Brodie, it'll be good to meet you !!
All, we're now at 70 attendee's and growing !
Where's the list?
What is the drop dead, can no longer sign up date?
Oh man, I want to make WFO! Just have too many riding irons in the fire in 2009! Just back from Canada CFR, out to my vacation home in Lake Havasu for 10 days, then off to Johnson City, TN for the BMW MOA International Rally, the Rockies run in August to go visit Pinhead, a Mexico trip in September on road bikes and another Mexico trip in October on dirt bikes.
Son of a Bitch, this being retired is damned hard riding work! Smegma Breath, that would be you Herr Marbach, do you think you will be going to this event? I really do want to have a drink, or twenty, with Old Michael! If you consider going, I will reserve a room and we'll share it. But GOD-DAMNIT, you are sleeping in the bathtub; tired of you dry humping my leg!!