Old Michael Update

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Excellent!!! You have made it home. Don't try to go it alone if you need something.....ask this forum or family. No need to be a hero.....you have proven you can fly like Superman.

Get some rest and heal up soon.

Later......we are still praying for you.

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I'm sorry all. Got home to utter chaos.I can't begin to thank everyone for all the kindness, but I'm gonna try.

I just need a day or so.

I'll get back on here ASAP and do it right.

Peace and love all.

Michael, when you get back on the bike, and take some pictures, all will be balanced in the universe.

For now, just rest.

Don't try to go it alone if you need something.....ask this forum or family. No need to be a hero.....you have proven you can fly like Superman.
Yeah....he's got the "flying" part down...it's the landing that needs work! :eek:

Michael, you should have the list Reno John prepared. If you need anything you call one of us...or all of us...

Many of us have been in the condition you now find yourself and we DO understand wanting to be the Lone Ranger but still having needs we simply cannot do for ourselves (Like make a trip to the grocery store, pickup a prescription, cook a meal or whatever!) You are our riding buddy and our friend, we are at your service.

Glad you're out of the hospital!! Don't hesitate to give me a call for any-reason-at-all. I'm available for assistance! You've got the number.

I guess your ride is now complete?? You've arrived home.


So very good to hear from you Old Michael!

Life is so very fragile....

and time goes by so quickly...

So very glad you are with us, mi amigo...

Don't try to go it alone if you need something.....ask this forum or family. No need to be a hero.....you have proven you can fly like Superman.
Yeah....he's got the "flying" part down...it's the landing that needs work! :eek:

Michael, you should have the list Reno John prepared. If you need anything you call one of us...or all of us...

Many of us have been in the condition you now find yourself and we DO understand wanting to be the Lone Ranger but still having needs we simply cannot do for ourselves (Like make a trip to the grocery store, pickup a prescription, cook a meal or whatever!) You are our riding buddy and our friend, we are at your service.
What he said --

Anything !! -- you have our number ..

Rog n Debs

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So in case anybody's wondering what ever happened to this guy. . . he's home, says he's feeling better all the time. Thinks he'll be able to drive in the next day or so. Not sure if he's started the new beard yet. Wants a new FJR. Old Michael will ride again!

When I talked with him yesterday he was going to Sean's for a couple of days. He is doing much better, is taking walks around the complex ....but isn't happy about taking up to 3 months (from the date of the accident) to recover enough to return to work (He's an electrician...so does some fairly physical work).

News Flash!! OM, yew hain't 25 yars ol' ennymoor!

Communicated with the Old Fart yesterday. He says he is feeling better and is starting to deal with all the aspects of his accident.... He is organizing his affairs.... Taking care of the old bike, getting a new bike, the home, the bills etc. He is genuinely appreciative of the ways that people reached out to him. Now he has to take time to get his strength and confidence back. He also needs to make good on all those promises that he made to folks while in the hospital.

This "Friday" I will start a thread for those of you that he made promises to while under the pain medication. I will list those things he promised me while heavily medicated and I hope you will do the same... Rich

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So in case anybody's wondering what ever happened to this guy. . . he's home, says he's feeling better all the time. Thinks he'll be able to drive in the next day or so. Not sure if he's started the new beard yet. Wants a new FJR. Old Michael will ride again!
Yes I have heard if the horse bucks you off, get up and ride that bad boy again! Good news Michael is on the rebound. Hang in there buddy so we can go for a ride with ya on that new bike but we won't be stopping in Plymouth for cat food...... :rolleyes: . PM. <>< :yahoo:
