Poll: Average age of an FJR rider

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I was barely 24 when I got my FJR (Now 26). I wasn't aware it was an old mans bike.
I was also 24 when I got my first FJR (a new 2007). My wife enjoys every opportunity to make fun of me for getting an "old man" bike. She says it even looks like a sport bike that got old and grew a beer gut. Oh well; I like it :)
Ionbeam is right on, he outta run for President!

FJR's Creating Smiles, one mile at a time!!

...I'm only 18

ssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! don't tell anyone ;)

Mmmmmm, jailbait, ...San Quentin Quial! To paraphrase Chuck Berry [& it was his biggest downfall, I might add] ..."dream what you wanna dream girl!".

27 when I bought mine. I get questioned a lot on why I ride my FJR, from younger people who've never ridden one yet... I've got a couple sportbikes, too. If I could only have one, the FJR does it all very well.

I voted for your poll but I have a question. Why do you lump anyone above 60 all in one group. Is it that when we hit 60 we just count as old farts and probably should not be riding. :rolleyes: . Why not continue and get the real facts. Have a 61 to 70 and 71 to 80 and 81 to 90 group and then get all the facts.

Just my .02


I was barely 24 when I got my FJR (Now 26). I wasn't aware it was an old mans bike.
I was also 24 when I got my first FJR (a new 2007). My wife enjoys every opportunity to make fun of me for getting an "old man" bike. She says it even looks like a sport bike that got old and grew a beer gut. Oh well; I like it :)
I thought the bike actually looked better than what my wife wanted (BMW RT). She wanted to ride along and the FZ6 just wasn't cutting it (can't blame her). It is actually a very functional bike (as we're all aware), handles great, and doesn't need to fill up every 200 miles. Besides, without the bags on and the windshield down, it looks like a big sport bike anyway. I like to get out and go places, so this just made infinitely more sense than the alternative. Now, if she decides to stop riding along, there's nothing saying I wouldn't consider a Busa, but right now I have no complaints. (And seriously, old is a mental state, not an attribute of age.)

What I don't get is why the survey starts at age 20? :blink:

I actually purchased my first FJR when I was 15. See, I used the proceeds from my paper route, and only had to wait 35 years for the Yamaha PPDP (pre-pubescent delivery plan). But when I finally threw a leg over it, I knew it was well worth the wait. :yahoo:

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Ok, after reading many of your requests for more accurate data, I've revamped the poll.

Because the forum only allows you vote once, I started a new one to achieve the more accurate results.

I left my original question here so the results will remain, and added two new questions.

I humbly rescind my initial claim to being the youngest FJR owner at time of purchase to all of you sub-30 somethings... :mellow:

I'm impressed by the vast expanse of both age and riding experience here.

Admin gurus - I'll start the poll in the OFF TOPIC thread, maybe we'll get the pleasure of being moved here to the NEPRT again? :derisive:

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FJR's Creating Smiles, one mile at a time!!
The more you ride, the younger you feel. That's why so many on this Forum act childish. :p ;)

I guess I should stay home today then....*pout*
Sounds like a ride on the FJR should cure sumadis pouting behaviour...no? :)
not taking the bait his time Wheaties, not on this side of the pond anyway...

Er mebbe sumadi neads chok-lit. I'm jis' sayin'. :dribble:

I turn 42 3/27 and every time I get on the fjr I feel like I just got out of high school. Only had it a year in april but I put 10,000 miles on it in that time.

Er mebbe sumadi neads chok-lit. I'm jis' sayin'.

Sounds to me a little bit like Ass Kissing??????????

MadMike a macho Guy like You wouldn't be scared of a Poor little Girl Like "Barb" now would you??????? :devil:

Hmmm. Looking at the polling data, I'd say the youngest can't afford 'em and the oldest can't ride 'em. The ones in the middle have credit.

Looking at the poll results, I guess I am not surprised.

As a "mature rider" 55, the FJR is extremely appealing, picking mine in a few days and cant' wait!
