Oil drain crush washers

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I use a copper washer on all the oil drain bolts. I only replace a washer when it appears damaged or well worn. I have used copper washers for years on all my bikes. Never had a problem with leaks and they are easy to find.....

And don't forget, especially for those that change every time (I don't), there is a right and a wrong way to install the crush washer; flat side goes towards the engine (because the engine is machined flat) and the crush-able side goes towards the bolt (because it is forged and not perfectly flat; the crush-ability of the washer fills any unevenness).
THAT"S where I remember you from!


I split the difference (sort of) between the never change and always change crowd. My OEM washers got tossed about the second change and were replaced with copper ones, which are still installed after 5 years and 65,000 miles. No leaks.

I love that we can go 44 posts and more about a drain plug washer. :clapping:
To drift the thread off topic slightly, I want to know how many of the "change the washer everytime because Yamaha said so" owners also follow all the other Yami rules like clean and repack the steering bearings every 2 years or replace brakes hoses every 2 years?! :blink: :p

Bike had 1 service from the dealer before I bought it. Since then I have doen all the servicing myself. Nearing 40K miles with the same crush washers. Same brake hoses but I am replacing them with steel braided when the new ones arrive. Head bearings were packed when i replaced them a couple years back.
