Our Son Andy

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Jun 26, 2005
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Rancho "Liverpool" Cordova, CA
Think I'm starting this mainly cause it helps me(and Deb) to write it down, but also to gather more "good thoughts" for him.

Andy's our eldest (40) and he collapsed at home on Feb 26th in a diabetic coma. Nobody knew he was diabetic!. Blood sugar was 1600 - normal is 100. Admittance to Emergency was followed by admittance to ICU, where he still is and on life support. Couple of days later he went into respiratory failure and we were told "it is grave". He pulled himself out of that one but is now fighting kidney damage, lung problems and wild temperature spikes. He's sedated - if he wasn't I'm sure he'd rip out one or more of the many tubes and wires that are attached right now.

On the plus side, all the relevant tests have come back as negative, heart is good and no brain damage. Doctors haven't yet figured the cause for the high temps. That's the nutshell version.

It's a wild emotional ride as we wait for him to wake up, and hopefully tell us to "quit stroking my head will ya".

We'd welcome any good thoughts and wishes - he could use them.

Thanks for allowing us --

Rog & Deb

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Think I'm starting this mainly cause it helps me(and Deb) to write it down, but also to gather more "good thoughts" for him.Andy's our eldest (40) and he collapsed at home on Feb 26th in a diabetic coma. Nobody knew he was diabetic!. Blood sugar was 1600 - normal is 100. Admittance to Emergency was followed by admittance to ICU, where he still is and on life support. Couple of days later he went into respiratory failure and we were told "it is grave". He pulled himself out of that one but is now fighting kidney damage, lung problems and wild temperature spikes. He's sedated - if he wasn't I'm sure he'd rip out one or more of the many tubes and wires that are attached right now.

On the plus side, all the relevant tests have come back as negative, heart is good and no brain damage. Doctors haven't yet figured the cause for the high temps. That's the nutshell version.

It's a wild emotional ride as we wait for him to wake up, and hopefully tell us to "quit stroking my head will ya".

We'd welcome any good thoughts and wishes - he could use them.

Thanks for allowing us --

Rog & Deb

Rog & Deb,

Andy is in our prayers - as are you.

Keep stroking his head.

Hal & Jeannette

1600 blood sugar is obscene. I hit 300 and feel like shit. While I feel for you, and him, there is just no way he couldn't have known something was up, just ain't possible. Major thirst and other indicators hit at a consistent 3-400. Hope it turns out for the better for you all. And this should be a wake up call for those who think they may have an issue-get it checked out. Though I'm not the picture of health, I've done ok considering how long I've been diabetic (18 years).

Edit: This post wasn't meant to sound as harsh as it appears. After reading it here, seemed so to a degree. The point is, DONT' IGNORE THE SIGNALS YOUR BODY SENDS TO YOU!!!!! Best wishes for a full recovery and a successful modification of lifestyle that will be necessary for long life with this crappy diagnoses.

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I have never met you two...but you have been a familiar "face" for a couple years now. We hope your son Andy is okay, and that the doctors will have good news for you soon in what has obviously been a very traumatic situation.

Hoping for good news here in Illinois!!

Wow man,

Have faith in modern medicine, They will get your son back to normal soon!

Stay Strong,



I know this seems like the end of the world, and what can you possibly do now. Well, there is life after an episode like this. I do speak from some experience because my grandmother (who helped raise me) just recently passed away from diabetic complications. She too went into two diabetic coma's (due to low blood sugar though) and she did come out of both of them OK. Her kidney's were destroyed by the undiagnosed diabetes and she did have to start dialysis. She lost vision in one of her eye's due to scarring, and her lungs too became weak. Other factors were involved, so please don't think this is going to happen to your son. She somewhat gave up near the end, which made it hard for us. Don't let your son think this is the end of his life the way he knows it! Things will change, but its not the end of the world.

This is a tough moment for you guys, but it will pass. Dialysis isnt the end of the world, but it is a life changing situation. He will get past this. Learning the signs of your blood sugar being off are a big thing. Tell him to listen to what the doc has to say.

No matter how old they get they are still "our kids". Here's hopeing, and praying it all works out for the good.

Sorry to hear about your son. Sometimes you can't see these things coming. Especially if no one knew he was diabetic. Your son is in our familys thoughts and prayers.


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Wow, what a horrible shocker! I am horrified to read such bad news. I am wishing and praying for a quick & complete recovery.

Sorry to hear the news of your son's collapse and subsequent struggle. I will be sending all my positive energy his way and I hope for a successful, complete recovery for him. Make sure you and your wife take care of yourselves also during this stressful time.


Best wishes from England. I am sure Andy is in good hands. We have 4 kids and know the torture it is when something is wrong. Don't neglect yourselves, be strong, heres hoping for the best. Thinking of you all, Graham & Sue in Manchester UK.

Rog & Deb,

You and Andy are in my thoughts and prayers. My 17 year old has diabetes and went through a rough spell when they diagnosed it. But he is doing fine now. It is very manageable but requires staying on top of it. Best wishes to your whole family.

