Project KZ1300

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2013-05-05 Prepping the Rolling Chassis for Ray

Permalink Submitted by dcarver on Sun, 05/05/2013 - 19:53.

Ray is headed down South later this week - for Gathering of the Clan's and will pick up the rolling chassis and other parts while on the on the run. So today I got all the parts together today in prepartion.

Some old parts.

Worthless? Not unless you need that hardened bolt on the left side..

Fried stator waiting for rebuild..


New ignition pickup coils, one new CV diaphram, used clutch plates.

Valve cover cam end caps. New since 1981.. :)

Used brake pads - but serviceable.


Pipes. Way too many pipes.

Rear master cylinder kit - hard to find.

Oil filters, fork seals.

Radiator shrouds to direct heat away from gas tank/rider.

New disc brake pads.

The assembled stack ready for Ray. Hope he has a V8 in the truck..

2013-05-12 Rolling Chassis to LaPine

Permalink Submitted by dcarver on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 19:41.

After the Gathering of the Clans, we returned to get KrZy13 and all her chassis rolling parts loaded up so Mr. Ray can provide some loving touches..

Powdercoat frame, chrome, swing arm / steering head bearings / brakes... and the list grows.

Loading KrZy1300 up in the truck for the ride to LaPine!

...and a Kawasaki shall lead the HondaPotaMus home!

Ray and Patti's travelling road show!

Almost ready to hit the road..

Parade wave, Patti!

...and they are off! Happy fixing KrZy13!
...too late Ray, looks like the sanity test is in the truck bed!

Fun project, can't wait to see it completed.

Don't hold your breath. Finding parts is a world wide scavenger hunt.
Hope that this means you will come looking for parts in Australia. Can hardly wait to have a beer with you!

Best regards


Good on yah Howie!

Fully respect frankenbike belongs to you - or you..

ohh, wait, now I'm KornFused....

Guess I'll default the the Gold standard..


Hugs n' Kisses Howie!

Like many others posting to this thread, I'm anxiously awaiting final results.

All I have to add is this:

I'm sure thankful Ray finally got that anorexia monkey off his back. :rofl:

The cylinders and head should be here next week. It was a real bitch finding a machine shop that could do a proper job on the cylinders because the casting is to long for most machines in the M/C world and to small for automotive. My guru found a guy with a trick CNC machine to do the job.

It's also been a busy season here in the ozarks of Oregon and I have a wing to pay for cause I chickened out on selling my 55 Ford truck to pay for it.

What's this anorexia **** Howie ??? Crawl back into your swamp down there. I would post the finger for you but most the time the smilely things don't work on my puter.
