Poll: Gaging Interest in FJR-NERDS '11

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
Hey everyone. First, some great news: We now have a core group of event planners assembled and are beginning to scope out the exact location, and work out the required details for the First Annual FJR-NERDS gathering in Northern New England, for late next summer (2011).


One of the pivotal pieces that we don't have up front is any sort of idea of just how many FJR riders would be interested in participating in such an event. Having a ball park estimate of the number of attendees will greatly impact all of our planning efforts from here on.


To that end, I have devised the above poll. Please vote only if you have a real interest in attending something like this and there is a reasonably high likelihood that you will attend. Also please vote only for yourself and your SO or any non-forum friends. Do not vote for your forum friends that may accompany you, and/or share a room, so that there is less redundancy of vote counts. Instead send them a PM or reminder to get on here and vote for themselves. We realize that many solo riders will in fact end up sharing rooms and I have a second question to tally that up.


We clearly realize that your plans may change between now and when the event is officially announced, which WILL be prior to Jan 1, 2011. But having a reasonably accurate estimate of the participation numbers will allow us to find the optimum venue to host this new event. Ideally everyone that wants to attend will have the opportunity to do so and we will not be "sold out".



Here are the "givens" for your voting:


We intend on having the event in the late summer, most likely in August, before the majority of kids (and teachers) are back in school. This was chosen because the weather is generally better (cooler) in August than in July, and nobody else seems to plan any FJR group events in the summer months, so we hope to eliminate conflicts.


We will (probably) have the event run from a Friday through Sunday, with options to come in a day early and/or stay a day late as desired to extend your vacationing pleasure. Or you could just come for the weekend (Sat -Sun) if you are local or can't spare more time. We intend on having some sort of group meal at the hotel on one night at a minimum, but may also organize a second night dinner or barbecue as well.


[edit - Having the event mid-week is also being considered)


For locations we are looking closely at either the Rutland / Killington area, or (preferably) the lovely village of Stowe, Vermont for the hotel facility and ride command central. This will give attendees the opportunity to ride all over the VT Green mountains, the NH White mountains, and the NY Adirondack mountains. We will have several ride route options available and published long before the event. We will help coordinate the formation of ride groups so folks will get to ride with other riders of their own ilk. i.e. Fast guys vs. 2-up flower sniffers, vs iron butts, etc. We'll also have some suggested "approach routes" for having fun getting in and out of the area from various directions without succumbing to the slab.


Exact prices have not yet been established, but we are making every effort to make the hotel accommodations and meeting group meal costs as affordable as possible. Figure on approximately $100 (maybe less) per room/night and ~ $20 (or less) for any group dinners. Rooms will therefore be of the traditional Motel variety. No 5 star Hotels, no luxury Condos, no quaint B&B's. We are weighing the ammenities provided heavily in the hotel choice, so we expect it to be a fairly upscale type of motel (not a little Mom and Pop)


We will be certain that the Hotel will allow reservation cancellation, and we will refund any collected rally fees (for group dinners, etc., if there should actually even be any) up to one month before the actual event.


So what say ye? Wanna come up to Vermont this summer to play?

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This sounds like a refreshing idea! I have never been to Vermont off the interstate. I am penciling it in with hopes of carving it in stone later. :)

+1 I once drove a big rig through there, but never got off the beaten path. Would love to seriously consider this one...sounds fun!

You may be surprised how much they get for the upscale stuff, even off season. The ski resorts are smart enough to have 4 seasons of activity available to vacationers. Some places still get $300 a night or more. :eek:

You know I'm in for it Fred. Stowe or Rutland would be good areas to start from. Can you say "Smugglers Notch" and "App Gap"?? and if you have to ask about them just show up and ride them in person


I am not going to answer the poll as I know in advance that I will be making a long trip out to Kali next year, and won't have enough vacation/$$ to go to this event as well.

However, I like the idea of a regional in this area if the setting and roads aren't too congested with travellers to be able to have FJR-type fun...I rode NY, VT, NH in September of 05 and found you needed to really be in the upper parts of NH/VT to have some breathing room. But I know you locals already have that figgered out...

Also, I refuse to attend a Nerds convention...unless this is homage to my favorite nerd/mad scientist...Alan/Ionbeam. :lol:

Your Wheat-ness,

The upper parts of NH, VT and NY is where we intend to be for the most part!! And not necessarily on the beaten tourist tracks.

The name of this event/group may very well change to something we'd be less embarrassed to wear on a Tee shirt.

We're just having some fun with it for now.

Oh, and we are all a bunch of nerds for the most part. Otherwise we wouldn't be participating on some intarwebs motorcycle community thingee.

With initials that pretty much spell dweeb (DWB), how could I not go to a rally titled NERDS? A ride to the far NE of the country is on my bucket list, and would allow me to do some revisiting of a place I spent a few years growing up in during my youth (New Canaan, Connecticut) on the way up there. It would also allow me to fill in some new states on my map thingy in my signature... heck, Google says it's only 2,000 miles one way from Friendswood to Stowe... and I was already mentally planning on going to NAFO3 in BC in 2012, so that'll take care of the far NW corners of the map...

I'm a strong probable... depending on life circumstances in August of next year.

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This sounds like a lot of fun. I voted so I'll keep my August plans open until you set this up.


I suspected something like this would come about after the discussions I experienced last weekend. Good on ya for following through. As we all know New England, especially the northern parts offer some great riding and beautiful scenery.

I'd say it's a slam dunk that I'd be attending but it could be affected by my baby girl's relocation to college. :(

We don't know where she's going yet, nevermind when, specifically. But August 2011 is a pretty safe bet.

But if it's at all workable I'll be there.

I know it will be a quality event for sure.

Now, I just have to figure out how to do over a 1,000 miles in less than 24 hrs. to get there. ;) Help me out will ya! :p

I like the plans so far. Stowe can be a little pricy. I may be able to get a Condo at the Von trappe lodge, wouldn't that be awsome. I have stayed there a couple of times. It's even worth the drive through to check it out.

