It’s the FI mapping, stupid me. Bigger grips help, but only treat the symptom. The PCIII is the cure. IMHO.
Bingo! While the throttle pulley may exacerbate the problem, based on how you all described the symptoms it always seemed to me that the FI mapping was the culprit. (Much like it was on my 04) While I don't think we can say "case closed" quite yet, it sure is encouraging that those of you installing the PCIII are reporting such good results. It's just too damn bad Yammie's stock fuel injection mapping is so piss poor right out of the box.
As for fuel mileage,
I think your smoking something funny! :lol:
Theoretically, the PCIII should
always decrease fuel mileage. With the PCIII you are richening up the mixture - adding more gas for better drivability. More gas used = less fuel mileage. I anal-retentively check my fuel mileage on every fill-up, keeping a little log book. My fuel mileage decreased approximately 10-15% after adding the PCIII. From high 40s to low 40s.
So take some close measurements, because I would think it impossible for the PCIII to increase fuel mileage, or even result in no change.
Glad to here that you found the solution to your problems and that it has transformed your FJR. Great news for you, and hopefully for others out there experiencing the same problems.