Phukkin' Harley Dudes

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
Monroe, WA
So... I'm leading a mixed bag of bikes up the Mountain Loop Highway (in single file formation). We're in the twisties, and we're spread out pretty good going at or just over the speed limit. I come up on 3 Harley's cruising along at about 45mph. The rear bike was a gal and she was riding her brakes the whole time.

I see a LEGAL passing zone so I pull out, flash my lights and start to pass. The guy in the middle pulls out in front of me and attempts to blocks my pass. WTF???? :angry2:

Anyway, I was on my ZX-14 so I went by him before he could even think anything.

What is this blocking thing that these losers have?

I just don't understand.

Yep, some of 'em are going to show you how to ride :glare: Hopefully he didn't split the group up for very long.


I too, used to fret at seemingly premeditated moves by others on certain types of bikes, meant to frustrate my experience while riding (and a few other pastimes, like driving my car...).

Then I realized that the problem was indeed, me. :glare:

You see, it all comes down to unmet expectations.

1. I expect them to be in control of their bike at all times.

2. I expect them to maintain as safe a zone around them as possible.

3. I expect them to want to enjoy their own experience while I enjoy mine.

4. I expect them to behave strategically on the road.

Turns out, there is no way to communicate my expectations to them, so it's not surprising at all that I get frustrated at their actions. Then, of course, with neither a proper forum to discuss the expectations beforehand, nor a chance to debrief the situation afterward, there is no way to plan for a different outcome in the future. :angry:

So, what to do?

Lower your expectations. :dribble:

People who behave like this:

1. Are not in control of their bike at all times--the "block" was simply an involuntary reaction of confusion at the sight of a properly piloted motorcycle, resulting in a swerve that looked offensive, but was nothing more than the inability to engage proper motor skill function.

2. Cannot allocate scarce resources of critical thought to general safety principles. The capacity has already been maxed out.

3. Are not really enjoying their own experience, and cannot imagine that anyone else is either. Again, critical thinking skills being so scarce already, they are merely enduring what amounts to self-torture.

4. Are not acting on any logical platform. Generally speaking, swerves and like maneuvers are tactical in nature, based on an overall strategy of agility and purpose. Really, as much fun as they are not having already, can we expect any of these alleged "swerves" and "blocks" to serve some real strategy or purpose?

So, it's OK to let them be wrong. They want to be, and no amount of hoping that it will be different will make it so.

The great news is--you were on the right bike to make quick work of the situation! :yahoo:


With the exception of the last sentence, Shane, I really have no idea what you said. It all sounded very cool... in fact, it was quite the oracle..... er...ode.....ummmm.... lots-of-words.....

Wow! I wish I could do that.



Radman teases me for not saying very much when I do post, which is probably a good thing.

Your rant subject gets me going however, and it's not just about riding situations either. Ever notice how many times in life people behave in similar, frustrating ways? Same deal.

Thanks for the comments. I've been told that I do "cryptic" as good as anyone. Sometimes that's exactly what I intend, but that wasn't my intent here.


Perhaps he'd been nominated [by self or otherwise] "Road Captain", ...gotta remember dem Hardly Guys take dat kinda stuff real serious-like!

You "punked" him in front of a lady harley rider. Probably ruined his day. 45 was flyin for him and you showed him up. I'd have given him a shot from my aftersquirters on the way by for his little block attempt.

Though Brother Shane does speak in truths, I have another theory as pertaining to "The Swerve". The famed Harley Davidson® Wunder-Bar® chassis, combined with the Landau-Ride® suspension could very well be responsible, as it reacted to the Luxo-Touch® throttle input to the Eagle Power Torque-Deluxe II® powerplant. I had a mini-bike would do the same thing when ya wacked the throttle. Turned out to be a bad weld, but ???? In any case, I think he was racing ya.

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People who behave like this:
1. Are not in control of their bike at all times--the "block" was simply an involuntary reaction of confusion at the sight of a properly piloted motorcycle, resulting in a swerve that looked offensive, but was nothing more than the inability to engage proper motor skill function.
Or a deliberate move just to be a pr!ck. In either case, the best option is to safely get as far away from them as possible as quickly as possible, preferably after deploying DailyCommuter's aftersquirters.

Heh. Those Harleys are high-performance machines! A couple months ago, I had one behind me when the light turned yellow. It was kind of a hot stop, but hey, I have ABS. Then I watched as the Harley slid past me into the intersection with a nice stripe from his locked rear brake. He slid a full bike length past me.

I gave him a nice golf clap as he duck-walked it back, and as a friendly fellow biker, he gave me the "you're #1!" salute.

I can only suggest some networking with a selected cruiser-bike internet forum, and ask them directly WTF is up with their attempts at being rolling road blocks to their two-wheeled brethren. It could gain momentum, not unlike last week's NOS epic fail thread, and end up changing the world!

LOL...good timing on this thread...I was just on the ROT forum (Republic of Texas rally), and came across this new posting...

<< Today at 09:23 AM

Reply with quote #1


Me and some buddies, about 14 of us so far, are planning a ride through Fredericksburg.since we heard they don't like our loud pipes. Well, they better get ready. Ten of us have Reinharts modified to be even louder, and two of us are running completely custom straight pipes without baffles (I have no idea how he can stay on the bike, I'm uncomfortable riding behind him). Oh yeah baby! Can't wait to sit at a light and just TWIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSST THAT THROTTLE!

I can't wait! ROT '08 was so much fun! ROT '09 is going to be even better!>>

Gotta love them HD dudes !!

LOL...good timing on this thread...I was just on the ROT forum (Republic of Texas rally), and came across this new posting...

<< Today at 09:23 AM

Reply with quote #1


Me and some buddies, about 14 of us so far, are planning a ride through Fredericksburg.since we heard they don't like our loud pipes. Well, they better get ready. Ten of us have Reinharts modified to be even louder, and two of us are running completely custom straight pipes without baffles (I have no idea how he can stay on the bike, I'm uncomfortable riding behind him). Oh yeah baby! Can't wait to sit at a light and just TWIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSST THAT THROTTLE!

I can't wait! ROT '08 was so much fun! ROT '09 is going to be even better!>>

Gotta love them HD dudes !!
And Fredericksburg is ready for them. They issue noise citations.

Here's another post from this rocket scientist LOL

Today at 10:46 AM

Reply with quote #3


You don't have to worry about noise ordinances in Fredericksburg. They only apply to vehicles "out of repair" and to amplified car stereos. I've been making runs up there (I have family nearby in Wimberly) about every other month and we just REV REV REEEEEEEEEV at stoplights until a cop shows up.

Last time they tried to ticket us we showed them the printout of this website which lists all the ordinances for the town: He was pretty pissed! Hah hah buddy, if you want to ticket us, you have to catch us breaking the law first. Getting pissed off because you can't stand a little noise (ok, a LOT OF NOISE!) doesn't count. Stupid pig.

So yeah, don't be afraid of johnny law. I definitely wouldn't advise speeding through town (they'll definitely get you for that), but revving hard at stoplights to annoy the old folks on the sidewalk is perfectly legal (AND FUN!).


Today at 11:20 AM

Reply with quote #6


I think the cops could bring a case against you under this section and article b if they wanted to be picky (and with your attitude......I would). Loud Pipes have a get you noticed to save your life.........not to be a nuisance to elderly folk.

Sec. 7.1106. Maximum permissible sound levels.

(a) In addition to the violations established by the preceding sections of this chapter, no person shall conduct, permit, or allow any activity or sound source to produce a sound discernible beyond the the property on which the sound is being generated that when measured as provided in Section 7.1107 of this Code exceeds 85 dB(A) during daytime hours and 70 dB(A) during nighttime hours for the respective areas described above.

Any sound that exceeds the dB(A) levels set forth in this section under the conditions and measurement criteria set forth in this chapter is a violation of this chapter. Evidence that an activity or sound source produces a sound that exceeds the dB(A) levels specified in this section shall be prima facie evidence of a sound nuisance that unreasonably disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of others in violation of this chapter.

( B) Regardless of the measurable dB(A) level established above and measured as provided in section 7.1107, below, the generator of any sound of such a nature as to cause persons occupying or using any property other than the property upon which the sound is being generated to experience physically detectable sound, vibrations or resonance at a distance of fifty (50') feet from the source of the sound ( measured as set out below) caused by the sound shall also be prima facie evidence of a sound that unreasonably disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of others in violation of this chapter.

As for the guy pulling out to block, I think it's a reaction to the flashing. Flashing your lights is supposed to be a "Hey, I'm here" thing. For most of the public it has become "Move the **** out of the way, asshole!" Europeans understand the flash-to-pass thing. They actually have to demostrate competence to get a license. Most Ammuricuns take it personally.

He was reacting to being called an asshole. Not flashing the lights would have given a clean pass with no reaction. Betcha money. Soon's we find that time machine so we can go back and try it.

(The competence thing is not intended to be a political rant, just a statement of general behavioral differences while driving, them vs. us.)

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