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Once you have some seat time with the locator, you get a better understanding of how it helps with your electronic warfare countermeasures. It really does help to know where the ping from where is coming.


As regards laser, the beam's a metre wide at 1,000 metres. Get in close and it's pencil-thin. So basically it's lane-specific out to 1,000 metres... If a Lidar detector chirps, you've already been ranged.


Not sure if they are cloning the Escort hardward or keeping it the Bel way.
I have one of each, and the cords are interchangeable, but the Escort alerted sooner, when run side-by-side in my vehicle.

Sooner is better, IMHO.

Also, the Bel defaults to a volume level way too loud for my Autocom, and it's not easily adjusted quickly, as one wants to when it's drilling one's brain with chirps every time it boots up.

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What's the deal on Jammers. There is a guy in El Paso that says he can make you invisible - guaranteed. Anyone heard good or bad about him?

The guy running the ZX14 in the European Cannonball seems to think his front and rear "parking detectors" are real stealth. The cop thought so too.

Anyone familiar with this stuff?

As regards laser, the beam's a metre wide at 1,000 metres. Get in close and it's pencil-thin. So basically it's lane-specific out to 1,000 metres... If a Lidar detector chirps, you've already been ranged.
John. favorite subject! Comparing the radar beam to the laser beam, accurately described above by Reg#43897, radar puts out a beam in a cone shaped pattern, similar to a flashlight beam, in about a 20 degree arc. Thats why radar reflections and scatter are so easy for a GOOD detector to pick up, and why, when your laser alert goes off, its usually because its aimed right at you.

I'm a V1 kinda guy, with the gay ass arrows. They ARE vewwy, vewwy helpful. But get a GOOD detector. A cheap one will only get you in trouble.

. . .But get a GOOD detector. A cheap one will only get you in trouble.
I'm curious, how do the cheap ones get you in trouble?
A cheap detector is probably better than none.

But, they sound off for every door opener and microwave system in the area. This causes you to initially be paranoid. Soon the paranoia wears off, you begin to ignore the detector alerts and alas Mr. LEO has you exceeding the speed limit! :(

Passport 8500 works for me!

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As long as we're in the RD101 class, Does a RD such as the Valentine 1 need to be mounted so it has a clear view of the road ahead, and does the 'tail' end of it need to be mounted where I can see it? i.e., can it be mounted out of sight?

As long as we're in the RD101 class, Does a RD such as the Valentine 1 need to be mounted so it has a clear view of the road ahead, and does the 'tail' end of it need to be mounted where I can see it? i.e., can it be mounted out of sight?
Something I've wondered as well. I'd love to have an out-of-sight mounting position with an LED warning light on the handlebars or dash. Out of sight reduces chances of theft, and you don't have to scramble to hide the unit should LEO get you anyway. So 2 questions: Does anyone know of such a mounting position and does this position reduce the RD's effectiveness (range)?



I mounted mine with Velcro on top of the brake reservoir(added a light L bracket zip tied around reservoir to hold in place with extra velcro). I take off easily, put in pocket when going into a store.

IF you are pulled over, Turn Off unit and put your Gloves on it.

Hope this helps.

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I've known several guys that ran it in their tankbag. Had the audio hooked up thru their Autocom. No visual, although that can be done as well, with a remote set up.

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As regards laser, the beam's a metre wide at 1,000 metres. Get in close and it's pencil-thin. So basically it's lane-specific out to 1,000 metres... If a Lidar detector chirps, you've already been ranged.
nothings absolute. i've had my v1 save me from a lidar ping more than once. if you're running solo without a rabit, even radar can nab you.

As regards laser, the beam's a metre wide at 1,000 metres. Get in close and it's pencil-thin. So basically it's lane-specific out to 1,000 metres... If a Lidar detector chirps, you've already been ranged.
John. favorite subject! Comparing the radar beam to the laser beam, accurately described above by Reg#43897, radar puts out a beam in a cone shaped pattern, similar to a flashlight beam, in about a 20 degree arc. Thats why radar reflections and scatter are so easy for a GOOD detector to pick up, and why, when your laser alert goes off, its usually because its aimed right at you.

I'm a V1 kinda guy, with the gay ass arrows. They ARE vewwy, vewwy helpful. But get a GOOD detector. A cheap one will only get you in trouble.
The radar beam on units made in the last couple of years are smaller than 20 degrees. The Stalker DSR 2X's beam is 12 degrees. For comparision, most lasers out there being used for speed enforcement have a beam spread of .17 degrees.

Escort Passport 8500 here. Saved my bacon many times. Reviews I read when I bought it a few years ago, had it over the V-1 for sensitivity to K band, and the V-1 had the edge for X-band. So Escort got the nod , also for the audio out jack built in.

My advice is to keep it discreetly hidden in the tank bag or somewhere else out of sight. When decisions are being made about to warn or write, the sight of a RD on the dash says this guy probably speeds alot and probably finally got caught. It's time to write him up. Audio connections from the better RD's like the V-1 and 8500 make it possible to hide it away and still monitor.

my 2 bits

-Sirby B)
