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Anybody know what the count is so far. (number of peeps coming)
As of 9:38 pm today -

And there are some that have manually registered, so they are not included in this count, AND some pillions may not be represented - - -

we are at 65 registered attendees, and it's growing every day !!

My shop just voted on our contract last week,

I still have a job.
I can now see more than just a few days in front of me.


Count me in!

:clapping: I'm going!

Just tendered my registration monies this evening.

Shoot, now I gotta wait patiently until I get my group discount code for the rooms.

Thank you gentlemen for the outstanding effort you are devoting toward this event, I'm sure it will come off fantastic!!!

Now to figure out my route coming and going. I have 2 weeks vacation to enjoy. :yahoo:


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Brodie, it'll be good to meet you !!

All, we're now at 70 attendee's and growing !
Where's the list?

What is the drop dead, can no longer sign up date?
Oh man, I want to make WFO! Just have too many riding irons in the fire in 2009! Just back from Canada CFR, out to my vacation home in Lake Havasu for 10 days, then off to Johnson City, TN for the BMW MOA International Rally, the Rockies run in August to go visit Pinhead, a Mexico trip in September on road bikes and another Mexico trip in October on dirt bikes.

Son of a Bitch, this being retired is damned hard riding work! Smegma Breath, that would be you Herr Marbach, do you think you will be going to this event? I really do want to have a drink, or twenty, with Old Michael! If you consider going, I will reserve a room and we'll share it. But GOD-DAMNIT, you are sleeping in the bathtub; tired of you dry humping my leg!!

Brodie, it'll be good to meet you !!

All, we're now at 70 attendee's and growing !
Where's the list?

What is the drop dead, can no longer sign up date?

There's some website clean-up that will be attended to when the webmaster returns from the Utah1088. At that time I'll be able to get the "sign up but ya don't get a t-shirt date."

Rooms aren't going to be a problem, we have a block of 100 reserved. On July 1, the excess rooms will drop back into the general use pool, however our discounted rate will remain.

Currently at 75+ signed up.

Currently at 75+ signed up.
76? Signed up last night - as a software guy I always like to test the boundary conditions (such as July 2 cutoff). :rolleyes:

I've been into Idaho a couple of times, mucho fun both times. Really looking forward to riding with some locals.


Currently at 75+ signed up.
76? Signed up last night - as a software guy I always like to test the boundary conditions (such as July 2 cutoff). :rolleyes:

I've been into Idaho a couple of times, mucho fun both times. Really looking forward to riding with some locals.

Chris, July 2nd isn't the cutoff - the cut off date for registration with guaranteed shirt is July 3rd. The July 1 date refers to the remaining rooms in the reserved block falling back into general reservation access.

Glad you signed up, we'll see you there !

Brodie, it'll be good to meet you !!

All, we're now at 70 attendee's and growing !
Where's the list?

What is the drop dead, can no longer sign up date?
Oh man, I want to make WFO! Just have too many riding irons in the fire in 2009! Just back from Canada CFR, out to my vacation home in Lake Havasu for 10 days, then off to Johnson City, TN for the BMW MOA International Rally, the Rockies run in August to go visit Pinhead, a Mexico trip in September on road bikes and another Mexico trip in October on dirt bikes.

Son of a Bitch, this being retired is damned hard riding work! Smegma Breath, that would be you Herr Marbach, do you think you will be going to this event? I really do want to have a drink, or twenty, with Old Michael! If you consider going, I will reserve a room and we'll share it. But GOD-DAMNIT, you are sleeping in the bathtub; tired of you dry humping my leg!!

I draw the line at dry humping, sorry. But if'n ya make it I'll buy you a beer and listen to stories and advice...

Brodie, it'll be good to meet you !!

All, we're now at 70 attendee's and growing !
Where's the list?

What is the drop dead, can no longer sign up date?
Oh man, I want to make WFO! Just have too many riding irons in the fire in 2009! Just back from Canada CFR, out to my vacation home in Lake Havasu for 10 days, then off to Johnson City, TN for the BMW MOA International Rally, the Rockies run in August to go visit Pinhead, a Mexico trip in September on road bikes and another Mexico trip in October on dirt bikes.

Son of a Bitch, this being retired is damned hard riding work! Smegma Breath, that would be you Herr Marbach, do you think you will be going to this event? I really do want to have a drink, or twenty, with Old Michael! If you consider going, I will reserve a room and we'll share it. But GOD-DAMNIT, you are sleeping in the bathtub; tired of you dry humping my leg!!

I draw the line at dry humping, sorry. But if'n ya make it I'll buy you a beer and listen to stories and advice...
Actually, Shiney: I learned a great trick from FastFoyRide when Dave and Sylvia and a number of their Canadian riding friends came to Scottsdale and rented motorcycles for day riding. SkooterG was their designated day ride leader and Dave has developed a perfect method of dealing with Skooty attempting to dry hump his leg. I always start swatting GreggieM with a rolled up newspaper or magazine, just like you do with a randy old English Bulldog. But FastJoyRide carries a small squirt bottle, like a Windex container, and sure enough: Three or four squirts of water and Skooty will stop the dry humping!

Brodie, it'll be good to meet you !!

All, we're now at 70 attendee's and growing !
Where's the list?

What is the drop dead, can no longer sign up date?
Oh man, I want to make WFO! Just have too many riding irons in the fire in 2009! Just back from Canada CFR, out to my vacation home in Lake Havasu for 10 days, then off to Johnson City, TN for the BMW MOA International Rally, the Rockies run in August to go visit Pinhead, a Mexico trip in September on road bikes and another Mexico trip in October on dirt bikes.

Son of a Bitch, this being retired is damned hard riding work! Smegma Breath, that would be you Herr Marbach, do you think you will be going to this event? I really do want to have a drink, or twenty, with Old Michael! If you consider going, I will reserve a room and we'll share it. But GOD-DAMNIT, you are sleeping in the bathtub; tired of you dry humping my leg!!

I draw the line at dry humping, sorry. But if'n ya make it I'll buy you a beer and listen to stories and advice...
Actually, Shiney: I learned a great trick from FastFoyRide when Dave and Sylvia and a number of their Canadian riding friends came to Scottsdale and rented motorcycles for day riding. SkooterG was their designated day ride leader and Dave has developed a perfect method of dealing with Skooty attempting to dry hump his leg. I always start swatting GreggieM with a rolled up newspaper or magazine, just like you do with a randy old English Bulldog. But FastJoyRide carries a small squirt bottle, like a Windex container, and sure enough: Three or four squirts of water and Skooty will stop the dry humping!
Nah, get out the leatherman and sip snip... permanent fix! It doesn't fix the spooning problem though.... hmmmm

Went ahead and signed up just now. Couldn't get a good log in to PP from the site, but went there in a new window and logged in fine, sending the funds to [email protected] per Iggy's info in a previous post here.

Yeah I'm past the deadline for a shirt. :rolleyes: Got too many WFO shirts now, don't need another all that much. Feed me and it's all good. Kinda spendy, but I'll support the effort again since we're going to Moscow.

Warchild - Climb out of that hole in the ground and update the WFO site. It's not like you have more than ten other things screaming for your attention ya wuss. ;)

Went ahead and signed up just now. Couldn't get a good log in to PP from the site, but went there in a new window and logged in fine, sending the funds to [email protected] per Iggy's info in a previous post here.
Yeah I'm past the deadline for a shirt. :rolleyes: Got too many WFO shirts now, don't need another all that much. Feed me and it's all good. Kinda spendy, but I'll support the effort again since we're going to Moscow.

Warchild - Climb out of that hole in the ground and update the WFO site. It's not like you have more than ten other things screaming for your attention ya wuss. ;)
It's $15 less than last year....although I agree still spendy.

Also, WC and I didn't get shirts you got in under the wire. We're counting in the morning and submitting our order.

It's $15 less than last year....although I agree still spendy.
Also, WC and I didn't get shirts you got in under the wire. We're counting in the morning and submitting our order.
$15 less than NAFO, which I do appreciate. I know these events are not simple to put on. It's a logistic nightmare and funds often need to be spent up front to make things happen. Thanks for having such a late cut off date.

The banquet is the hardest part of this type of event. Finding a spot to feed and seat 100 people is a challenge. The rest can be done out of a hotel room or in the parking lot, etc. Finding unique solutions that keep the costs down and get the job done will be a constant challenge for each event organizer.

Just an FYI that Idaho liquor laws are more friendly than last year's Colorado and certainly WAY easier than Utah the year before.

If any WFO attendees want to bring their own wine....there is no law against it. The hotel does charge a $10 uncorking fee, but will be glad to bring out glasses.

It's a small thing, but I know people have asked in the past....and thinking of bringing up a couple bottles of nice red myself.
