Old Michael in Reno Hospital(NOT A JOKE)

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Yo, why dey gotta be white, man? Wassup wit dat.
Stick a piece of iron in a fire. Wait. First you see a red hot color in the metal, then you see yellow color, then you see "white" hot. A white-hot nurse is uberhot. Since you are in the field Mr. LIBER, where do your patients place you ;) :lol: Them lucky female patients!

Any color but rainbow, my friend. :D . Glad to hear from you, Alan, thought I had dropped off your radar screen for good. Hope your bike is behaving.

I stopped by this morning to see OM .......after speaking with his nurse a bit, i went in to find him fast asleep. Knowing he needs beautty rest :) ....I let him sleep, and told his nice nurse "Kathy" that i'd be back in a bit. Did a little work and returned to find Mike up and in good spirits.

He's doing well, looks good -but make no mistake, he's battered up with the ailments already listed on the thread. His spirits are great! -Too good as our laughing was very painful for him. He does have a morphine drip with the "magic button" that he's fond of. He told me he wants to figure out how to take that home with him.

He also said:

-that while the nurses are great ...he's hoping the next shift is a few more "hotties"

-was disspointed that I didn't bring beer and hookers (and of course I replied: "just make a list of what you want dude, you're in reno!")

-he really liked the leather jacket that they had to "cut" off of him.

-his brother has been up, and today is working on getting the bike

So, he can focus, remembers some, mostly not though. Remember, pain medication makes it tough.

Our conversation was nice, simple and too many (painful for michael) laughs.

Short story: He's banged up but with time will be OK

He doesn't remeber what happened, they have told him it may come back to him. Flying through the air and bits/pieces of other info are about it.

While there there Fairlaner called (Michael told him we were naked and that he interrupted). I'm sure many others will be as well (calling, not inturrupting the naked party).

Another nurse came in to clean him up ...I got the hint that perhaps there is some "road rash" that needs to be attended to ...that maybe wasn't addressed yesterday as other issues more important.

I'm at that hospital a few times a week ....I'll make it a point to get by there every day (if not twice) the next days to check on him and give him a painful laugh or two.

He's in the new tower in a very nice room with flat screen TV etc ..(although i don't think he's used it yet ....sleep and pain med's being his primary staple) ....

The hospital is wired with great WiFi so I brought my laptop to share the nice posts here BUT, on this sunday morning I couldn't get connected. I'm sure tomorrow it'll be fine and I'll share the posts with him.

Rumors are that he'll be there a few day(?) week(?). If any distant riders are heading this way ...let me know and I can likely help with accomodations or whatever.

Depending on what Michael puts on the list that I asked him to put together for what he needs ...I might be soliciting donations from forum members for beer and hookers (or whatever he puts on his list). But seriously, me thinks sleep and healing are the priorities now.

OH, and no surprise to those that know Michael. ...the nurses LOVE him. they say he's "wonderful" a real "sweety".

His nurse Kathy told me:

" ....he's a good one! ...We're going to keep him for a few days".

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Was glad to hear that he sounded better than he probably feels.

keep us in the loop John.


Wow! That's bad news, but thankfully, not nearly as bad as it could have been with only a couple minor variables changed. Sending prayers and mojo that OM heals fast. Sounds painful, but hopefully that will improve soon.

Given what happened, Michael's awfully lucky -- mostly that Bokerfork was close enough to see where he went over. Knowing that road, Bokerfork doesn't exaggerate in saying that he could have been down there a week. That is one seriously drop-off plagued area of challenging roadway. Few or no guardrails, serious vertical off the sides for a long enough stretch of miles that it'd be hard to know where to search.

Did they winch the bike up or is that going to happen at a later date????
Bike had just been winched to the side of the road as we were leaving. We didn't hang around gawking since Sean wanted to get to Reno ASAP, but it was definitely wadded up.

DAMN- I must have left the computer just before this post last night. Although getting to read the whole story (at least to the part where things look so much better) is better than not knowing. Old Michael- we talked briefly at NAFO- people tend to really remember me or have no memory :) , I'm sending as many positive thoughts as I can your way. If you've got to choose between being lucky or good, I think you made the right one, you lucky bastard! Bokerfork- You did good! Don't panic till it's over (if at all), do the right thing, & know what the right thing is. And a bit of luck as well. I don't think either one of you will be buying many beers at the next rally!
OM - I'm so sorry to hear about your off road adventure & broken bike, but your still with us, your melon is coherent (which is pretty awesome after doing some cliff rolling) and your broken bones will heal. That is the best news! I hope there's a shiny new 09 in your future and you'll be riding again very soon. Take care and post up soon!!


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I can't believe it.

None of you inconsiderate SOB's have asked the most crucial question - "How is Old Michael's FJR!?" Glad to hear Michael will heal but, seriously...Hpw's the man's bike?



Though we haven't yet met, us central cal riders stick together and this one hits way too close to home. So sorry that you had to use "our" services, but glad the SAR team was availble and skilled to get you to the air crew for advanced treatment. Heal up quickly, give us a gear review and remember there are a lot of prayers being sent your way.

Good to hear Old Micheal is so lightly damaged after such a big get off. ..................and Old Micheal, next time you go cliff diving, check and make sure there's deep water at the bottom.

RJ - thanks for the update on OM.

Now to break out the best jokes and give that suckah a call! :rolleyes:

Very sorry to hear about the crash but glad to to hear it wasn't worse.

Heal fast Michael!

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