Oil change tips & tricks

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In the second photo, I like the way you got the bottom cowling out of the way. My 06 has a foam block down there and its difficult not to soak it with oil when the filter is replaced. I have tried using aluminum foil and rags to keep from soaking it with oil but they don't work very well IMHO.

Thanks !

you guys are going to extremes to make what is a 10 minute job become a 60 minute job - just for a few drops of oil.
I like to refer to it as bonding. Some of us are just that way. I won't even go into how I pre-fill the filter.
You should see me solder!

You should not belive this but..

after draining the oil, I fill the crankcase up with DIESEL fuel, start and run the bike for 360 seconds, shut it down, drain the diesel fuel, replace with Sav-On 30 weight, start and run for 720 seconds, drain, then replace with the pure Japanese synthetic fish oil. :blink: .

On a serious note, getting every drip of the old crap out only sounds like a good idea to me. Especially if it doesn't take that much effort...

"I won't even go into how I pre-fill the filter." - Toecutter

I hope you pre-warm the oil prior to pre-filling the filter?

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Getting back to subject here.

So what's the verdict: If you drain from the centerstand until nothing comes out, then put the bike on sidestand, does any more oil come out?? In other words, which position gets more oil out: side or centerstand? Whichever the answer, I'll just do it that way. Everything is right there not to be a problem, even on the sidestand.

Oh, and to make a small contribution, I'll lean the bike to the RIGHT before doing the oil change, so the oil filter empties enough not to make a mess when removed. It should work; will keep you guys posted. Later.


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Oil filter has a check valve to minimize/prevent back flow of oil. If you drain the oil on the centerstand and then tilt the bike over onto the sidestand you'll get an additional 4+ ounces out.

In the grand scheme of things it's not worth the bother.

Total oil quantity in engine = 5.18 qts. = 166 oz.

4.5 oz. / 166 oz. = 2.7 % of total
