performance award technicality

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glory racing

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
Reaction score
Harrison, AR
Received a performance award at 6:32 am from the great state of Missouri for 22mph over. Wasn't sure where to post, but since the ticket specifically stated Fjr...thought this was the place.

The officer did not have me sign the ticket and forgot to check the box designating how the speed was detected. Perhaps he was not quite awake yet.

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime. However, if do to a technicality it is not necessary, I could spend the money on go juice instead.

Any experience, knowledge or suggestions on the subject?

Received a performance award at 6:32 am from the great state of Missouri for 22mph over. Wasn't sure where to post, but since the ticket specifically stated Fjr...thought this was the place.The officer did not have me sign the ticket and forgot to check the box designating how the speed was detected. Perhaps he was not quite awake yet.

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime. However, if do to a technicality it is not necessary, I could spend the money on go juice instead.

Any experience, knowledge or suggestions on the subject? could probably take it to court and have it overturmed since it wasnt fully filled out.

Good luck with the judge. :)

FJR1300 (various years) : +$11,000

Getting to work on time: $208

Posting on the forum 9+ hrs after the "award": Priceless

You could ask at the traffic window, but I'm guessing that the check box (detection) is a formality for 22mph over the posted limit. I would imagine that had the LEO not entered the speed it might be more of an issue for them.

I don't recall autographing any of my awards, but my last one was over 10 years ago... YMMV

Received a performance award at 6:32 am from the great state of Missouri for 22mph over. Wasn't sure where to post, but since the ticket specifically stated Fjr...thought this was the place.The officer did not have me sign the ticket and forgot to check the box designating how the speed was detected. Perhaps he was not quite awake yet.

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime. However, if do to a technicality it is not necessary, I could spend the money on go juice instead.

Any experience, knowledge or suggestions on the subject?
Always worth a trip to the courthouse, especially if the award is not filled out were upset by being pulled over, deny deny deny, you're not even aware of how he clocked you and that's why the LEO forgot to put the numbers on the award.

just my 2 cents

If you have the ability to be off work then you need to show up at the appointed time and place. Plead your case before the judge, he won't make it any worse if he disagrees with you. There is also the off chance that the officer will not show up. You have a right to confront your accuser. If the officer does not show up ask the judge to dismiss. I beat a ticket for failure to yield when an officer didn't show up. After I left the courtroom everyone there for a ticket by that officer asked for theirs to be dismissed as well. They all were.

Now, understand, I am not a lawyer and have absolutely no degree in the field of jurisprudence, so take this for what it's worth, my .02 cents worth. This was only my experience.


Received a performance award at 6:32 am from the great state of Missouri for 22mph over. Wasn't sure where to post, but since the ticket specifically stated Fjr...thought this was the place.The officer did not have me sign the ticket and forgot to check the box designating how the speed was detected. Perhaps he was not quite awake yet.

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime. However, if do to a technicality it is not necessary, I could spend the money on go juice instead.

Any experience, knowledge or suggestions on the subject?
Don't know anything about MO, but in Florida there are a lot of traffic ticket lawyers who, for about $75, will fight the ticket in court for you (I assume they specialize in technicalities). They got my "failure to yield" citation dismissed. I wasn't there, so I don't know how they did it, but they guaranteed success or you didn't have to pay them.

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime.

If you were over - and you admit you were over - then take your bumps.

If cars, trucks, steam rollers or farm machinery were to consistently pass my house at 22mph over the maximum legal posted limit, I'd very soon get tired of that.

we ride the same bikes, but that doesn't cut any slack with me dear forum buddy.

the little dial on the front tells you how fast you're going. Pay your penalty and stop looking for a sneaky way to avoid the legal as well as moral consequences of your risk taking.

(by the way - I'm not an LEO)

ride safe dudes - Bull :glare:

Many would take it to court. If the Trooper doesn't show up, it's automatically thrown out.

Now, those suggesting you take your lumps. Please! it's far too easy to be 22 over the limit and when was the last time you felt unsafe doing it? the next statement.

In a 25mph zone/no excuse! one deserves it. School zone, etc. But...


on the Freeway, it's almost necessary to be 10-15 over so one doesn't get ran over.


Insurance is expensive enough. Fight it over the technicality.


Hopefully the Trooper will be unable to make it and you won't even have to go into it.


Now, if you get-off, slow down and consider it a gift.


Most of us slip now and then. You shouldn't be punished every time.


Good luck.

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime.

If you were over - and you admit you were over - then take your bumps.
LOL I gotta agree with you. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

You know what the law is. You choose to break the law. You know and acknowledge breaking said law.

Pay the ticket.

Many would take it to court. If the Trooper doesn't show up, it's automatically thrown out.
Now, those suggesting you take your lumps. Please! it's far too easy to be 22 over the limit and when was the last time you felt unsafe doing it? the next statement.

In a 25mph zone/no excuse! one deserves it. School zone, etc. But...


on the Freeway, it's almost necessary to be 10-15 over so one doesn't get ran over.


Insurance is expensive enough. Fight it over the technicality.

+1 to that. No excuse on a residential street, but on the freeway or out in the middle of nowhere it is completely understandable. I don't have a problem paying a's the insurance rates that get me. The price of the ticket is only the sticker price...the real "cost of ownership" is ridiculous.


Insurance is expensive enough. Fight it over the technicality.
+1 to that. No excuse on a residential street, but on the freeway or out in the middle of nowhere it is completely understandable. I don't have a problem paying a's the insurance rates that get me. The price of the ticket is only the sticker price...the real "cost of ownership" is ridiculous.
I had 3 tickets in MO in 2006, (not proud, just sayin'), but none made it to my insurance. According to the random lawyer I pulled out of the yellow pages, I could have gotten an unlimited number of tickets in MO as long as I was willing to pay a little extra to turn them into non-moving violations. It was worth it to me, so I did.


I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime.

If you were over - and you admit you were over - then take your bumps.

If cars, trucks, steam rollers or farm machinery were to consistently pass my house at 22mph over the maximum legal posted limit, I'd very soon get tired of that.

we ride the same bikes, but that doesn't cut any slack with me dear forum buddy.

the little dial on the front tells you how fast you're going. Pay your penalty and stop looking for a sneaky way to avoid the legal as well as moral consequences of your risk taking.

(by the way - I'm not an LEO)

ride safe dudes - Bull :glare:

That is sure some bull.

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime.

If you were over - and you admit you were over - then take your bumps.

If cars, trucks, steam rollers or farm machinery were to consistently pass my house at 22mph over the maximum legal posted limit, I'd very soon get tired of that.

we ride the same bikes, but that doesn't cut any slack with me dear forum buddy.

the little dial on the front tells you how fast you're going. Pay your penalty and stop looking for a sneaky way to avoid the legal as well as moral consequences of your risk taking.

(by the way - I'm not an LEO)

ride safe dudes - Bull :glare:

That is sure some bull.

Thanks Sherman - it's my speciality [SIZE=14pt] :D [/SIZE]

Unless I missed it - some places are allowing the violator the option of taking a driver's safety course. This gives the violator the chance to keep the ticket off of his insurance record and I believe the cost of the class is less then the penalty itself.

It might be worth your time to inquire about such an option.

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime.

If you were over - and you admit you were over - then take your bumps.

If cars, trucks, steam rollers or farm machinery were to consistently pass my house at 22mph over the maximum legal posted limit, I'd very soon get tired of that.

we ride the same bikes, but that doesn't cut any slack with me dear forum buddy.

the little dial on the front tells you how fast you're going. Pay your penalty and stop looking for a sneaky way to avoid the legal as well as moral consequences of your risk taking.

(by the way - I'm not an LEO)

ride safe dudes - Bull :glare:

That is sure some bull.
I'm with ya on this one, Sherman, so you get a +1 from me.

Unless the infraction was in a school zone, residential area or the like, speeding has very little to do with saftey (up to a point of course) and much more to do with adding to municipal money gathering IMHO.

I don't know about MO, but in MI there is what is called "advisement". This is an option given to the judge where you pay a fine (usually the same $ as is normal for the ticket) BUT is expunged from your record after usually six months, during which you receive no other ticket. If you DO get another ticket during the alloted time period the previous ticket goes on your record. And no repercussions from the insurance company (assuming you didn't get another ticket).

May be an option for ya. Good luck-


Hope this helps

I was speeding so I will pay the $208 fine for my terrible crime.

If you were over - and you admit you were over - then take your bumps.

If cars, trucks, steam rollers or farm machinery were to consistently pass my house at 22mph over the maximum legal posted limit, I'd very soon get tired of that.

we ride the same bikes, but that doesn't cut any slack with me dear forum buddy.

the little dial on the front tells you how fast you're going. Pay your penalty and stop looking for a sneaky way to avoid the legal as well as moral consequences of your risk taking.

(by the way - I'm not an LEO)

ride safe dudes - Bull :glare:

That is sure some bull.
I'm with ya on this one, Sherman, so you get a +1 from me.

Unless the infraction was in a school zone, residential area or the like, speeding has very little to do with saftey (up to a point of course) and much more to do with adding to municipal money gathering IMHO.

I don't know about MO, but in MI there is what is called "advisement". This is an option given to the judge where you pay a fine (usually the same $ as is normal for the ticket) BUT is expunged from your record after usually six months, during which you receive no other ticket. If you DO get another ticket during the alloted time period the previous ticket goes on your record. And no repercussions from the insurance company (assuming you didn't get another ticket).

May be an option for ya. Good luck-


Hope this helps
you know what guys - you're right. You've convinced me to change my mind.

I think it might be better if each and every one of us just chose what laws to follow and have the freedom to decide when and where we can break them. Maybe we could all just do whatever the f*ck we wanted, whenever we wanted, to whomever we wanted, as long as we felt it was probably OK and within reason. (sounds like the GeeDub administration)

I jest of course. The obvious problem with this approach is that we all have different ways to judge what precisely is, 'within reason'.

So here's my bottom line - the twisty handle on the right of your bars manages your speed. The signs on the side of the road tell you how fast you're allowed to go. If someone deliberately takes the risk and decides to twist the grip and go faster than the signed limit, he or she risks the performance award. If you do all that and get one, you should man up and pay the bloody thing instead of look for wimpy assed ways to weasel out of the consequences of your actions.

I might be the best darned rider on the planet - but is there two sets of rules for the good riders (or drivers) and the bad ones? I think that's too complicated a question for this thread - we need only pay attention to the simple one - if you speed and get busted, do you pay your fine or try to weasel out?

How someone answers that question tells me a lot about their character.

Sorry guys - I'm not trying to be beligerent or piss on anyone's grass - just sharing my views and I don't expect everyone to 'buy into' them.

And just for the record, I've received a couple of performance awards myself in the past. But they were both when I had decided to push my speed over the limit so I can't really complain. I was speeding, I got busted, I paid my penalty. Sounds like a fair enough system to me.

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The results will vary by state and local jurisdiction. The judge is the one who makes the final decision.

First, I would call the court clerk of the court where the ticket was issued and ask what your options are and how these things are typically handled in that particular court.
