Old Michael Update

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Or he's on the lam from the Forestry Service.. I hear he damaged the nesting grounds of therare pink bellied tree turtle. ;)

Ya got sum weird critters out thata way :lol:


I heard his brother lived near Grass Valley, CA. So today at lunch I started calling all the O'keefe listing in the white pages. Nobody knows him that I called.

Come to think of it has anyone ever seen him and Michael Jackson together at the same time. Maybe they are the same person. :blink: :blink: :blink:

Glad yer outta the hospital Old Michael. :clapping: You had many of your buddies worried about ya. :unsure:

Hope you get to healin' real quick... :yahoo:

I'm sorry all. Got home to utter chaos.I can't begin to thank everyone for all the kindness, but I'm gonna try.

I just need a day or so.

I'll get back on here ASAP and do it right.

Peace and love all.

What, you get home after being out of the house for several weeks & everything isn't perfect? I thought that's why people moved to CA :) . Bet it's good to be home, though. Get the appropriate rest, & don't mind us till you're ready. But if you need something, ask. As you know, we're a resourceful bunch. Even the crazy ones have their moments :) .

Again I say; A couple of broken ribs? A couple of broken ribs and 3 weeks w/o hearing a word. I guess the "Old" in Old Michael isn't for nuttin'.

Welcome home. Let me know when you're up for a visit. Would love to see how the whiskers are doing.

Hey Mike,

I almost had the opportunity to meet you in Berkeley, courtesy of J.B. Then, I almost got to break bread with you at NAFO. I'm really glad I'll get another shot at getting to know you.

Heal up, Bro.

Oh, and I'll be in the Bay Area on the weekend of 10/3/08, as well as 10/10/08. Lunch is on me if you can make it. Else, if you need to sponge-bathe your "hey howdie", those would be the days to choose. I understand how addictive sponge baths become with a buxom stranger having at it every day (thanks, ODOT!!)



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