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It's way to quiet on this thread. Whats going on ?

Thats what I was thinking Ray. Last year the NAFO thread was very active 'till the last minute. Maybe it was the bad winter??
It's a different critter. WFO is not NAFO.

Organizers are aware that the economy is tougher for many this year so the numbers aren't going to be as high. Fortunately, we haven't contracted for a minimum so aren't pimping sales like we were last year.

The head pimp last year, was quite simply the #1 most prolific poster on this forum....and remains #1 in his death. Probably half that NAFO traffic was from TWN alone. ;) And when I say "pimp" I mean it. Not everybody realized we had a contracted "minimum" to reserve that big hotel. We sweated whether the hotel was going to charge us or not.

So, WFO-8 is going to be a bit more like it was a few years ago...a bit more intimate....and an even better value!

See you in Moscow!

So, WFO-8 is going to be a bit more like it was a few years ago...a bit more intimate....and an even better value!
See you in Moscow!
Uhhh, yeah. I dunno. The cards aren't lookin good for me on this one. I have family arriving for a visit the week after WFO and I'm not yet sure what that arrival date is. I may have to skip this event. That sucks. Still workin' the details, so there is still hope.

<fingers crossed>

This trip worked out well for me. I was going to be in Pullman the week before staying with my wifes family. So I just changed the dates a little and I will have my bike instead of a plane ticket. I wanted to check out Oregon anyway!!

Under the tab "WFO players" it is "still" says;

"As we have traditionally done over the years, as soon as we get a couple dozen attendees registered up, we will establish a Google map to show attendee's home states."

I can guess that this is a hand full to put up a map like this, but when will it be up?

Under the tab "WFO players" it is "still" says;
"As we have traditionally done over the years, as soon as we get a couple dozen attendees registered up, we will establish a Google map to show attendee's home states."

I can guess that this is a hand full to put up a map like this, but when will it be up?
Khunajawdge, things will start happening soon. I promise ya!!

Seems the rallymaster has been a bit pre-occupied with trying to find gainful employment that he won't be arrested for.

Under the tab "WFO players" it is "still" says;
"As we have traditionally done over the years, as soon as we get a couple dozen attendees registered up, we will establish a Google map to show attendee's home states."

I can guess that this is a hand full to put up a map like this, but when will it be up?
Khunajawdge, things will start happening soon. I promise ya!!

Seems the rallymaster has been a bit pre-occupied with trying to find gainful employment that he won't be arrested for.
Go ahead and get arrested cause we need the entertainment. :rolleyes:

Go ahead and get arrested cause we need the entertainment. :rolleyes:
OK, Maybe this outfit Doh might be able to help? :unsure:

But really, it's NO fun to be without employment as a motorcyclist! :ermm:

I will await your update to the "players" list, as it is much "less" important than the primary effort! :big_boss:


Ok, lets help our rallymaster get a job so he can get back on track....anyone? SoCal boys got any ideas?.......we're with ya Hal. Prayers, PM. <>< ;)

After a long thought process, I have decided to plan for this event!

I still have to clear it with the employer though... :glare:

2 weeks vacation readily available for this event, with approval of said employer... :glare:

After WFO, Ride to Sutherlin Oregon to visit with dad for a few days, Then slab it back home.

i will need the planets to align for this to work. Pray for me! :)

Still trying to find a way...

But one thing I'm unsure about. As I look at the fees page, I can't help but notice that Don Carver is playing some kind of strange role in the food service arena.

Filet of Beef Wellington with personal carver
Still trying to find a way...

But one thing I'm unsure about. As I look at the fees page, I can't help but notice that Don Carver is playing some kind of strange role in the food service arena.

Filet of Beef Wellington with personal carver
Still thinking? Hell, we're adding an activity for Saturday to the website that requires you be here.

North Idaho Cougar hunting with personal gunsmith. Beer goggles and hip width gage to be provided.
Get your butt up here!

Still thinking? Hell, we're adding an activity for Saturday to the website that requires you be here.

North Idaho Cougar hunting with personal gunsmith. Beer goggles and hip width gage to be provided.
Get your butt up here!
Hmmm. That sounds like something I might be good at.

I think I know what you're talking about...

Friday evening: "Silver State Bar-B-Q": A true outdoor barbeque! The Hotel features an outdoor courtyard area to enjoy the Idaho summer evening as well as inside space for socializing.
  • Selection of breasts, thighs and legs....................
  • Dayammmm! Couldn't read more....WFO is sooo cool! Thanks, guys. :yahoo:
Just signed up. Room reserved. Looking forward to a great time.

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Still trying to find a way...

But one thing I'm unsure about. As I look at the fees page, I can't help but notice that Don Carver is playing some kind of strange role in the food service arena.

Filet of Beef Wellington with personal carver
Are you talking about that "joke" he plays with the serving tray and hot dog bun? :blink: :unsure:

After a long thought process, I have decided to plan for this event!
I still have to clear it with the employer though... :glare:

2 weeks vacation readily available for this event, with approval of said employer... :glare:

After WFO, Ride to Sutherlin Oregon to visit with dad for a few days, Then slab it back home.

i will need the planets to align for this to work. Pray for me! :)
Damn bro, I'm going to miss you in Sutherlin again, though I'd like to buy you a beer at WFO. I plan to cut WFO short by a day or so, then head to Montana to meet my brother for some cage touring and meet his new bride-to-be.

Sent in registration this morning and looking forward to meeting everyone.

Will be a spirited ride from work on Friday to make dinner, but doable. ;)

Still thinking? Hell, we're adding an activity for Saturday to the website that requires you be here.

North Idaho Cougar hunting with personal gunsmith. Beer goggles and hip width gage to be provided.
Get your butt up here!
Hmmm. That sounds like something I might be good at.

I think I know what you're talking about...
hey Gunny, Count me in this Cougar hunt of yours... :haha:

After a long thought process, I have decided to plan for this event!
I still have to clear it with the employer though... :glare:

2 weeks vacation readily available for this event, with approval of said employer... :glare:

After WFO, Ride to Sutherlin Oregon to visit with dad for a few days, Then slab it back home.

i will need the planets to align for this to work. Pray for me! :)
Damn bro, I'm going to miss you in Sutherlin again, though I'd like to buy you a beer at WFO. I plan to cut WFO short by a day or so, then head to Montana to meet my brother for some cage touring and meet his new bride-to-be.
I am looking forward to that cold beer! :)
