Pics of the 05 made this weekend

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A blue oil filter? That is vanity at it's best. Nice pics, though....notice a difference in the handling with that trunk on back?

Oh, next time...put a naked chik on the

A blue oil filter? That is vanity at it's best. Nice pics, though....notice a difference in the handling with that trunk on back?
Blue oil filter is worth 5 mph. :D

Wish I could leave that trunk at home. But it's just too darn useful and convenient. I do take it off for the mountains or anytime I plan on sustained above 90 mph!

That's why I leave the saddle bags on....always carry crap around. A buddy of mine on a beemer used his trunk exclusively for was an early 80's model so he had to carry tools on long trips. Also meant that I didn't have to carry tools if I was on one of his scoots.

The only thing was the wobble....straightened out after or above 30 mph.

I work with a superb photographer that does action pics for our motocross races. This past weekend he and I made some pictures of me and my FJR. Here's the links:
Please excuse my vanity!

nice pics. i particularly like the combination of the full face helmet with the bare arms.... :eek:

that way you'll be FULLY conscious to know how much the road rash hurts!

just kiddin, man. i know you were out taking photos. no self-defense needed....



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