Our Son Andy

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Hang in there! There have been dramatic advances in controlling the condition. Hopefully they can get him stabilized and then get it under control. I have 3 nieces and nephews with diabetes and I know how devastating the news can be and the change in lifestyle they need to undergo. We are all praying for him.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is unusal for a 40 year old to become type 1 diabetic, but not unheard of. The doctors will do everything within their powers. That and our prayers. Our health care may be expensive and cumberson, but is the best in the world and that's who you want now. jr

Roger, I deeply regret hearing the news. Our prayers for him will be many. I've never heard of a Blood Sugar of 1600. 600-800 is comatose range. He must come from hearty stock. Your posittive attitude will go far towards his recovery.

Sending all the good karma that can be found your way....& keeping our fingers crossed for Andy to win this fight.....stay strong.....Mike

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We'll keep positive thoughts for your son and family down here in Texas; once the docs get his glucose & blood Ph back to a normal range, hopefully he'll bounce back. Hang in there.

Thanks so much for all your support guys - means a lot to us.

Radman & Gr8eyes -- I too questioned the high (1600) blood sugar reading and was told it was correct. Andy had been feeling crappy for about a month but put it down to his back surgery problems and maybe the flu, so just kept up with his vicodin and drank plenty of gatorade to keep hydrated. Seems the gatorade was NOT a good idea! He's a big, strong and young guy -- all in his favor.

Many thanks again.

Rog,Deb,& Andy, Wish you all well and hope Andy gets through this with minimal affects long term.

Diabetes is really a bummer,it runs in my family and has taken some family members.

Best wish's for your sons complete recovery.

Regards Tom

We are sending Good Karma to all three of you that this crisis comes to a positive solution. TJ & SO

Hi, Rog and Deb. I'm sorry to hear about Andy. As a father of three I understand how you are feeling. It's going to be all right.

Sending positive thoughts your way....


Wow -- THAT is very tough news, especially so since it was so unexpected. God luck and prayers to Andy and you two and the whole family.
