Old Michael in Reno Hospital(NOT A JOKE)

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Thanks for the update Dr. Rich.

To give everyone an idea of how beautiful yet dangerous the La Porte-Quincy Road can be, here are a few pix. Notice there are NO guardrails and no room for error. It's pretty steep just off the road.

La Porte-Quincy Road.


Nice curves meandering through the mountains, and very steep with no guardrails.


Nice sweeper but straight ahead looks like you run off the edge of the world.


Get well soon Michael! We'll be praying for you!

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If broken ribs is the extent of injury, he's a lucky boy! They hurt extremely, but heal quickly. I know. Glad he is doing this well. Phil

Thank you Bokerfork for letting us all know. I join the others in wishing a speedy and complete recovery to Old Michael. But, you too, have had a traumatic experience. You may experience what is called critical incident stress and the accident will stay with you for a while. I know, my riding buddy went down a year ago and I still have visions of him lying beside the road. Your accident sounds much worse. Signs and symptoms of Critical Incident Stress are given here. Many communities have trained professionals to help us resolve our critical stress. Take care of yourself too, my friend.


Well, just ****. ****!

Hoping and praying Old Michael is indeed only with broken ribs and nothing more serious.

Those that are close enough please ride to see OM, wish him well, and if only broken ribs, tell great jokes to make him laugh.

--prayers, OM, prayers...--

---- I am STUNNED.......... God speed OM... you are a good man... the report sounds better then I

thought it would... GREAT JOB!! keeping a cool head when you KNEW he was down there hurt somewhere!!!

I am just stunned!!

Damn......and again I say, damn! I just returned from a family funeral and was looking for some good-natured FJR Forum humor to chase the mental clouds away.....

[SIZE=12pt]Damn![/SIZE] :angry:

There's no way I can get away tomorrow as I have to catch up on all the things left undone by the NAFO trip . Damn! I'm still in shock from reading the news.

Dr. Rich, et al, please keep us up-to-date after your visit.

One assumes the bike was also winched up the hill and is now headed for the "totalled scrap heap".

Wow! So sorry to hear of this misfortune! Michael is a very conservative rider! He and I rode Hwy-33 from Ojai to Bakersfield after he had his butt sized by Bill Mayer.

Please give him my regards and post up his hospital contact info when available.

Bokerfork, thanks for helping Mr. Yellow Head! And thanks for sharing with us.

Y'all be careful out there!

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Prayers out to you, Old Michael -

So very glad you're in the hospital instead of somewhere else .

God Bless, and heal quickly !!!

Just got off the phone with Reno-John.... He and his wife are in the medical field in Reno. He had just talked with Old Michael.... He is in Renown Medical Group Hospital in Reno. He was diagnosed with several broken ribs but no broken back. His is heavily sedated at this time and they said he will probably be in the hospital for a week. I am going to try to get up there tomorrow to see him. I will keep you posted on what I find out. Thanks you Mark (Bokerfork) for your very comprehensive posts. Rich
Thanks Dr. Rich. The 'no broken back' is a HUGE relief to hear.

Sean took Bokerfork's (Mark's) and my phone numbers so he could update us on Michael's condition, but this is the first news I've gotten.

I asked Mark to let the forum know about the accident as Sean and I were probably a couple of miles ahead when it happened. First clue we had was a sinking feeling while we waited at the end of the road as more and more cars came down the hill, but no bikes. Then, when a CHP with his lights on passed our assembly point and wasn't pulling anybody over, we started back up.

Not much we could do but move Mark's bike and gear out of the way (Mark stayed down the hill with Old Michael until they finally got OM up) and stay out of the way of the emergency personnel ourselves. Mark and I did follow Sean home to make sure he got there without further incident.


Jebus. My stomach notted just reading this. I myself got very lucky when after all the nasty cliffs Groo and I had been by, fate gave me a nice flat, clear, gravel area when I biffed it on the decreasing radius turn enroute to NAFO. And and as for Renown Medical Center, BTDT after biffing on the Black Rock Playa a couple years ago.

I was only fortunate to speak with Old M for a short time at NAFO, but was glad to have the pleasure of meeting him in the flesh.

I am sending our friend as much positive mojo as I can muster.

Good news, just spoke with Michael. He's pretty alert, morphined up, in obvious pain, "a bunch of broken ribs", and a punctured lung.

Still had his sense of humor, said me must have done a bonehead move, if only he could remember what it was? :rolleyes:

I asked if he has family there, he said Yes, his brother had just left, and was going to take care of the bike and other items that need attending to.

I couldn't stop myself, anyone with broken ribs is fair game for a good joke so I let him have a couple. :rolleyes:

RenoJohn is local and will be stopping by to see OM mañana.

Michael was grateful for the phone call, I told him that the entire FJR forum was praying for him and wishing best wishes. He seemed touched knowing that so many do really care.

Other good news is the 'type' of hospital OM is at; not intensive care, not trauma, not neurological. Just good old fashioned broke my bones and hurt like hell type of hospital.

Tell ya'll what - OM is going to be one hurtin' puppy for awhile, but it looks like he's going to be ok.

Old Michael PM'd me yesterday with concern for my son going overseas. Such a very nice guy.

Thank God there was no broken back. My prayers are with him, for what it's worth. I'd appreciate it if someone would post contact info in Reno for us.

Great Job Bokerfork. Take care of yourself too.

Much too much of this going on. Be careful out there. Pay attention to the signs...CA USUALLY has excellent warning signs and the "suggested" speed is not overly conservative. IMHO.



He must have had some good gear that did its job well, to go cliff-diving like that and come away without major injuries.

This definitely isn't a good time of year to be a Mike on a Bike!

Small community - news travels fast. :eek:

Michael - Get better soon!

You are one lucky dude to have a ride partner like Mark (Bokerfork) looking out after you. After the shock of hearing about another rider go down it's good to hear that you will recover and the injuries are not immediately life threatening. I much rather hear about broken ribs rather than a broken back /skull/ or worse. Don't worry about the bike, it can be replaced - you, on the other hand, are precious - we don't want to loose you!

I'll be praying for your speedy recovery.


This is terrible news, Michael. I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Very scary stuff. It sounds like Bokerfork took the situation in hand and kept a cool head--just the kind of ride companion we would all like to have in a bad situation. We're lucky you weren't on one of your solo rides. Thank the Lord it sounds like you will mend. Look at the bright side: now you can sleep in a little for a change. Thinking of you and hope to see you soon.



It's tough to see the good fortune in a tragic event like this, but surely, there was plenty. Heal up, Michael. I figure you've got 6 days until dog pile Friday, at which point your ribs are going to hurt some more. So heal up quickly.

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