The mount style bigjohn links in his post above is the one I use. I never could bring myself to use the X-Grip, it just looked too flimsy to me. I've had to replace my phone before & really, REALLY didn't want that hassle again.
I've been using the Ram X-grip style mounts for years with no problems, and I've talked to guys that crashed their bikes and the phone was still in the mount.
Maybe it's like the saddlebags... all the guys that haven't lost one secretly believe that all the guys that HAVE lost one didn't have it mounted correctly.
That rubber butterfly thing would probably help if I used it, but I don't. My phone case has a loop in the top corner, so for longer rides I can attach a tether there.
I'd include a picture, but I can't take a picture of my phone, and cant find that case online anymore.
The X grip holder can be used in either portrait or landscape orientation. I would venture to say that landscape is a more secure method because it grips along the top and bottom edges of the phone case. With it in portrait orientation, it now fights gravity to retain the phone. How many people who lost their phone from X grip had it in landscape when it migrated out?