Oregon RTE

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Made it home yesterday around 1:30. Put 2954 miles on the bike this trip. Great ride, only problem was staying with HRZ.

The crying the first couple of nights was bad, but I made it up to him by snoring real loud.

This is the first time I have had a chance to write as I had to work as soon as I got home. Some Dentists never let

me have much time off. Oh well so much for being self employed. Can't wait till the next trip.

Made it home yesterday around 1:30. Put 2954 miles on the bike this trip. Great ride, only problem was staying with HRZ.

The crying the first couple of nights was bad, but I made it up to him by snoring real loud.

This is the first time I have had a chance to write as I had to work as soon as I got home. Some Dentists never let

me have much time off. Oh well so much for being self employed. Can't wait till the next trip.
If your wives were as pretty as mine, you pansies would cry when you left home too.

AND...I have no idea where Joe got the idea to talk shit, but now I'm gonna have to ride to Tucson and break his other leg. There's no way he could hear my crying over his snoring. Have you ever tried to sleep with a straight pipe Harley running 3000rpm in the room?? I just spent a week dealing with that. Mother effer.....

Look at it from my point of view. I had to listen to all the sobbing, all the snoring, all the farting and I don't know if the ---- stains will wash out of the bed Barry was using. He was saying something about the barn in his sleep. :p

It was good fun and I just might do it again and step it up a bit.

Cec got a week without sleeping with the Harley. She loved it.

AJ when you come down to Tucson to break my other leg (Ankle) You can

pick up the DRZ.

Cec got a week without sleeping with the Harley. She loved it.

AJ when you come down to Tucson to break my other leg (Ankle) You can

pick up the DRZ.
Well, in that case, I'll make sure its just a mild sprain. Haha...

Ray, that wasn't the barn Barry was crying for. He was moaning, "Biker, biker...Geek." it was that and "Annnndy" all week long. The four hotels we stayed at were all pissed cuz they had to burn the sheets and towels.

Wow! You guys just got home and you already miss each other. And people call CA the land of fruits and nuts.

P.S. Glad you made it home safe.

Back home to the cold flatlands..2500+ miles.

I'll elaborate further tomorrow, too fuking tired and in need of a beer or ten right now.

Well, should I? Or shouldn't I?

So many questions. Should I stir up the shit or let it lay? Was FJRay trying for the HotRodZilla Misspelled Shirt Award? Is "Reuben" tougher to spell than "Taos?" Which is more serious, misspelling a sandwich, or a city of 5,713 proud residents at last count? ARE the residents of Taos, NM ALL proud? Of WHAT, exactly? And finally, WHY did it take me almost two weeks to notice this? Old age? Hmmmm

YOU decide. (Not about that last question. That one's too easy.)




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Well I can say that I didn't design the art but should have done a better job of proof reading it. Oh well shit happens :lol:

Well I can say that I didn't design the art but should have done a better job of proof reading it. Oh well shit happens :lol:
Hey, it is an old FJR Forum Heritage and Tradition: Toas, Rueben and I'm thinking of putting Maob, Utah on the FODS shirts! It was tasty, no matter how it was spelt! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!


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Well I can say that I didn't design the art but should have done a better job of proof reading it. Oh well shit stih happens :lol:
Fixed it. And don't worry about it. Like Karl said, just adds to the uniqueness of the shirt.

(And I bet I wear that shirt till it's tatters and rags and nobody else will ever notice.)

....(And I bet I wear that shirt till it's tatters and rags and nobody else will ever notice.)
Your chiseled pecs. straining against the combed cotton. will distract everyone.

In the shuttle ride in the bed of Ray's truck to the cookout, Sac-Mike's thingh was against my leg. Felt chiseled to me....

....(And I bet I wear that shirt till it's tatters and rags and nobody else will ever notice.)
Your chiseled pecs. straining against the combed cotton. will distract everyone.

In the shuttle ride in the bed of Ray's truck to the cookout, Sac-Mike's thingh was against my leg. Felt chiseled to me....
Mick, this is a pic of a younger and more virile SacramentoMike on the left, before his beard and hair turned gray!


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