Pic's Of The New FJR

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I hope the 06 revised throttle cable pulley will retrofit. That would be a big improvement.

if it'd been a Harley show, that instead of the factory rep standing there (answering questions), that there would have been a large breasted women in a Harley t-shirt standing by the bike. Yamaha "Performance" versus "the HD experience", a pretty clear definition of the consumer's choices.
Wait a minute there, nothing wrong with large breasted women. :p

Maybe Yamaha can find a technical rep with the right assets...... ;)

Sure would like to see all those pics, but all I see is a rectangle telling me bandwidth exceeded...on every one! heeeeellp............. DFO :unsure:

Had a buddy (Harley rider) with me and found his observations of the show at Alice's interesting. He noted that "all of the questions involved technical issues and various features of the bike's performance" and that if it'd been a Harley show, that instead of the factory rep standing there (answering questions), that there would have been a large breasted women in a Harley t-shirt standing by the bike. Yamaha "Performance" versus "the HD experience", a pretty clear definition of the consumer's choices.
So Paste, did you get a test ride? Hard to believe that nobody would offer you one out of 13 riders. I would have except I didn't get to play. Knowing that might be the case, I couldn't offer up early and then maybe not show. If you didn't and want to ride to Fresno for one, PM me. BTW, the large breasted women still aren't enough to make me want a chrome sled. I don't get many looks on the FJR but it's hard to judge babe factor in the rear view mirrors anyway.

No I think the bandwidth is exceeded, but if you look a each pictures "properties" and then look for the URL of each picture, and then copy that URL into your browsers command line and then view that picture, your system will automatically save the picture into your computers cashe.

Then once you come back to this thread you will then you will be able to view the pictures within this thread because you computer will already have copy of these pictures. I beleive this is why "twowheelnut" is able to see the pictures.

Clear as mud? :huh:

No I think the bandwidth is exceeded, but if you look a each pictures "properties" and then look for the URL of each picture, and then copy that URL into your browsers command line and then view that picture, your system will automatically save the picture into your computers cashe. Then once you come back to this thread you will then you will be able to view the pictures within this thread because you computer will already have copy of these pictures. I beleive this is why "twowheelnut" is able to see the pictures.

Clear as mud?  :huh:
Taint workin'. Same exeption. No pics means useless thread IMHO, since that is the title! ;)

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I received an e mail late last night from photobucket stating I'd exceeded my monthly allowance of free image posting. I'll get into it deeper tonight and see what can be done. The way I read the e mail was that no more pics could be posted, but I didn't know existing pics would be blocked. I only posted 40 or more pics on one day ... who knew ?? :D hang tight lads!!

Hmmm, working for me once a viewed the pictures at their source. Not sure why it wouldn't work for anyone else...

Oh well, some free tech support is worth what you pay for it! :D

No I think the bandwidth is exceeded, but if you look a each pictures "properties" and then look for the URL of each picture, and then copy that URL into your browsers command line and then view that picture, your system will automatically save the picture into your computers cashe. Then once you come back to this thread you will then you will be able to view the pictures within this thread because you computer will already have copy of these pictures. I beleive this is why "twowheelnut" is able to see the pictures.

Clear as mud?  :huh:
Well I don't care about my cache and bandwidth or properties cuz I can still see them... Neener, neerner, neener! :bleh:

Well I don't care about my cache and bandwidth or properties cuz I can still see them... Neener, neerner, neener!
Me neither :p , I looked at them last night and I can see them now if I want to as well!!

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I will host the pics for you guys if needed... pm me and and I can put them on my personal site here at work - no prob (me ---> lab manager) ;)

Paul in Duluth, MN

'05 FJR

"looks like snow showers this week....where's them dang outriggers??"

Can you see them at the beginning of this thread?

I also get "Photobucket.com bandwidth exceeded" image, where I used to see them just fine.

I think the Photobucket issue has to do with the number of "hits" you're getting. They did that to me a while back. I seem to recall having to pay up to create some sort of industrial strength account or some such BS.
