Picked Up a 2013 Today

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Congrats on a new bike! You picked a nice color

P.S. I couldn't resist the 2013 either...

If you leave your Gen III in "Sport" mode continuously, you won't be getting any damn 13K outta a rear tire, no way, no how.

If you leave it in "Touring" mode the vast majority of times (and only switching to "Sport" mode when really needed, say, in the tight mountain twisties, or riding in a Cognoscente event), then your chances of making 13K are still kinda iffy, but you'll be surprised at the mileage you will get out of the rear, assuming you have decent throttle discipline.

The factory Bridgestones are fundamentally horrible (except in hot, dry temps when they are still relatively new - they are actually pretty stellar then). But they are NEVER good when it's wet, and they are complete junk after 4K, regardless of riding conditions. You will want to experiment with a few different brands of bike tires to see which does the best job for you and your riding conditions/style.

I don't want to go dark, but I'm not afraid of it.
Yep... and you are way too intelligent to **** up the extreme performance of a state-of-the-art chassis like we have on the FJR1300, by introducing a goofy-ass CT on it. Just because we can force a non-standard component to work, surly doesn't make it a good idea.

If cashflow allows... you should probably chat with Mike Langford about an aux cell. Mike "IB Pete" Langford nowadays is about the only individual making the old Tanji-style aux tanks for the FJR. His work is second-to-none, and all are already IBR-approved. Mind you, they cost a pretty penny... and they are worth every cent.

You will definitely want to get a-hold of forum member garauld... to score yourself his aux light brackets to hang your LED aux lamps on. Quite possibly, you might be interested in his hydration system for the FJR passenger footpegs. What would be AWESOME is if we could get him a Gen III to study for a few days so he could design up a dash shelf - this is a challenging engineering project on the Gen III, primarily due to the paucity of adjacent fasteners that could serve as weight-bearing mounting points.

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I tell ya... I'm weak. Weak squared even. Gonna be difficult spending time in Touring mode, but I'll give it a go in the interest of rubber conservation. I'm cool changing out tires, but it would sure be nice to get 10k+ out of a rear on a regular basis.

Once I'm comfortable on the bike, I'll start LD farkling. Mike's the first person on the list. Although, I have an original Ron Smith cell on the ST13. Not sure I can part with it. Only 3.5 gallons, but it has a lot of sentimental value.

Received garauld's hydration system today. Will order the light mounts when I figure out what LEDs to score. That's likely a late fall purchase so I have time to research and do the right thing.

Thanks for all the info, Dale.

I don't want to go dark, but I'm not afraid of it.
Yep... and you are way too intelligent to **** up the extreme performance of a state-of-the-art chassis like we have on the FJR1300, by introducing a goofy-ass CT on it. Just because we can force a non-standard component to work, surly doesn't make it a good idea.
No way, I read in that 169 page CT thread that they handle just as good as a motorcycle sport tire only "different"

First farkle... some handlebar RAM mounts for various things like the GPS, V1 and a SPOT or inReach...


Probably put on the MCL peg lowers this evening. The MV riser plate will be here soon.

First farkle... some handlebar RAM mounts for various things like the GPS, V1 and a SPOT or inReach...

Probably put on the MCL peg lowers this evening. The MV riser plate will be here soon.
Congrats!! I'm on year two with my '12 and come home with a smile every time!!

I'm jealous as well, wish my garage was filled with cool toys like yours.

Hey..that Bike & SPOT looks like mine!

Congrats on the new bike.

I've got the MCL peg lowering kit on mine. It helps a lot. Take off the stock footpeg feelers and replace them with short bolts. I use the bolt heads as my peg feelers. That will give you a little more clearance and still have something grind on the ground besides the footpeg.

You still need to have your toes on the footpegs when you turn. If you try to flatfoot it, you'll be banging your feet on the ground all the time. .

I'll make you a deal. If you don't like the Exalto, I'll buy it from you. You have my word.
hehehe. That would be a fair deal. Thanks. I tell ya... going dark is farther down the road than I care to plan at this point. One decision that may sway me to the darkside at least temporarily is choosing to run the IBR again.

We'll see what happens, Gary.


Looks like stole ( like always ) a damn good motorcycle. Nice job. If you go dark you can go all day and all night.

First ergonomic farkle - MCL rider peg lowers. I know the adjustment isn't that much, but it sure does feel better.

Left Side...


Right side...


I lowered the brake lever a couple of notches, but I may back it up a notch after a day or two of riding/adjusting. Just seems a bit too low.

Received the MV riser plate today. That should get the arms in a better position. After that it's just a matter of a proper seat.

Picked up my 013 yesterday and as usual, first chore was to drain a couple of cups of oil out of the crank case. Have owned 6 Yamahas and all had their sight glass covered and then some. Now WTF is up with that. Guess I'm just anal about over fills. By the way, it's a neat scooter.

Picked up my 013 yesterday and as usual, first chore was to drain a couple of cups of oil out of the crank case. Have owned 6 Yamahas and all had their sight glass covered and then some. Now WTF is up with that. Guess I'm just anal about over fills. By the way, it's a neat scooter.
Congrats on your Fijjer! It is a very nice scooter

Picked up my 013 yesterday and as usual, first chore was to drain a couple of cups of oil out of the crank case. Have owned 6 Yamahas and all had their sight glass covered and then some. Now WTF is up with that. Guess I'm just anal about over fills. By the way, it's a neat scooter.
Congrats on the new ride. Just took care of the 600 mile service. No issues. Everything checked out just fine. Time to kick it up a notch.

I'm not sure what's up with that. Same here, though. At least they're all consistent! :)

FNG here. I'm interested in more information about the aux light mounts by "garauld." Don't know who that is or how to contact . . . assistance please.


FNG here. I'm interested in more information about the aux light mounts by "garauld." Don't know who that is or how to contact . . . assistance please.
"garauld" is an FJRForum.com member. Just do a member search for him, find his profile and send him a PM.

FNG here. I'm interested in more information about the aux light mounts by "garauld." Don't know who that is or how to contact . . . assistance please.
"garauld" is an FJRForum.com member. Just do a member search for him, find his profile and send him a PM.
Thanks Jason. Done . . . and aux light brackets ordered. :)

