Ohio Ride?

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I will be there, if'n I'm not (for what ever reason), I'll call tstaff and leave him a voicemail so yall aren't waiting for me.


Well, a great time was had by all. It was a pleasure meeting everyone (Mike, Nate, Tom, the FZ1 guy, Tim?, and someone else)

I ended up with 650 miles for the day but both Mike and Nate will probably end up between 850-900 when it's all said and done.

Weather was perfect and most of the roads were good. Some though were a bit treacherous with all the gravel n shit on them. The day was uneventful until after we all said our goodbyes.

I'll let Mike post about his 'off-road adventure' when he gets home. :D


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I spent 8 hours 3 miles underground fixing a long wall shear thinking about you guys. I wanted to ride so bad it hurt. Glad you all had a good ride with good weather. I did manage to get in 115 miles when I got home from work. :clapping:


:clapping: well that was a nice get together and ride....

I met up with Nate and Matt in Columbus then we rode 100 miles to our meeting point near Barnesville oh on rt 800.




there were 7 of us will post a picture here later



really enjoyed the ride on all of the roads except rt 255 which was cover with lose sand, gravel and blacktop patch...

so we pulled off here to decide where to go.




so that was a road we need to get off of asap... even had a dog dart out in front of me, and I guess we both had an angel helping with that situation....

And they say why does the chicken cross the road, this dog was just scared and wanted on it's side of the road with another dog that was there... no picture for that...

everyone seem to ride well and all were having a nice time... we road to Marietta, then broke for lunch at a Ryan's there, their food was very good, I have to say much better than the ones around my house....

gearing back up for the ride back to the start,




have a few pictures to share of that place as it seem to favor the race crowd.. will post below latter today



So a great ride met great folks and then before we knew it it was time to call it a day..

so as we are leaving the gas station in Barnesville and heading north of course, that is where the ride would bite me... :unsure:

going to 70 exchange it goes down to a t, you turn left at a light which is suppose to be the exit ramp, but no, it is another sharp left to make the ramp, I am half way past the ramp, but moving slow and decide to go ahead and make the turn...

Big mistake, making turn everything is fine, then next thing I know I am bouncing off the ground, first my left hip makes contact, then left forearm,

I bounce up in the air maybe a few inches, then I hit the ground prown on my left side,



helmet takes and small impact on the left side and I am now sliding along side my bike toward the side of the road, that is where I rolled myself to the left I think


which stopped my slide and then I saw the bike continue another 10-15 feet edit it turns out according to Nate that it was closer to 200 yards, I guess it all happen so fast I had no clue we were sliding that far me only about 100 i guess really do not know or remember...... my bike bounced once then slide off of the road into the mud,gravel and sand.. so the left slider aloud the bike to bounce up and then slide, it ground the left slider down about half way I guess,

the highway peg seemed to take the biggest hit, as it bent the bottom 2 inches out and up at a 90 degree angle, but it did not rip out of the stator covers screws.

my G's light bracket also took a pounding, it bent it up like a hinge, broke my light lens, but it did not brake the bracket, so the bracket saved my mirror as it was only bent back as it should...


upper right faring has small scratches along the crease where it turns over the top,


lower fairing, is toast, it might have been fine or at least better had the side of the road been grass and not sand, mud and gravel. I am so glad I did not have the side bags on...


..so left exhaust, badly scratched.



unfortunately the sun was bright and I could not see there was all kinds of loose sand and gravel on the ramp..

Even though I was only going about 7-12 miles an hour I guess, the bike dropped like a rock, kind of like a video I saw where someone went down on a turn... I guess my wits were not with me, as I can not believe I failed to take pictures of my downed bike...

I get up go over to bike and turn the ignition switch off. Matt and Nate come over and help me get the bike on its wheels, I start it and then we let the bike climb out of the yuck! get it on the payment and take a look at it... looks okay,no apparent leaks...

so we get back on the road and continue toward Columbus, 100 miles away...Matt and Nate trail ensuring the bike is okay to ride... On the road the bike runs as good as ever,seem to get better gas mileage, but who knows at this point, we get to the Columbus bypass and that is where Matt and I take 270 towards Cincinnati.. we run a long way and then Matt gestures for some fuel, I was glad he did as I was on reserves at 23 miles, so we fill up and then go over to Wendy's for some water and a frosty... just shoot the breeze for a while.. we take a look at my bike and then I snap off a few shots of the damage.

btw Matt's 06 was at 18 or 19 miles on reserve so our mileage for the ride was pretty much the same for the day.

As far as my gear, my Joe rocket mesh pants, did there job, even though I still felt the hit, on my hip, but there was no tearing, I'll have to take a better look at them later today. I'm pissed that I messed up my new leather jacket, but also glad I had it on.. it just has what would like a baseball players sliding in to second look to it except since it is white it is more noticeable.

I'll get some pictures of it before I clean it up. my left elbow does ache.

So, at this point, I think our take the high way peg bracket off and try to bend it back then re install it.

stator cover, no worries, replace slider puck, clean up the fairing and just leave it as is, I guess.

or claim it and not put the new one one for a while, bend light bracket back to form and see if it doesn't snap.

buy another set of lights and let it go at that.

will post what ever pictures of have of the get to gether later today or tomorrow.




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That was a great way to start off the 07 riding season, Thanks to Matt, Mike, Nate, Tim, John, Wayne (The FZ-1 guy) & the V-Strom girl from Michigan, I didn’t catch her name.

I hope everyone had a good time & made it home safely.

Anyone heading to SE Ohio; you don’t want to miss Rt. 536, this was the first time I was able to ride it in the dry & it’s great.

Roads to avoid would be Rt. 255 & Rt. 26 between Rt. 260 & Rt. 800, unless you have a Dual-Sport. 9/800/536/260/& 26 South of 260 were all in pretty good shape & relatively clean.

Where are we going next?


Mike I'm sorry to hear about your get off, that's a good way to screw up a perfect day. Gear & parts can be replaced, as long a your Ok, I'm glad Nate & Matt were there to help out.

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thanks for the thoughts in advance for all the post things things, I am fine, the bike runs fine so now I just have to decide if i want to live with the scrathed bike, looks like brackets can be saved.


Thanks for getting us all together....it was a great day for the ride, on some fantastic roads!!! sorry to hear about Mike's off road adventure, glad your ok!

Here's a couple of pics from Sunday.



When are we going back :clapping:


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Sunday did turn out to be a perfect riding day. I got to ride from 0530 till 22:00 and put in 15 miles less than 1000. It was a good time in SEOH. Good to meet Matt, Mike, Tim, John, Wayne (The FZ-1 guy) & Christine (the V-Strom girl)(Didn't she say "so Christine ya wanna go to Alaska" in that one story) and put some faces to internet names. Who's the fool who thought 255 looked good by lookin at a map? Oh yeah that would be me....sorry I even mentioned it now, what a torn up, gravely, cinder covered, patched and repatched, perfectly twisty road. But the rest were fine and even 26 north of 260 will probably be just fine by May once the winter grit washes off. Have to give kudos to whoever picked Ryan's for lunch. That particular one had some real nice fresh stuff. I have been to a few that were not near as good as that. Did you know it was all you can eat steak Sunday when you picked it? I am looking forward to Mikes pics. The only photo I got was with my phone of RT255 while we were stopped.


Where are we going next?
April 14 I plan to be at the Moonshine Run (https://moonshine-run.com/Moonshine/)and it would be great to ride twisties again with y'all at DooDahDos May18-20

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Sunday did turn out to be a perfect riding day. I got to ride from 0530 till 22:00 and put in 15 miles less than 1000. It was a good time in SEOH. Good to meet Matt, Mike, Tim, John, Wayne (The FZ-1 guy) & Christine (the V-Strom girl)(Didn't she say "so Christine ya wanna go to Alaska" in that one story) and put some faces to internet names. Who's the fool who thought 255 looked good by lookin at a map? Oh yeah that would be me....sorry I even mentioned it now, what a torn up, gravely, cinder covered, patched and repatched, perfectly twisty road. But the rest were fine and even 26 north of 260 will probably be just fine by May once the winter grit washes off. Have to give kudos to whoever picked Ryan's for lunch. That particular one had some real nice fresh stuff. I have been to a few that were not near as good as that. Did you know it was all you can eat steak Sunday when you picked it? I am looking forward to Mikes pics. The only photo I got was with my phone of RT255 while we were stopped.

Where are we going next?
April 14 I plan to be at the Moonshine Run and it would be great to ride twisties again with y'all at DooDahDos May18-20

Please post more info on this 'Moonshine Run' you speak of ;)

Had a good time with the weather and meetin new folks. Sorry about your incident Bluedevil, gotta make you sick. That would've been me,had I tried to ride the pace you guys were, BUT, hey, I did pass the 2 horsepowered buckboard on 26 on the way back up 26!

Sounds like it was a fun ride. Thanks for the write-ups and piccies. I will check my April SE OH route for those roads that didn't sound like they were in good shape.

edit: In the group pictures...can someone put first names to the faces?

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...but the rest were fine and even 26 north of 260 will probably be just fine by May once the winter grit washes off.
@Nate or Tom:

Are you meaning the part of 26 that lies between 260 and 800?

Did you guys ride this stretch? (I was planning on using this stretch to get east from Athens. If this stretch is NG, I guess I could use 260 north to 145 east if I need to...)

Sorry, I just read Tom's post higher up..

Thanks for the comments on 255. Did you guys ride 556 or 536? Is 556 okay? I see Tom said 536 was okay.

Finally, how bouts a posting of your guys' route? If not that, then maybe a list of directions you guys took for the day.

Note to self: read all applicable posts before asking Q's already answered. :)

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Hi Mark,

We started south on 800 from I-70.

800 is a great road after you get south of Barnesville.

We turned east on 78 at Woodsfield, no excitement here, just 10 miles to get to 536.

Turned south on 536, new pavement, clean, the best road of the day, period!

Turned south on Rt. 7 & we figured we would try out 255, it looks good on the map, it is twisty, it’s also 10 years over due for repaving, it may as well have been a gravel road, it was that bad.

We stopped to shed a layer as it was heating up & white knuckling 522 didn’t help.

A girl on a V-Strom from Detroit pulled in behind us, She had been riding the area all weekend & told us that the north end of 26 was almost as bad as 255, so when we got back to 800 we followed it south to the river.

Turned south on Rt. 7 to rt. 260.

260 west was really good, clean & good pavement.

Turned south on 26, pavement was rough in areas & still a little dirty but was good all the way to Marietta.

Stopped for lunch @ Ryan’s, TimK gets the credit for that one.

We decided that instead of trying out a new road, we would take 26 back to 800, we knew the first 30 miles would be good anyways.

We caught up to 2 Goldwings (that thought they were sport bikes) on 26 north of 260 & just followed them to 800, the road gets real dirty & the pavement is really in need of repair, the GW's had there hands full at times. It won’t be real bad after a few more rains, but still bumpy.

Hope that helps.


Sounds like it was a fun ride. Thanks for the write-ups and piccies. I will check my April SE OH route for those roads that didn't sound like they were in good shape.
edit: In the group pictures...can someone put first names to the faces?

Left to right ...05fjrbluedevil, FZ1 Wayne(local Yamaha parts man), BlueBullet, Renegade, johnnysokkoflyingfjr, TimK, Tstaff

Hope I got that right!? :dribble:

Sounds like it was a fun ride. Thanks for the write-ups and piccies. I will check my April SE OH route for those roads that didn't sound like they were in good shape.
edit: In the group pictures...can someone put first names to the faces?

Left to right ...05fjrbluedevil, FZ1 Wayne(local Yamaha parts man), BlueBullet, Renegade, johnnysokkoflyingfjr, TimK, Tstaff

Hope I got that right!? :dribble:
Yep das right :)
