Phukkin' Harley Dudes

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we could always try thinning the herd:

A little guy is sitting at the bar staring at his drink for half an hour when this big trouble-making biker steps next to him, grabs his drink, gulps it down in one swig and then turns to the guy with a menacing stare as if to say, 'What'cha gonna do about it?'

The poor little guy starts crying.

'Come on man I was just giving you a hard time,' the biker says. “I didn't think you'd CRY. I can't stand to see a man crying. “

“This is the worst day of my life,” says the little guy between sobs. “I can't do anything right. I overslept and was late to an important meeting, so my boss fired me.”

“When I went to the parking lot, I found my car was stolen and I don't have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my wife in bed with the gardener and my dog bit me.”

“So I came to this bar trying to work up the courage to put an end to my life, and then you show up and drink the damn poison.”

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

There are some real idiots around where I live. One guy has a chopped HD with Ape hangers that during the summer he parks it on his lawn. I have never seen him ride other than park it in the garage at night, I have not a clue why. Today coming down 1st street home past a bunch of biker bars and always fun to ride by a herd was gathered around 2 HDs parked in 45* spaces on a decline, front tire forward. They had no idea how to "back it out" as they were too heavy. I assume the herd was giving advise on how to do it. I found it very entertaining as one bike was riding 2 up and the pillion rider was sitting on the seat as the rider was straining to roll it back up hill. Why she did not at least get off I have no idea, she was giving instructive criticism however. :clapping:

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There are some real idiots around where I live.
Oh wait, this is the Harley-bashing topic, not the Spelling and grammar-bashing topic. Never mind....

One guy has a chopped HD with Ape hangers that during the summer he parks it on his lawn. I have never seen him ride other than park it in the garage at night, I have not a clue why.
Like Adam Carrola says, "Hey everybody, notice me. I have a motorcycle!".

I enjoyed the two Harleys with biker babes on the back (yes their arses were smaller than the seat and their fronts were not tucked into ther beltline). :eek:

The two dudes didn't like being passed by the first two FJR's in our group. So the lead decided he was going to be a rolling road block and not let anyone past. That worked for a mile until he came upon a slower moving pick up. Then he had to pass, which gave me my opening to get by.

As the first Harley goes by the truck, the second Harley moves out to go by and I am right behind him. They finally get by the truck and move back in. Them Harleys don't accelerate very well. I didn't want to give the front one a chance to see me and try to block me again, so I was in 3rd gear at about 7 grand, quick up shift into 4th and then 5th, I went by him like he was standing still. As I pass him he sees I am towing a trailer. The look on his face was priceless as he realizes that there is no way he is going to maintian my pace. I get back in and continue at a more sedate pace, but faster than he can go.

The best part was seeing his passenger slapping the **** out of him in my mirror.

PS: the remus cans sure sound sweet when at full song B)

In my experience, the only thing most Harley riders have in common with Sport tourers is that they usually have two wheels (except for those Trikes ...which I refuse to wave to). The harley thing is just a COMPLETELY opposite approach to the vehicle we call the motorcycle. They don't get us and I don't get them. It is like the communists and capitalist.

Personally, I love nothing more than completely demoralizing a pirate on his chrome tractor. Especially the "fast" guy (with the extra load pipes) in front of his mates. A whole train of them is even better.

I say embrace it as the hunting sport it is!

I spent the day yesterday with 3 "Movie pirates". Had a great day. Newest HD was a '05'. We did have to adjust a group of HD that would not get over for us. Fun!

Aurbun FJR, that trailer looks great. Now about that bunch you were riding with.... :rolleyes: PJ's Panman...

<snip>The two dudes didn't like being passed by the first two FJR's in our group. ...Them Harleys don't accelerate very well. ...there is no way he is going to maintian my pace.
'mfletch69': In my experience, the only thing most Harley riders have in common with Sport tourers is that they usually have two wheels ...The harley thing is just a COMPLETELY opposite approach to the vehicle we call the motorcycle. ...Personally, I love nothing more than completely demoralizing a pirate on his chrome tractor. Especially the "fast" guy (with the extra load pipes) in front of his mates. ...!
Be careful: when playing the "pass the Harley" game -- most of those things are "Dangerously Under-Powered". Especially if there's altitude involved (above 4~5K feet) and an 'up-hill' involved. I've witnessed several near head-ons as the challenged Harley-Dude attempts to show the opposition the power of a 'real motorcycle'.

The loud farting sound gets louder but the velocity changes little.... :huh: :( :)

Be careful: when playing the "pass the Harley" game -- most of those things are "Dangerously Under-Powered". Especially if there's altitude involved (above 4~5K feet) and an 'up-hill' involved. I've witnessed several near head-ons as the challenged Harley-Dude attempts to show the opposition the power of a 'real motorcycle'.The loud farting sound gets louder but the velocity changes little.... :huh: :( :)

I hear ya. 1200 feet and downhill, could see over 3/4 of a mile, but it did take him about half of it to get a round the truck

I see a LEGAL passing zone so I pull out, flash my lights and start to pass. The guy in the middle pulls out in front of me and attempts to blocks my pass. WTF???? :angry2:
Did you assume that the rider was sober enough to be aware of your presence? That implies that he was looking behind him. You're making a couple of assumptions there. It could be that YOU encroached on the line that the bike (rather than the rider) had chosen to take on that stretch of road. As you suddenly appeared in front, just 'Came out of Nowhere'..... that would have been scary for him. That's what those idiot crotch rocket jockeys do. You were probably going far too fast as well AND your pipes gave no warning whatsoever of your approach.

Wouldn't you just love to hear what this rider had to say about the incident, when he reached the next bar?

You're all just jealous. Harley's aren't about biking, they are about the lifestyle.

Just because our bikes are faster, cheaper, handle better, more reliable, funner to ride, more comfortable, more technologically advanced, better looking, more practical, more efficient and better-engineered, doesn't make them cool.

Better, yes. But that's not what it's about, right? :D

I guess I never should have pushed that second guy, but what an *******. This time, not on a Harley, just a prick who thought he was too good to be passed...Oh well.
Yeah, like WTF? If a rider behind me catches up, it's because he's going faster than I am, and I doubt he'll slow down and get in my way after I wave him by. Have these guys never caught a slower vehicle and wanted around? Why is it that nobody seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere until you try to pass them? I swear, they should rename passing lanes.

Racing lane ahead. Slower traffic speed the hell up!

On Sunday, I decided to take the longer, twister, scenic drive home. So, I come up upon two Harley Dudes, riding nearly side-by-side... and I thought, "wow these guys are sloooowww". Not that there is anything wrong with going slow, just pull over and let everyone pass, did they do that, NO.

So I followed at their snails pace, I contemplated passing a few times but I didn't, anyways it was entertaining for my three kids to watch the "nuder-cycles" :blink: ... ya we were in the mini-van.

So where are you seeing all of these Harleys on the road?


(Saw this at Sturgis)

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I'm sorry guys but here in OK I see mostly HDs on the road and I pass them all the time. I have never been blocked by one and many of them wave as I pass. I guess we just have a better class of HD rider in my part of the woods. Incidently I have owned 2 Harleys in the past and you are right. They are not FJRs but they can still be fun to ride. Its just in a different way. JMO.

Whoo Hoo! Now I get to tell my A-hole Harley Story.

So the Saturday before Memorial day, we went on a all day ride. Ventura, Ojai, Frazier Park, Lake Hughes, to Santa Clarita. And I have to add that the couple we were riding with was on a HD Kingpin. They were not the problem.

After this long ride I’m tired and wanting to get home (riding 2up). We are coming out of Bouquet Canyon working my way home on surface streets. Two guys on Sportsters pull out on the main drag together and I’m some 100 feet behind them, two lanes over and there are a lot of traffic, so we are just cursing along traffic light to traffic light, they are chatting with each other at the lights, I don’t know how they could hear over there pipes but never the less that’s what they were doing. At one point I was behind them at the light and one of them looked in his mirror at me. There was never any acknowledgement between us, he just looked in his mirror. So this goes on for a couple of miles, I’m boxed in behind them and cars in the lane to my right. We finally get out of the congested area and I see an opportunity to break free. I drop over to the lane on my right twist the throttle and ZIP I’m gone, I wasn’t trying to show off I just wanted to get out of that traffic.

So I get to the next traffic light and crap there they are again in the lane on my right, so this went on for 4 or 5 traffic lights. They would rev the engines making all kinds of noise and take off, and I would just twist the throttle and ZIP I’m gone. A couple of times I would let them think they got the jump on me but they were no match for the Draggon. :lol:

YaKnow, after writing this I wonder of the two nice young men are telling this same story on the HD Forum and calling me a A-Hole? B)

YaKnow, after writing this I wonder of the two nice young men are telling this same story on the HD Forum and calling me a A-Hole? B)
Yeah, but BMW is the badge being bashed for your antics....

Phukin' Beemer dudes!

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HD's, Beemers, etc.. aside, the biggest A-Hole I have "met" to date was a guy on a blue Sprint ST, wearing dress shoes, slacks and a stitch jacket.

I guess he just had to show me a thing or two. I was getting on a freeway on ramp, a two lane 3/4 turn left-hand sweeper, full of cars, just before I hit the straight he passes me on the outside, in my lane, on the white line. Maybe he thought we were racing :huh: ?

The last place you'd expect someone to be, surprised the hell out of me. Still can't believe it.

Yeah, but BMW is the badge being bashed for your antics....
Isn't that the truth? I've been asked several times what kind of BMW my FJR was. At one gas station, other customers complimented us on our matching bikes and gear. FJR and K1200S, with a hotch-potch of all different types of gear.

You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time. Some just make it easier than others.

The web is filled with lots of crappy writing; some of it belongs to me.

Shane, that was wonderful word smithing. Maybe I should have paid attention in school.

A word of caution about all this--be very careful trying to outbreak or outcorner a harley if you are coming up behind, especially if the road is wet. ABS or not, you're most likely going to be hitting some fresh hot oil on the road....
