Petition to stop cell phone use in automobiles

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2005
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Only a few hundred people have signed this to date.

We can do better than that.

It might help save a bikers life.

Maybe your own!

There are going to be positive and negative comments about this topic,

but if bringing it to light saves one life it's a worthwhile effort.

You need to at least keep an open mind and review the contents of the petition and the personal stories to find out what this is all about.

It's about taking one more of the risk factors out of us all enjoying a freedom to live to ride another day!

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And how exactly is this different from the dreaded helmet laws everybody seems to be against? Given the amount of bikes v cars and trucks, it is far more likely that they will fold themselves under a semi than to hit a biker, in which case it will be darwin at work. Shouldn't this be personal responsibility too? Or does personal responsibility end when it doesn't apply to yourself, but it's someone else, or like bad cager versus good biker?

(for what it's worth, I fully support the hands-free only law we have here)

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I've never understood the need to proliferate endless and possibly pointless laws.

Most places, the law is that driving on public roads, the driver is required to give that task his/her 100% attention. The police wouldn't need a special law, they could always book you for "undue attention".

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Why add more legislation to the pile already heaped on everyone's backs? Why not enforce existing laws that deal with careless driving? These, "there ought to be a law", kinds make me want to vomit.

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It is already illegal to talk on a hand held phone while driving in NY. Hasn't stopped too many people from doing it anyway.

I agree with the many other level headed members.............another law is going to

do nothing but add more money to the government through issuing traffic citations.

It's not like the police dont have enough to do already other then make some BS politician happy.

There are some people that can actually walk, talk and chew gum at the same time,

why should we be penalized for those who cant.

I dont see any legislation to get rid of car stereos, drink holders (food etc), gps systems, and a host of other things that are commonly found in or on ones vehicle who pose just as much risk as to those that talk on cell phones.

As a former police officer I can tell you there are plenty of laws currently on the books that can address those people who do not have the ability to do multi tasking (and that is what driving is) careless and reckless driving, left of center, fail to reduce speed, driving without regard to traffic conditions / weather..............etc, etc.

How about we make a law that government gets out of my life (and wallet) and let me enjoy my constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness.



It is already illegal to talk on a hand held phone while driving in NY. Hasn't stopped too many people from doing it anyway.
Yep, making guns illegal to carry in NY and many other large cities has really helped too.........huh. <_<

Living in New York (eastern Long Island) I already know of 5 people who have gotten tickets for cell phone use while driving, including a guy who works for me and was driving one of my service vehicles. People may not like it but they are semi serious about enforcing it. Since it is considered a moving violation it results in points on your license and an increased insurance rate. Although it hasn't stopped me completely, I usually pull over when I need to use it. Its been more than once in the past that I have caught myself doing something competely stupid while yaking on the phone, i.e. stopping at a green light....As far as I'm concerned, they may be a fact of life these days but they are a total menace on the road. Maybe if the teenage girl from Connecticut hadn't been chatting on her cell phone she wouldn't have taken out my buddy and his girlfriend as they sat on their bike waiting for a light to change..........

I also find it hilarious that the level-headed, multi-tasking cops, you know the ones...the ones that can walk, talk, and chew gum at the same time....spend most of their time in the car with their ear glued to the cell phone and then have the nuts to actually stop someone and give them a ticket for doing the same thing...

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I run a quick lube where we guide people into the lube bays all day, we had so many close calls with drivers on cell phones that if we see a customer yacking on one outside they either let us drive it in or hang up the phone or they don't get their oil changed. Even at the creep speeds they were moving in the shop a cell user will usually take an extra 3ft to stop.

They terrify me out on the road.


In my travels through NY, it seems like some of the smaller towns are more inclined to enforce it than the larger metropolitan areas.

Regarding the signing of the thanks. I'm on the road quite a bit, both in the car and on the bike, and have come to rely on my phone while on the road.

I think this is a stupid petition and a stupid idea. Here are my reasons (if you are going to be intellectually consistent):

1) Are you also going to ban talking to passengers in the car? Why not? they are a distraction. Therefore you would also need to ban motorcycle communicators. No more intercoms. No more Chatterboxes. No more FRS units. No headsets for your cell.

2) Next you have to ban CB radios. The truckers will just HATE you for that.

3) If cell phones are illegal, then so should be car radios, CD players, MP3s, etc. Hell, your music is CERTAINLY distracting!

4) OBVIOUSLY no DVD players. Even your kids in the back must wear headsets...

5)Now this also neglecting the obvious: The so-called "distraction" can be a life-saver. How many of us turn on the radio to help us STAY ALERT???? Talking on the phone can be just as stimulating. Otherwise, you'll have people falling asleep at the wheel---here, in NJ, if you've been sleepless for a certain number of hours (23, I think) and have an accident, that is considered the same as drunk driving.

6) Now the obvious: Ban HANDHELD phone use except in an emergency. There is NO reason to not use either a headset or speakerphone in ANY vehicle today. NY has the law and is enforcing it. NJ has the law but it's meaningless as you have to be stopped for another reason--not strong enough.

7) Ban other activities--text messaging, BlackBerry eMail.

Banning all cell phone usage is a stupid, idiotic knee-jerk reaction that does NOT address the problem. I will not sign such a petition!

Intellectually consistent? Yeah right. That's a bit of a stretch Yanktar.

People talking on cell phones while driving are hazardous. Period. We have all seen it. Most of us have probably done some stupid stuff while doing it.

Don't know if legislation is an effective way to try and stop it or not. Maybe its worth a try.

And I must respectfully disagree with our ex-leo member and anyone else who says we have other laws on the books we can use. Most of those laws don't apply to cell phone use, and would be thrown out in court. At least in the states I have lived. Reckless driving? Have you read the required elements to reach the level Reckless Driving?

As I understand the law in NY, you can use your handset to dial and connect then you are required to use a headset for the conversation.

What happens? Well, people are looking at their phone to pull up the number they want to dial while their car drifts around on the road. Then, once they connect, they get involved in a serious conversation while the car slows down, then they notice the space in front of them so they speed up, and repeat. Much different from the distractions caused by radios and even CD players.

So, I think it is dangerous having people use cell phones while driving but I don't see how more laws will make a difference.

I don't think a new law is the answer. We just need accountability. If we held people accountable, maybe we would all think twice of the consequences before we acted. We have got to stop saying "Oh, well, they didn't mean to...".

Ok people, today---this morning---2/15/06 riding to work, about a 16-18 mile commute--one way. What I am about to explain is an exception to my daily commute, not the rule, thank God! On two occasions this morning (both just so happen to be females--not meant to be offensive/sexist) both on cel phones, pull over into my lane. I constantly read traffic, so fortunately this time, neither incident caused me a real problem, I was ready and expecting, my speed was slow on both occasions, but both occasions these cars wanted to access a ramp at the last second, one of those situations where they ride in the inside fast lane and cut over at last minute in a gap between morning traffic (between the front of my bike and the back bumper of the car in front of me) that there was absolutely no way either car either time could fit. You people konw who/what I'm talking about! they dont want to get in the right lane because the traffic is backed up and slow, and these people think they are important and always in a hurry---yadda, yadda. One lady in a white Benz came over on me in such a position I could have knocked on her front passenger glass---I really don't think she ever had a clue I was there w/that phone stuck in her ear. Man this was one of those mornings I wish I already had my Nautilus installed. For those who do not believe cel phones cause operator distractions, I offer this--my wife got a ticket for running a red light, yup, she was talking on her cel phone to her mom, and a police car was there at the intersection and saw the whole thing. Of course my wife came in bitching like hell at what happened, didn't phase her one bit, she still squalks on that phone while driving. She never saw the traffic light that she ran :eh:

So, would the law allow hands-free use? I never use my cell without the earpiece microphone thing, so I guess it wouldn't affect me, if that's the case. Not sure what I think of the law either way though. Would surely be against if I cannot use it the safe way that I currently do.


+1 on having to ban EVERYTHING in a vehicle that could distract a driver. I am sick and tired of making laws that try to protect everyone from the guy who is going to do it anyway.

+1 on having to ban EVERYTHING in a vehicle that could distract a driver. I am sick and tired of making laws that try to protect everyone from the guy who is going to do it anyway.
Well then, we might as well get rid of the murder laws too. Or ANY law for that matter.

After all, there will always be a "guy who is going to do it anyway".

Sorry, but you asked for that one. ;)
