on the left hand side of my motor bike I have a small oil leak which looks like a push in sensor at the top of the casing. can anyone tell me what this wire is for and how can I fix the leak. this is my first fjr. thankyou.
+1. I had the same problem a few years back. The force is strong with this magnet. Hard pull you must..... but pull not too hard or on your butt fall down you will.It sounds like you are describing the wire feed-thru on top of the stator housing. IMO, the only way to fix the leak will be to remove the stator housing, remove the rubber piece and clean it entirely of oil then reseal it using an automotive type RTV. The Factory Service Manual calls out a specific Yamaha sealant. Removing the stator cover will be a fight against the magnet. I found the rubber feed-thru is a pain get sealed and reinstalled properly. If you choose to repair it yourself let us know because many here will offer good help.
Oh, and while you're there, do take a pic of the Stator, if it's a BBQ as the one Ion posted you might as well save yourself the trouble of doing this again soon and replace the StatorInteresting! Your avatar info says '04 Gen I, yet the wire leaving the stator runs in a Gen II direction. In any case both are the same style feed-thru.
The rubber plug isn't a straight sided plug that can be pulled out, it is molded with a groove in the middle where it is entrapped by the housing. The cover has to be at least partly pulled apart to free the feed-thru so that it can be cleaned and gooped.
The feed-thru is in the lower right corner of my picture.
Stock stators don't go bad without some severe abuse. If your stator is stock it should be good for >200K miles as long as you don't run a refrigerator or oven with your bike. Electorsport stators -- not so much; expect 30k-40k miles between changes. Really....Just on the stator, my bike has just under 10000 miles, it would hardly be damaged would it already?...