Old Michael Update

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I just got off the phone with OldMike. He sounds cheerful but also in a deal of discomfort (to be expected)

We only talked for a couple of minutes and the nurses arrived to work him over. I've a fair idea how he's feeling (been there) so I do sympathize. Morphine -- his friend.

We'll be going to see him Monday - I'll post an update.

Does he have a camera in there with him?

I'm thinking that he should be providing a ride report or something with some outstanding photos and witty commentary or sumpin.

Just got off the phone with the ol fuk.. Said he couldn't send the wife any pics, But, he'd send me some full frontal nudes :blink:

I think the ribs and resulting complications are secondary...

Better check for Head injury on the old Bastage.


Does he have a camera in there with him?
I'm thinking that he should be providing a ride report or something with some outstanding photos and witty commentary or sumpin.
Kaiser is to damn cheap to offer wireless neenernet for it's patients! Rich had left his wireless ready laptop hopeing OM could get online, but to no avail. Wasn't able to get it to work on the Reno network, and Kaiser.... well.... Looks like people are going to have to wait until he gets out of the horse-pital to read his report :p

Had a nice visit with OM around lunch time.The nurse had just cleaned him up and combed his hair. He looks much better than the recent pictures.

He was sitting in the chair next to his bed and checking out the the nice reading material JB brought for him.

Just before we left, near 1pm, he was in alot of pain. We got the nurse for him and said our good byes.

I talked with him today. My plan is to go over in the morning after he has breakfast. I believe he will be doing better in the morning than later in the afternoon......

Reading material? I wonder if he wants some old motorcycle magazines...

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Just catching up on the Forum after gettin' back from the NAF, ...Yeow! Sorry to hear about your misfortune! ...but sooo glad to hear you're essentially in one piece & recouping!!! I guess as someone once said 'once you're that far down [pun not necessarily intended] it all looks like up!' Get well & back in the saddle soon man!!

We, uhm, "older folks" just....wait...what's a muff??? :unsure: I bet I once knew.... :blink:
I think it's only the older folks who actually know what that means. I think they've gone out of style :eek:

". . . He also complained of swelling. "
Maybe that's good news. Recently, I heard him complaining about lack of swelling.

So I've been away for a few days on a trip with the family. Saw a familiar looking front end heading my way on Hwy 1, topped by a bright yellow helmet. Guess I didn't really think it was OM, but it sure made me think about him, so naturally had to check this thread first thing home. I'll try to get out to Roseville tomorrow, but have to take my daughter up to Arcata Tuesday for school. Otherwise I'll see him there or at home on returning. Hope we can take good care of him. Thanks, all, for all the updates and info.

We got to see O.M. about noonish (4 hours ago) today. We understand he had a rough night of it but today feels a lot better.

He LOOKS a lot better also. We stayed only about 20 minutes on account of a delicate procedure that he and the nurse felt was neccessary :lol: ,, and that last smiley face was to indicate there was no invasive things happening :unsure:

He's been overwhelmed with the support and well wishes from the "forum" folks and can't wait to get to an internet connection to convey his thanks.

Docs saw him this morning at 5.00am !!, said his chest tube should be out tomorrow -- maybe home Thursday :yahoo:

We'll be keeping OUR fingers crossed :)

Rog n Debs

ps. He looks like a young kid without his goatee :exhappysmiley:

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Glad to see all you good folks who are near by are taking good care with OM, I have been following this tread, and along with a lot of other people (I'm sure) are praying for the best possible outcome.

I do miss his post and photos, and hope we will get to meet up at some time.

Flight Jacket Required (Mike Cabral) and I went to see Old Michael today. We were pleased to see him doing better and in amazingly good spirits He hopes to be released from Kaiser in a couple of days. Here he is as of this morning:


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Thanks for the update Jeff!

Looking good Michael! Looks like I've got a great head start on ya for "longest beard" next year! :goatee:

:yahoo: :yahoo: That's great!! Glad to hear the news. Will be even better when he's released and feelin good enough to start riding again.

A big THANK YOU to all of you that have kept us up-to-date with his progress. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

By the way, is that Michael's new beer stein he's holdin???

Just got off the phone with OM.

He sounds in real good spirits but getting real tired of hospital life -- no kiddin' !!

After talking we realized that a visit this morning would be only to inconvenience hospital staff, as it sounds like they are gearing up for his release tomorrow morning :yahoo: .... He'll be one happy fellow, and I'll call him this afternoon to see if there are "last minute" things he may need.

Well, WTF! Why the hell didn't they rework his face while they were at it? Seems to me time misspent.


Get well soon, buddy. We need you healthy enough for the beat-down coming your way. ;)



That is great news.... I hope he is with his brother for awhile and the healing continues. He was pretty tired of the hospital culture after three weeks. Rest up because the onslaught is coming your way you grumpy old man!

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