OK Midwesterners--Who Rode Today

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Coldest ride of my life, cuz I was young and stupid,
Ah yes, Young and Stupid.

In August of 1984 I was riding my Seca 900 from Tucson to Florida via the Colorado Rocky's. I stayed too late at a friends in Beaver Creek shooting the shit, and by the time I got on I-70 it was nearly midnight. Wearing only jeans and a thin nylon Purolator jacket I rode in a drizzle that froze to my jeans as I crested Vail Pass. By the time I got to Denver I'm certain I was hypothermic. As much as I hated spending the money I didn't have, I had to stop and get a hotel room.

I soaked in a warm tub and it was hours before my thighs felt warm again. I've never been as cold as I was that night.

Rode to work monday morning,drove home tuesday morning. Not too bad, other than a frozen parking lot from the mini-blizzard we had the nite before(lasted 20 mins) that melted, and then froze over. <_<

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Still going for my record. Only down to 25 last night on the way home. I'll get there but I'm riding everyday dammit. I do get tired of being stared at. Geez people, live and let live. :glare:
..doesn't count...you have that 3rd wheel anti-black ice thingy. ;)

Actually I was on the FJR. I feel safer on that honestly. Anitlock brakes, wider tires, superior stopping and speed and handling (makes one wonder why buy the Ural). Today will be the first day the Ural has been out since Saturday. The Ural I take for granted being stared at. So tell me, if I ride most of the way flying the car does that count? :rolleyes: :D

So tell me, if I ride most of the way flying the car does that count?
Speaking of flying, I was reading Outside Magazine's List of 'The 100 Best' in the December issue and, when I turned to #73, I came across the same photo as your avatar. I have been wondering what it is so, if anyone else doesn't know, here is the description:

"FUSIONMAN. Yves Rossy, 49, of Switzerland, dropped from a plane at 8,000 feet and used the four jet turbines on his homemade JetWing to hit 125 mph as he flew across the 22-mile English Channel."

Cool. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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"FUSIONMAN. Yves Rossy, 49, of Switzerland, dropped from a plane at 8,000 feet and used the four jet turbines on his homemade JetWing to hit 125 mph as he flew across the 22-mile English Channel."
Cool. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Actually it was me but he is my stunt double. I'm trying to keep a low profile.

"Ah yes, Young and Stupid." per stryg8r

In the early 1970's, I was stationed in Duluth, MN at the air base by the airport. All winter I had been drooling at a Honda CL350, impatiently waiting for spring. My first clue that I may have purchased the the bike a little early in the season was when I pulled into the Shakey's Pizza parking lot, and parked amongst all the snowmobiles!! :blushing:


21 degrees last night coming into work. Its about 16 now but I'm working a double so it'll be pleasantly warm around 30 for the ride home. Almost there. Just a few degrees cooler :yahoo:

If I don't get a ride in today, I got my last rides on Tuesday and Wednesday when I rode to work. 21 and 23 degrees. I'm lucky because it's only an 8 mile ride to work. I love hearing " :dribble: you're crazy :dribble: " comments from co-workers. It's been cold, but so far just a dusting of snow. Riding will stop the first day it snows enough to stay on the ground a while.


It was only a matter of time. :angry: Today was the first day I couldn't ride the bike to work. Just too much snow/ice on the roads after the snow we had on Turkey Day.

Hoping it's all melted by next week.

So this cold weather riding is a new experience for me. I would have never considered riding in temps below 40 F when I had my M50. But now it's a different story. I was out riding on the 28th. After I chipped about an inch of ice off my driveway so I could get out. Temp was 36 F, approx 4" of snow on the ground, roads were bone dry, bright blue sky and sunny. I was just going to go down to the corner to fill-up, after putting some sta-bil in the tank. Ended up riding around for about an hour. Could have gone longer, except for my hands, they were frickin freezin'. Only had gloves on for a short ride down the the gas station and back.

Anyway, I think I might be riding more this winter. I love this bike... :clapping:

Most of the snow is gone so I was able to ride this morning. 11 degrees made the ride a bit brisk.

Tomorrow's forecast calls for snow so it looks like I'll have to take the truck. Anyone else in the MIDWEST still able to ride?

Rode the Ural today in the snow. Its not easy at all and I need to practice quite a bit before trying to riding it to work in this stuff. <_< The commercials and youtube shorts make it look so fun!!! :blink:

Hmmmm.... I wonder how the FJR will handle in this stuff? Be right back :D

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