Ok Boys & Girls. It looks like it's my turn now!

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majicmaker - I went back and reread your post. To me, it sounds much more like you had an injector sticking and flooded a cylinder. That will produce the same "knocking" or "marbles" sound you described and certainly explains the smell of raw fuel.
The FJR will pound and ping like a mutha when it gets flooded. All that raw fuel has nowhere to go during the compression stroke. You'll swear the motor is about to blow up! By the time you took the bike to the dealer, the excess fuel had time to dissipate and was no longer an issue.

Personally, I would be more suspect of the fuel source used last than a bad CCT. The increased percentage of alcohol in our current fuel supplies is wreaking havoc with many high-performance engines, and IMO represents a much greater threat than the risk of a bad CCT from Yamaha, especially for those like us who live in humid climates. (excluding RadioHowie of course)

One last suggestion... If you have ANY sign of a weak battery, that will easily flood the engine. Any chance the motor went "waa waa waa waa vroom" before she started? Just askin...

From your lips to God's ears!! I hope like hell that's all it was. I will be one Happy Camper if that is what happened. My battery is still strong but, I've been

eyeballing the Westco Battery on line for a little while now. I might as well pull the trigger on it. Didn't notice any waa waa before it started but, I wasn't looking

out for it. Thanks Man!, The smell of raw fuel makes sense now. That is the only one of the three symptoms that didn't make sense to me in a possible CCT

failure. Marbles and idling like crap, YES. The smell of raw fuel, NO. Especially when the SM fired it up and no marbles and smooth idle at the dealer. Dude, You

just made my day. My mechanic days are long behind me. I'm an Inspector looking for Cracks in the Structure now. I don't miss turning wrenches at all!!!

Thanks for the Info. I've had the bike for three years now and I still learn something new every day! It gets looked at tomorrow and I will post the results as

soon as I get it back to the house.


All good input.

Maintenance is good. Ignoring issues, schedules, or noises is bad.

We need to get one thing straight a weak CCT will have noise pretty much all the time it will not go away. Mine was always loudest at idle and when the engine was warm , not cold in the morning. I heard the noise for some time and debated, asked questions, etc, and finally thought, "I have to do it, it sounds like loose cam chain noise (or marbles, it sounded metallic and bad) to me." Bingo! That was it. I could dramatically hear the difference, the bike was now quiet.

My CCT post.

My hysteria is brought on by the chatastrophic failure my Eclipse Turbo faced when a timing belt broke long before it was even scheduled to be replaced under scheduled maintainance. Loose marbles doesnt begin to describe the sound ones engine makes under those circumstances.

I too am sure I was in the minority with that failure but it doesnt make me feel any better about my FJR when I read these horror stories and my Y.E.S expired 2 months ago.

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My hysteria is brought on by the chatastrophic failure my Eclipse Turbo faced when a timing belt broke long before it was even scheduled to be replaced under scheduled maintainance. Loose marbles doesnt begin to describe the sound ones engine makes under those circumstances.
I too am sure I was in the minority with that failure but it doesnt make me feel any better about my FJR when I read these horror stories and my Y.E.S expired 2 months ago.
Be aware of the possibilities or be

or even worse,


Internet hypchondriacs can provide hours of reading and speculation.
We have all extremes here. SkooterG has great miles as do most on their CCT's, some didn't (see below)
The real message is don't panic, just be alert for the sound... or other indications.

And if you hear that sound, of a loose cam chain, don't ignore it!

Lesson over, back to regularly scheduled daydreaming....

Yeah.....me and Mike and Alan and Drew all imagined our trashed motors. Damn that neenernet.
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I would love for my situation to wind up being hysteria. I'll take it! I can have my ass in the saddle by the weekend. :bike: :beach: :rockwoot:

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OK, not hysterical but very, very cautious about the current rash of failures. I've had enough stat classes to recognize that my chances are still next to nil of having this occur but historically I do not have a very good track record in this area.


I agree... in this case, being an outlier really sucks! :eek:

And that seems to be my general trend as well, dbvvolfan.


Stopped by the Dealer to check on the progress of my bike and they told me they had to clear out everything that was in before me. :(

They will probably start on it tomorrow. :waaa: Not that I'm getting restless or anything silly like that!!! :unsure: :dribble: :cray: :hyper: :sleepy:

Stopped by the Dealer to check on the progress of my bike and they told me they had to clear out everything that was in before me. :(
They will probably start on it tomorrow. :waaa: Not that I'm getting restless or anything silly like that!!! :unsure: :dribble: :cray: :hyper: :sleepy:
Just went out to my Feej (yeah, I rode even with the bad weather) and rang my gremlin bell for ya! :thumbsup:

Stopped by the Dealer to check on the progress of my bike and they told me they had to clear out everything that was in before me. :(
They will probably start on it tomorrow. :waaa: Not that I'm getting restless or anything silly like that!!! :unsure: :dribble: :cray: :hyper: :sleepy:
Just went out to my Feej (yeah, I rode even with the bad weather) and rang my gremlin bell for ya! :thumbsup:
Thanks Howie! I'm feeling your good mojo. Ashe's post put this in a different light for me. It made sense. I had never experienced a flooding situation on this

bike before, The only thing I had to reference it to was an airplane engine going south. :flood: I'm feeling that this will be quick and painless. I hope I'll be riding by the

weekend. The weather on Saturday and Sunday is supposed to be Righteous down here. Just feeling right now like an expectant father and wondering if it's going to

be a beautiful bouncing baby girl :angel: or Damien's little sister from HELL!! :diablo: I'll post the results within minutes of getting home. :hyper:

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Ok Boys & Girls, I have the best news ever!! :yahoo: The Dealer "Could Not Duplicate the Discrepancy" :yahoo: I've put 500 "smooth as silk" miles on her

since picking it up yesterday and it looks like Ashe's post about what it sounded like to him was correct. I didn't think it was possible to be Embarrassed and

Happy as Hell at once about the same thing But, I AM! :blush2: Never having had any of my bikes flood on me before, I didn't have anything to compare that

noise to. So, my brain went straight to a membership in Howie's and Patriot's Club. :no2: I've had my cars flood on me but, this noise was waaay more

metalic. This actually has been a great learning experience for me. I will never misinterpret that noise again for sure. I want to thank everyone for your input

and suggestions. OBTW, ScooterG, Trust me, I'm not a guy that jumps to hysterical conclusions. I lean more toward calming things down and helping people in

a jam when I have a grasp of the issue in question. Since I didn't in this case, I would call this a good ol' fashioned "**** my Pants Moment" :rolleyes: Ashe,

first chance you get, tell me more about how a sticking fuel injector could have caused this. I am ordering a new battery this week and Thanks Again.

This Forum is the BEST!! VIC.

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damn, I had my sorry to join the club post with urls to all the sig pics and a prepared order for ya gremlin bell.

well, nevermind... :rolleyes:

<good deal Vic...great news and happy riding my friend>

damn, I had my sorry to join the club post with urls to all the sig pics and a prepared order for ya gremlin bell.
well, nevermind... :rolleyes:

<good deal Vic...great news and happy riding my friend>
Thanks Mike, That would've been greatly appreciated and funny as hell. But, for now, I'll pass on joining your club.

Hugs and Kisses, VIC. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

[SIZE=18pt]Hell Yeah![/SIZE]
Thanks Howie! I'm in a pretty good "Hell Yeah Mode" myself right now. I've got an ice cold bottle of GOOD TEQUILA in the freezer that I'm going to dip into

[SIZE=12pt]in a lttile while!! :[/SIZE]yahoo:

Looks like "a little while" came sooner than later! :rofl:

Go enjoy the worm juice. :drinks:
