a right. She was behind me, looking left for an opening in traffic and assumed I had gone, without looking ahead before proceeding. The estimate is $3500 to repair the '03. Nothing major, just some plastic and misc ****. But on the brighter side, I put $ down to get the first '07fjr that shows up at Temecula Motorsports. The '03fjr will actually be better after the repairs because the old scratches will be replaced with new plastic ready for sale.
Now for the more important things: Reservations have been made to N. Rim and Zion. All we need now is the green light for Park City. I hope we can find room for our wine bottles, because we are also bringing hiking gear to climb Angels Landing again in Zion.

Happy Holidays to all our friends, Ed & Jacquie
Dayem! That's not happy news on the rear ender! Hope you weren't hurt. And good news on the '07!

I'd just like to thank you all, so very much, for showing me the light, the one true way and making his word be known. Oh yeah, and making it painfully obvious what a [SIZE=18pt]complete waste of damn time the weekly topic subscription is![/SIZE]

Santa is dead, don't make me come after the rest of you. That fat bastard whined like a baby in the end, and now I have the sleigh. Coal for the lot of you! :angry:

I'd just like to thank you all, so very much, for showing me the light, the one true way and making his word be known. Oh yeah, and making it painfully obvious what a [SIZE=18pt]complete waste of damn time the weekly topic subscription is![/SIZE]
Santa is dead, don't make me come after the rest of you. That fat bastard whined like a baby in the end, and now I have the sleigh. Coal for the lot of you! :angry:
Well, Ho Ho Ho!

This is gonna be a long winter :blink:

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