Old Michael Update

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Now damnit!! If I have to pull money from the EOM fund to catch a plane to kali, I'm gonna kiss his ass!
Damn! I'm doin' what I can from this end..........

Fixed it for yah BustyBoy... :rolleyes:
Geez Don... How'd ya know that's what I meant :blink:

I remember all too well lying in a hospital bed knowing the pain was gonna kill me :( Hang in there old dude.


Some of you who have been busted up will fully appreciate this statement:

"I was hurting so bad I thought I was going to die and afraid I wouldn't" :rolleyes: :unsure: :glare: :angry: :angry2:

Get well Old Michael! :rolleyes:

I briefly talked with him today....Then we were interrupted by the nurse wanting to do something "official".

The short story: He keeps getting infections that bring on temperature spikes. They take CAT scans daily looking for ????? He hopes to be transferred to Sacramento by ambulance before the weekend.

Our conversation was cut short so I didn't get any details but did hear his "hopes" for being closer to home.

I briefly talked with him today....Then we were interrupted by the nurse wanting to do something "official".
The short story: He keeps getting infections that bring on temperature spikes. They take CAT scans daily looking for ????? He hopes to be transferred to Sacramento by ambulance before the weekend.

Our conversation was cut short so I didn't get any details but did hear his "hopes" for being closer to home.
I must have been asleep at the computer, I didn't this until today. Anyway, Get well soon & best wishes for a speedy recovery!


Obviously I haven't logged on for awhile and now this! Someone forgot to tell Michael that the Olympic tryouts are over . . . DOH! And, I was in Reno these last two days and would have loved to visit!

Get well Michael. You are one very special guy and loved by all.

Put Karen and I down on the help list. She makes a mean spaghetti casserole.

If the reports are correct, you will be back in the hood tomorrow. :clapping:

I rode to Reno to run a errand this afternoon. Errand complete, I decided I'd like to drop in to say hi and best wishes to OM. After reading some of Reno John's posts, I figured I better call ahead and see if OM might like a little company. He said he appreciated the call and the thought, but he was feeling quite up to it right then. I sent him best wishes for a speedy recovery and told him he shouldn't be crashing anywhere near my home town. I also told him he needs to get better and next time he's riding into Quincy, let me know and I'll make sure to get him a cold beer.


Thursday update .......

Here at Renown ...just visited with OM a bit. Well, it *seems* that they're still shooting for today to move him to Kaiser Roseville. We shall see if it really comes about.

OM still battling some speed-bumps-to-recovery .....a tad of pneumonia which they're fighting with antibiotics. He's still on oxygen and an IV. Important that he gets up and moves abougt as much as possible.

We had a great talk, he's organizing many thoughts on this experience, which I'm sure he'll be sharing.

So, we'll see what happens today ...possibly a move to Kaiser Roseville, -that is the plan. He's going to need some help and attention in the coming weeks.

**Those of you who shared your contact info -I emailed you all each others contact info. I also printed it out so that OM has a copy of it all. He is appreciative and it is in his wallet which will go wherever he goes.

I just called Renown Medical Center. They told me Michael is on his way to Kaiser Roseville. I have the day of tomorrow so plan on paying him a visit. Thank you RenoJohn for how you have kept us all up on OM's progress.

Called Kaiser Hospital in Roseville and he is currently being admitted. He does not have a room assigned yet. I warned the nursing staff!

The number for Kaiser is 916 784.4000. He should be admitted and in a room within the next hour. Rich

Glad to hear he is well enough to move. I will be visiting Saturday if he is up to it.


I spoke with him this morning... He is in Kaiser Roseville, Room 3007. (916) 784.4000. He will be there awhile. He is much more talkative and his spirits seem higher. They transported him to McCarren Airport in Reno where he was put in his own private plane with two attendants and flown to Sacramento. He is still suffering from shortness of breath with indications of pneumonia. He also complained of swelling. When I asked about that he said he is retaining too much fluid. There is lots of material for future threads in that last comment about retaining water, but I will save it for later. I plan to visit him tomorrow and see if we can get him online. Again, he sounds much better. Rich

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Dr. Rich and RenoJohn:

Thank you for the updates and the attention you have paid to this process with OM.

There are some gold stars waiting for you in the "Big House".

I just visited Michael. He is in good spirits and yet very uncomfortable. His left lung is full of fluid and he was waiting patiently (pun intended) for the orderlies to cart him off to the operating table where the doctors want to find out just what is going on with his lung. (12 noon, Friday) He'll be getting another tube down his throat for breathing during the operation and will be fully sedated and asleep.

He can not call out long distance from his room, so he can not yet reach many of you that he wants to thank for your kind concern and great comments. Dr. Rich may solve that problem tomorrow.

Just know that he is alert, conversant, has a twinkle in his eye and can keep track telling a long story,while being frequently interrupted by hospital personnel.

Just got back from Roseville and seeing Mr. Happiness. He was in surgery yesterday for about three hours. They had to remove a large amount of fluid from his left lung and reinsert the chest tube to relieve pressure. The swelling in his legs has gone down and he seems to be moving more easily. He enjoys visitors as long as they don't distract him from pushing the button to self administer more drugs. You will notice that they shaved his face. I didn't recognize him at first.

He thinks he will be released in four or five days depending on his progress. When I was there Ray (Silent) came to visit. He remembered Cello, Gfran and JB coming by and visiting yesterday







A gift from Silent.... A stuffed animal someone had given him when he crashed


Old Michael saying thanks for stopping by and this if for you Warchild, Iggy and TWN!


Yup, Michael is on the healing path, and getting better every time I see him. I was a bit surprised to see Rich there when I showed up, but glad to see him. I think Michael is working on his 3rd morphine button, he keeps wearin them out! :p
