Old Michael in Reno Hospital(NOT A JOKE)

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God, I'm with MM2 on this one. This is NOT why I log on to the forum. I'm going to do everything I can to get to Reno asap, for all the good it'll do Mike, but you've got to do SOMETHING. God, I was just kicking myself today cuz I saw a family out for a bicycle ride and their little 4 or 5 year old was wearing a bright yellow helmet. I was so sorry I didn't have my camera in my pocket, 'cuz I wanted to post a shot of him titled: "A rare early photo of YOUNG Michael." Thank God I can put a line in this thread for a laugh, since I know his injuries aren't life-threatening (thanks to a good riding partner, Bokerfork). Mike, you'll be scanning somebody's laptop pretty soon. Feel better, brother.

Get better soon Old Michael and you can have that beer the paramedic forgot to bring :rolleyes:

Mark, well done! Your being there sure made the difference for Michael's rescue op.


Great job Mark! Clear heads in a very difficult situation....

I hope Ole Michael is fast on the recovery trail as we speak! I'll be thinking of him.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and the ability to ride again soon, from far away Switzerland. Thank god it's not as bad as it could have been. Great to have riding buddies that keep a clear head and look out for each other.


OM, get well soon. I don't have any more mirrors to help you out this time. ;)

Wow, after the initial report it's amazing how this turned out. Heal quickly OM, someone was looking out for you!

Well now Old Michael... it hit's harder when it's someone you've met in person. Heal up friend. I know you'll be up and around soon.


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Though I've never met him, he sounds like a hell of a guy. Hope he has a speedy recovery, with no lasting injuries.

I think we've all had those "oh ****" moments when we had to straighten the bike up, and hit the brakes, because a corner turns out to be a little sharper than anticipated. At least he was in good company, and got help asap.

I am headed to Reno in a few minutes. I should be there in about 2 1/2 hours. I will let you know what I find out. I should be able to post some pictures of him in a skimpy hospital gown. Rich

Good thoughts and prayers going out to Old Michael.

Here's to a speedy recovery....and some white-hot nurses ;)

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Man, I hate hearing this kinda news.

He was lucky you were riding close enough to know he left the road.

Prayers sent for a quick recovery.

Yo, why dey gotta be white, man? Wassup wit dat.
Stick a piece of iron in a fire. Wait. First you see a red hot color in the metal, then you see yellow color, then you see "white" hot. A white-hot nurse is uberhot. Since you are in the field Mr. LIBER, where do your patients place you ;) :lol: Them lucky female patients!

Heal quickly Old Michael, good luck to you!

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He was lucky you were riding close enough to know he left the road.
Big kudos to Bokerfork :clapping: for actually riding "as a group", where the rider ahead actually keeps the rider behind in his mirrors, and would know very quickly if the rider behind had dropped off, for whatever reason. There should be an extra measure of responsibility and accountability when arranging a group outing, and in this case, it may have very well saved someone's life.

I believe it was Old Michael who left a group at the clan gathering wondering what had happened to him after being dropped by the pack, to be found safely back at camp after a coordinated manhunt. There are many lessons to be learned from each incident.

I had occasion to be "dropped" recently, due to heavy traffic, and it wasn't very comforting, since I thought I was in a "group", and just more fodder for me not wanting to ride in groups with unfamiliar and/or non-like-minded riders. Nowadays, almost all of my group outings are arranged away from the public arena.

Boy I hate to srart reading about when someone goes down. So glad that OM will be ok. No doubt he will hurt for a while, but things could have been much worse. Prayers go out for you to have a speedy and complete recovery.

Having just run out of road 1 year ago and breaking my collarbone, I can sympatize. I was also last in a group, but no one missed me until they got 10 miles down the road where the group stopped to be sure everyone was there. They turned around and got back to me about 20 minutes after the accident. I was visible from the road, so no biggie, other than the creepy feeling of being left and not missed. If this had been the case with Old Michael and Bokerfork had not been looking out for his six like he was, then Old Micheal might STILL be down at the bottom of that ravine.

GUYS! THINK ABOUT THIS WHEN YOU RIDE WITH FOLKS. They might NEVER have found OM and he could not have helped himself.

Ed :dribble:

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What shot were you going for this time Michael? The "bird's eye view of Bokerfork?" Perhaps the "inverted, spinning, slightly blurred effect?" :D

Glad to hear that you're in a hospital bed and not someplace else my friend.

Huge backslap for you Bokerfork/Mark. Awesome job. Thank you for being there and doing the right things.

Well now that Dr. Rch is going to check him out and up date us on his condition which is a good thing. I was wondering if Dr. R should take him a safety yellow gown to be worn along with his hi- vis yellow hemet . If you know O.M. the nurses at the hospital need some knid of warning of who they are dealing with , an FJR icon. celebrity of some sort

Just a little humor to help you heal while everyone pokes you in the ribs. ouch that hurts.

Hope to see you on the road in the near future.

Did they winch the bike up or is that going to happen at a later date????

Even though you are most likey shocked or something to that effect always keep a smile about you. weekend rider

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