Old Michael Update

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Here at Renown. Just visited with OM ....he's doing "OK" ..but in discomfort, having a hard time getting around and the tube in his lung is bugging him. He continue's to get medicated up for pain.

He has not seen the doctor yet today ....

My guess is that he'll be here for a few more days. But that is total speculation on my part. I'll attempt to see if I can get some 'qualified' guestimations as far as a realistic possible realease date while I'm here. When I asked Michael, he said he'd love to get out of here ..but says he's in no condition to do so yet. "Unless they wheel me out on a bed, I doesn't see it possible." he says. I'd have to agree from my observations.

He's a tough cookie, It has got to be tough going through what he's going through. Definately making huge progress from where he was just days ago ....but damn, this guy is banged up. And, he's going to feel just that way for a while me thinks.

I'd sure encourage folks to call and visit if you can ....he's plenty alert now, often times not nearly as drugged up as in the beginning ....and he's now feeling good enough to hurt and be stir-crazy. Hospital life aint all that fun.

I hope more to update a bit later today

Thanks for the update RJ. I'm sure that OM is going to feel much better once the need for the chest tube has passed.

Do please give him my regards the next time you see him.


I'm Reno bound late tonight/early tomorrow morning. I plan on visiting Old Michael sometime Saturday afternoon.

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I may have forgotten the most interesting part of my visit with OM. While there a cute young nurse, what we used to call candystriper, came in to check his blood pressure etc.. Michael, apparently feeling pain in places not noticed when he first arrived politely asked this nurse if his testicles were black. I was quite taken aback by this question, unsure why he would think they would have atrophied at this early date. The nurse however, wasted no time in pulling back his covers, lifting his gown and doing a quite thorough examination. I assume it was thorough because although I had turned to look out the window at this point, the various hmmmms and hahhhs she was making left me with the impression that this was not the first time she had looked for black testicles.

A few moments later I hear her announce to OM that she was quite sure that his testicles were not black. At this point OM lifts up the oxygen mask, smiles and motions for her to come closer. As she nears his face he tells her that he most appreciative of the service she had just performed. But what he really needs to know his whether his test results are back.

I'm Reno bound late tonight/early tomorrow morning. I plan on visiting Old Michael sometime Saturday afternoon.
stop by and say hello to my friends here N38 21.073 W118 06.303 on you way up.

if you want, and convenient, let me know your status and perhaps we can meet up.

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Hey Michael-

Sorry to hear about your accident. :( I hope you have a speedy recovery and we see you back on the road again soon!

I rode up to Reno this morning. I immediately could see an improvement in Michael from this time last week. Although in much pain and still on large doses of morphine, he was more talkative, alert and lucid. He talked about the attributes of the nurses he likes and the ones he had had conflicts with. Both sides of his back from his pelvis up about a foot are still very heavily bruised. (almost black) He had a cut on his back that the nursing staff failed to recognize and that is now inflamed and infected. (ulcerated)

He has air inflation devices on his legs that inflate and deflate to force the blood back to his upper torso. It seems his greatest discomfort is trying to stay off the sore on his back and moving in the bed with a very painful back. While I was there the doctor came in and removed the tube from his chest. Once removed he seemed to be feeling better. I stayed for about three hours and then Uberkul (Brad) came in. Brad had ridden trails from his home to get to Reno. When I left they were talking dirt bikes.

I was able to talk directly to the doctor and he assures me that Old Michael will make a complete recovery. He is planning on releasing him either tomorrow or Monday. Michael was a little concerned that he may not be ready to go home yet. I think the doctors feelings are that it may be painful to not be in a hospital bed, he will heal faster at home.

One of the things that I talked to Michael about were the positive things connected with this accident.

Here are a few thoughts.

1. He had 31,000 miles on the bike and it needed the valves adjusted... Doesn't need to be done now!

2. He had dropped the bike at Lassen National Park and had damaged a sidebag... Doesn't need to worry about it now!

3. He had left the oil plug loose and it had lost oil and he was worried he might have damaged the engine... No problem now

If you can think of some positives... Please add them... I think he would enjoy the laugh..... Rich

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Just back in from Internetlessland....

You bastard! Heal up quick so I can kick your sorry ass for crashing. Jebus!

Hugs and kisses,


4. He found out how many friends he really has
5. He wont be doing a saddle sore 0ne thousand with me anytime soon.

6. He won't waste money on airline tickets to go Cliff Diving in Mexico.

7. He can honestly say his FJR can really fly.

Flying can be safe sometimes!

It's not the falling that's the issue it's the sudden stop then ground sky, ground sky, ground sky, tree, slide, stop.....

Stunt men don't get paid nearly enough

As you will see Old Michael looks much better... So much so that his nurse won't even come into the room.....


Michael will probably not be able to go back to work any time soon so the hospital staff is working with him on vocational training... Please note the suction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Old Michael is obviously pleased with his progress in vocational retraining


He feels good enough to have the younger nurse play the "pull my finger routine".....


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OM's looking good. From the pix, he appears to be on supplemental oxygen at a low flow rate. The doo hickey that he is using for rehab is an incentive spirometer. One has to inhale deeply and slowly to move the plunger. A score can be measured. The purpose of this is to expand the lungs fully, during bedrest and help to prevent pneumonia. The 'pull-my-finger' routine is an intermittent measure of the amount of oxygen carried in his blood. Anything over about 95% is great.

It's good to see that smile again.


Glad to hear Michael is doing good B)

I was going to head up this weekend, but being Hot August Nights kinda scared me out of going. Can't do the Republik style splitting thru traffic in Reno :p I'll chase him down again next weekend if he's transfered down to Sac (assuming I can weasel his address outta him :p )

Great to see the smile, doesn't look forced at all.

Nurses have a case or fright, that's a good thing.

I'll be monitoring this thread for location updates. I'm going to Reno with the family on Wednesday and I'm planning on a ride over there Thursday to pick up some tickets for a show at Silver Legacy. Won't be able to stop in for a visit on Wed but since I'l be solo on Thursday I can. I really hope I get to miss seeing OM. It'll mean he's been released.

