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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
The pursuit of happiness will now take place at a slower pace.

Over 20 years of a clean riding record reset today. Got popped at 65 in a 55. And the LEO gave me a break and dropped it 5. After that, I crawled along at 60 (still speeding, though, isn't it?) and thought "Iowa has just become a much larger state". Even had a Harley come up behind me and shadow me for 20 miles or so. He was probably thinking "WTF? 60?" At least he didn't further my humiliation and blow around me.

Most of my miles are commuting on interstate, so I'm used to how the bike rolls at 70-80. (And it rolls very nicely in that range and above.) Trying to dial it down for the two lanes is tough. But I knew that this highway is rather heavily traveled and patrolled, so no one to blame but me.


I intend to do better. Really. But just in case...what are recommendations for radar detectors?


I don't go riding for more than 20 miles without my V-1 on duty.

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Escort 8500 here. I could give a rats ass where the signal is coming from, cuz if I hear a ping, I'm down to sub-light speed, tout de suite.

Escort 8500 here. I could give a rats ass where the signal is coming from, cuz if I hear a ping, I'm down to sub-light speed, tout de suite.
Gunny1! Like Tim, I don't use my Escort to keep me from getting a ticket but to warn me that they are out there on the prowl. Then its up to the living organ between my ears to do whatever is necessary to keep from drawing attention.


I feel for ya... I have been using Escort X50 w/POP. It works miracles.

Just yesterday I was lead stop at a stoplight on a 4 lane and shot out when the light turned to about 55mph when my Excort beeped....immediately stopped accelerating and there he was (Highway Patrol) painted me.

If I did not have this device...there would have been a ticket....don't leave home without it!

Likewise, I could give a rat's ass where it's coming from. But as you can see by reading my ride report thread from this weekend, radar detectors are not fool proof. Troopers had a very elaborate speed trap setup from way on top of an overpass. They shot me with Ka-band instant-on. And while I am certain the speed they reported was someone's cager speed in an adjacent lane, there's no point in arguing that in court. I'll just accept that figure as a blessing, pay, and move on.

Escort 8500 here. Never leave home without it, NEVER!

Do they work w/ lasers/lidar too? Or is it just radar?
They do a great job of improving your odds of surviving being "hit" by lasers/lidar/radar. They work best when someone ahead or behind of you is targeted. In NC, troopers are deliberately passing up on speeding cagers and waiting to target motorcycles. I've seen the clear evidence again and again.

I'll take the odds WITH a good RD, over the odds WITHOUT a good RD, any day. But it's still odds, not guarantees.

Do they work w/ lasers/lidar too? Or is it just radar?
Yes it does. The trick is when they use laser, it is not pulsing like radar, so with Lidar/Laser it is almost instantaneous, you don't want to be out front 'cause if you see/hear it may be too late. It is best to hang back and let the first vehicle get painted and you will have time to get the signal and adjust.

Never the less, better to have than not.

Do they work w/ lasers/lidar too? Or is it just radar?
Yes it does. The trick is when they use laser, it is not pulsing like radar, so with Lidar/Laser it is almost instantaneous, you don't want to be out front 'cause if you see/hear it may be too late. It is best to hang back and let the first vehicle get painted and you will have time to get the signal and adjust.

Never the less, better to have than not.
Thats my motto, ask my wife she hates it when I say that. I usually can sniff out hiding spots and slow down accordingly but if it saves me from just one ticket it'll be worth it. Thanks.

I didn't realize radar detectors were optional equipment on the FJR. The more you know....

FWIW, I run an Escort 8500, but it's only a tool, not the whole arsenal. Live by the RD, die by the RD. The trick is the see the predator before the predator sees you.

Or get real good at running from them.

You have sliders, yeah?

IMHO, 65 in a 55 is chicken shit in a can, especially on a bike. You need to stay ahead of the flow or risk getting run over. Go explain motorcycle safety to the judge. Can't hurt at this point.

5 over....


I don't know how things are where you live but in California if you are only 5 over you would get run over even 10 over on some fwy would get you run over.

Can't believe just 10 over.... and would not give you a break when you are on a bike.



5 over....ridiculous..

I don't know how things are where you live but in California if you are only 5 over you would get run over even 10 over on some fwy would get you run over.

Can't believe just 10 over.... and would not give you a break when you are on a bike.


Radar detector? What's this new fangled gizmo? :rolleyes: Never used one myself, but been thinking about it also. I'm regularly 20-30 over on Cali. autobauns.

I didn't realize radar detectors were optional equipment on the FJR. The more you know....
FWIW, I run an Escort 8500, but it's only a tool, not the whole arsenal
Ditto. Beware for white lines painted across the highway at regular intervals. My 8500 detects radar, but not aircraft with stopwatches.

IMHO, 65 in a 55 is chicken shit in a can,
sheesh...what is this world coming to... you'd think they get paid commissions or something.

5 over....ridiculous..

I don't know how things are where you live but in California if you are only 5 over you would get run over even 10 over on some fwy would get you run over.

Can't believe just 10 over.... and would not give you a break when you are on a bike.


Radar detector? What's this new fangled gizmo? :rolleyes: Never used one myself, but been thinking about it also. I'm regularly 20-30 over on Cali. autobauns.

Silver Penquin, I'm sure you already know this. It can vary by county in CA, but 20 over and you can no longer go to "traffic school" in CA. Don't ask how I know. :dribble: Yes, I know everyone else is doing it (15+ over) but just for your information. Now, don't ask me about 110 in a 65. :blink: (OK, the LEO MADE me do it. Also, he was a "no-show" in court when I appeared for trial. Case dismissed. :yahoo: Thanks to my "get-out-of-jail-free card.) B) However, I did adjust my fight or flight (at night) behavior! :ph34r:

