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Still think a Busa is a bad choice for an inexperienced rider, though.
Couldn't agree more. Hell, most 600's are too much for noobs today...

If you have been a member of this Forum for a while you will see that we have jumped all over people that wanted to get a FJR as a first bike, almost all of us strongly recommending a trainer size bike first. There is also a strong push for a MSF course or equivalent training. This is the voice of experience speaking. Or, we are generally a bunch of old farts :lol:
Judging by the number of recent get-offs by those of us 'experienced' riders here, we should start jumping all over ourselves. After watching Shadow shake himself off after his ass-over on Sunday, I'm thinking that little Benelli might be just the ticket for me! :blink:

I saw the comment when reading and it just came across to me as something an uninformed reporter wrote.

I don't think that if you looked up any real numbers they would support his statement.

Could be wrong but wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Much reporting is biased one side or the other and I think this one is going against Ben just because of who he is and some statements he has made in the past.

America, land where you have the right to purchase a machine completely out of whack with your experience level, also where you can be criticized to hell for buying it based on ones personal mania. Where you don't have to wear a helmet, but will be criticized to hell for not wearing it based on ones personal mania. Is it any wonder the world looks at us totally understanding why we consume 99% of the planets output of anti-skizophrenia and anti-depression medication? :assassin: :dribble:

I wouldn't blame the 'Busa for this. The QB is apparently a somewhat experienced rider, he was doing maybe 35 [not 135] in a 35 zone, and a car turned left in front of him, which could happen to any of us. And has happened to some of us.

I wouldn't blame the 'Busa for this. The QB is apparently a somewhat experienced rider, he was doing maybe 35 [not 135] in a 35 zone, and a car turned left in front of him, which could happen to any of us. And has happened to some of us.
Ding Ding we have a winner.

He is being made news and he helped them by not wearing a helmet and by some of his past comments.

If you have been a member of this Forum for a while you will see that we have jumped all over people that wanted to get a FJR as a first bike, almost all of us strongly recommending a trainer size bike first.
Mostly all of you, mostly.... :devil:
Besides, if he did have a helmet on, he woulda just broke his neck anyway. :p

If you have been a member of this Forum for a while you will see that we have jumped all over people that wanted to get a FJR as a first bike, almost all of us strongly recommending a trainer size bike first.
Mostly all of you, mostly.... :devil:
Besides, if he did have a helmet on, he woulda just broke his neck anyway. :p
Would that necessarily have been a bad thing :blink: ....

If you have been a member of this Forum for a while you will see that we have jumped all over people that wanted to get a FJR as a first bike, almost all of us strongly recommending a trainer size bike first.
Mostly all of you, mostly.... :devil:
Besides, if he did have a helmet on, he woulda just broke his neck anyway. :p
No you didn't :D

The QB is apparently a somewhat experienced rider...
Meh, dun thin so, Lucy... Learner's permit, expired in March.
This does't prove experience or not. Heck I drove for 10 years before getting my license.

Having the license and 20 years doesn't make you experienced either if you drive in backwoods of Texas with a car every 30 miles. Now go to New York and see how long you survive :D

Have The T-Shirt To Prove It

And oh TWN this wasn't related to you even though I quoted you, just meant experience is relative to each persons own experience. Ben having 1 year experience could be much more experience than someone with 10 driving straight roads in Arizona with no cars. As you know where he is driving is a mad house...

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And oh TWN this wasn't related to you even though I quoted you, just meant experience is relative to each persons own experience. Ben having 1 year experience could be much more experience than someone with 10 driving straight roads in Arizona with no cars. As you know where he is driving is a mad house...

I'm diggin' it, bro. I just threw that tidbit out because that's what is being reported. IMO, a learner's permit is just that and that's just me being black and white... ;)

In Bama, they only started differentiating the operators DL recently. (auto/scoot)

Of course, if you had DL at the time, you were grandfather in to an automatic "motorcycle" designation on your DL. So, depending on age here, you could be a complete and utter goob and still have a motorcyle license. I have one. (see how that works?)

Will be interesting to see what the consequences of Ben being unliscensed (and unhelmeted) have on how the judicial system deals with the accident. For the lawyers out there, does it make any difference if the lady is at fault, but she hits a guy who wasn't legally on the bike?

Will be interesting to see what the consequences of Ben being unliscensed (and unhelmeted) have on how the judicial system deals with the accident. For the lawyers out there, does it make any difference if the lady is at fault, but she hits a guy who wasn't legally on the bike?
Doesn't matter the lady will be moving to Florida soon after they start protesting, egging and wrapping her house...

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Will be interesting to see what the consequences of Ben being unliscensed (and unhelmeted) have on how the judicial system deals with the accident. For the lawyers out there, does it make any difference if the lady is at fault, but she hits a guy who wasn't legally on the bike?
Doesn't matter the lady will be moving to Florida soon after they start protesting, egging and wrapping her house...
Surprised it hasn't started already....


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