Phukkin' Harley Dudes

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My son (14) just observed a number of "hardcore" harley riders at a carnival. His comment was that they looked just like Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean.

My son (14) just observed a number of "hardcore" harley riders at a carnival. His comment was that they looked just like Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean.

LOL! Apart from the extra baggage that they're carrying around. Captain Jack is of a rather svelte build, without a keg around the midsection.

My son (14) just observed a number of "hardcore" harley riders at a carnival. His comment was that they looked just like Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean.
Out of the mouths of babes...

Movie Pirates!!!

Somebody told me I look like Master Chief from the Halo game....


I was enjoying a 3 day ride with my buddies and we ran into a very similar situation. We ran up on 2 cars backed up by 20+ HD riders. Granted we tend to ride a bit over the posted and subscribe to the theory that passing zones were designed for cars not motorcycles. Not to suggest that we pass in blind turns or anything, but there are plenty of straights that aren't marked for passing because cars are too damn slow!

So, my buddy starts working up threw the HD column and after a few passes runs into Mr. Ima Gonna KickAss; who tries to pop out infront of an Aprilia Millie R while passing and hit the brakes. Needless to say since we actaully practice evasive maneuvers and understand counter steering and braking this wasn't a real issue. Mr. KickAss proceeds to invite my buddy to the side of the road for a fisticuffs. My buddy wished Mr. KickAss a good day riding and continued down the road.

Lucky for me as I started to work through the HD column they eventually got wise and pulled over to let us by. Which they didn't have to do. IMO, they could of easily waived us up threw the column and never stopped their ride.

I don't understand the mentality that a group owns the road from one end of the column to the other. It isn't like we were forcing them to make room for us as we passed, but they didn't make it any easier for us either.

Mr. KickAss proceeds to invite my buddy to the side of the road for a fisticuffs.
I'd be real tempted to take him up on that offer, then maybe school him on a new use for ATGATT.

Head-butting contest, anyone?

Hopefully he gave the HD rider the TWN salute and let him know he was #1 :lol:

You're all just jealous. Harley's aren't about biking, they are about the lifestyle.
Just because our bikes are faster, cheaper, handle better, more reliable, funner to ride, more comfortable, more technologically advanced, better looking, more practical, more efficient and better-engineered, doesn't make them cool.

Better, yes. But that's not what it's about, right? :D

Mr. KickAss proceeds to invite my buddy to the side of the road for a fisticuffs.
I'd be real tempted to take him up on that offer, then maybe school him on a new use for ATGATT.

Head-butting contest, anyone?
I've thought about that very situation a couple of times. Like what....yur gonna hit me? Good luck buddy (Full face Shoei and fully armoured 'Stitch)

I frequently blow past a single cruiser or small pack in one fell swoop with no problem. Most of the time they don't even know I'm there until I've gone past. I had one cruiser move over for me but he never waved me by so I wasn't sure if he moved for me or was just using the whole lane.

Long parades can be more of a problem. I haven't tried to pass a parade in small sections but have taken them all at once on a long straight.

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Just had a Harley guy ride by my house with straight pipes blasting the neighborhood.

Reminded me of a question I've had for years.

Why do Harley's get a pass from police when they run straight pipes?

Yet, if I ran my Big Block Chevy with open headers I'd get stopped by the police without question.

Once, while riding my KLR, there was a full dress Harley that was merging next to me on the frontage road, which in turn lead to on on-ramp to the freeway... and this dude didn't like the fact that I was out-accelerating him on my KLR-650 Japanese dirt bike, so he had to show me up, passing me doing 90 as I was accelerating through about 85. At that point, the KLR was near maxed, and I figured so was his dresser. So I let him go, instead of pushing my KLR to embarrass him. Kinda made me giggle.

Just had a Harley guy ride by my house with straight pipes blasting the neighborhood.Reminded me of a question I've had for years.

Why do Harley's get a pass from police when they run straight pipes?

Yet, if I ran my Big Block Chevy with open headers I'd get stopped by the police without question.

I've often asked the same thing. Just don't add up.

The more harleys encountered on a ride the more fun it is. They make great slalom gates! :red_bandana:

Now if I can just teach my dog to lift his leg as we roll by . . . .

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Why do Harley's get a pass from police when they run straight pipes?Yet, if I ran my Big Block Chevy with open headers I'd get stopped by the police without question.
I've often asked the same thing. Just don't add up.
I know of some people who have been ticketed for pipes. They just fix it, get it checked off, then put 'em back loud. Perhaps the new enforcement program will end this cycle.... :clapping:

The more harleys encountered on a ride the more fun it is. They make great slalom gates!

This is one of the funniest threads I've ever read. This being my third time on here, I'm sure there are a lot more! Much more entertaining than the honda forum I was on.

Just my note tho, I've never had a harley try to block me
