Please interpret this rebate

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I take it that no matter how many UPC symbols you send, you get 2 rebates. But, maybe your neighbour will play or your in-laws..........

Le' me see here Lu-say...

With my lawyer hat on (BTW - I'm not really a lawyer but I do play one on... when I want to :D ), you can get as many rebates as you like at your household, as long as it's no more than 2.

Also just a note without my lawyer hat on... I don't think you're going to strike it rich on $1.50 rebates, so two's good nuff. Enjoy, or get your family and neighbors to help out. ;)

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"maximum of two rebate requests per household address"

The form includes "____ Total number of $1.50 rebates requested"

Can I get 4 rebates if I have a receipt and UPC symbols for 4 filters?
It depends how sophisticated the processor is. A thorough processor makes sure that a receipt is only used once by tracking all of the information on the receipt (usually only happens when the rebate can only be done at one retailer where they record all of the transaction numbers). Further, they will look to see if the name on the receipt matches the name on the rebate form (usually there is only a name on the receipt when you use a credit card). Therefore, if you want 4 rebates for a grand total of $6: you need to do two transactions with only two filters on each, and submit each from two different addresses (yours and your Mom's?). But, if you are still living at your Mom's, you will have to find someone else to play the game for you.

Well, I took it to mean your crazy if you think your getting your rebate we all took a paid trip to the islands on your rebate money, trying to get your $3 back will cost you $4. But maybe my fine print was different then yours. :yahoo:

Well. here's another way to interpret it: If each form constitutes a rebate submission, then you can only submit 2 of those forms from a particular address. It might be that you can send XX number of UPC labels on a form and get back XX times $1.50.

But I doubt it.

When they had the rebate for the ugly yellow filters, they had a similar form. I got six and got a rebate for 6. As someone said, I think you can only submit two forms per household, but no real limit on the number of filters you have per form.
