Quiet Forum These Days?

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STOP IT !! I have one of those things coming up, butt was unaware that cattle prods were used.
Good rule of thumb is to make sure your Doctor is not on the sex offender registry.
FWIW, beer is a clear liquid. jsns

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Busts comment on this made me think that there is a second rule of thumb when preparing for a colonoscopy. In addition to making sure your Dr is not on the sex offender registry, you should also check to see if he raises sheep.

Busts comment on this made me think that there is a second rule of thumb when preparing for a colonoscopy. In addition to making sure your Dr is not on the sex offender registry, you should also check to see if he raises sheep.
Yup, the big sky has effected your mind.

I know there will always be a few other people who would rather have a colonoscopy with a cattle prod than participate in Facebook and we can have our own little forum.
I don't like or use or understand Facebook, but I'd go on it in a hot second if that was the alternative.

I'd NEVER agree to a colonoscopy with a cattle prod. . . . . . . . . . . . Again.

My wife forced me into a Facebook account a few months back. Family issues, etc., have almost made it a necessity, as bad as that sounds. I think I have drank enough of the kool-aid to succumb to the temptress. Another big factor is that Photobucket screwed me, and its much easier to upload a photo directly to FB, then going through the third party dance.

When I first arrived to this forum, I made a cardinal error of mentioning he who cannot be named (Amsoil) and had my hand summarily slapped by an Admin. Having moderated another bike forum for a while, I was taken aback a bit, but having seen the dog pile fridays, I dusted myself off and got a feel for the folks here. I can't state it enough how much I have benefited from knowledge and dedication of folks here; Brodie's masterfully made fixes, Garauld, etc. I've bought and sold a bunch of stuff from and to other members. Got a feel for a lot of the 'personalities', and overall enjoyed the camaraderie. I'm slowly coasting into the 'old fart' community, so I sympathize and empathize with a lot of you..

So I hope there is a future for the forum, and mabye a revitalization.

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Some of the comments in this thread make me think that some of you are concerned that FJRFORUM may be on it's last legs. Yes, it is quiet, and not nearly as much fun as it once was, but there is still a good following and I can't imagine it going away any time soon.

"Redfish Hunter" wrote:
I guess it depends on what you want from a forum. There is also the comparison of Then and Now.

When I joined I wanted technical information. I got all the technical information I could ever want or need. In the process I was entertained, I was educated, I laughed, and I made friends. I learned to ride my motorcycle all over this country instead of just to work and back.

If I had to pick between the information or the friends and fun, I would choose the friends and fun.

Some of my friends are still here but they are not fun anymore. The memories of days past are just memories. I hardly ever post here anymore and I seldom find anything that really interests me anymore. I cannot remember the last time I laughed out loud in the middle of a thread.

Who is to blame for this? I will throw out some names and some thoughts, let's see where this leads.

Fred W? A wonderful source of technical information, incredibly useful, and my friend. But he gave us Rule #10 and the forum changed forever. Do we blame him? Or give him a medal? I notice he doesn't post much anymore...
Since I've been "called out", let me refute that accusation here and now. I have a feeling that this misconception may be fairly widespread.

I did not "give you Rule 10". I was not then, nor am I now in favor of stifling the fun and shenanigans on this or any other forum. I only asked if there should be limits placed on a very select and few areas of technical content. The rest of the forum should have been left alone, IMO.

If you doubt me on this, re-look at my original proposition and decide for yourself if that sounds anything like Rule 10: "Inane Crap" thread. As to the semi-offensive name of that thread, that wasn't even mine. It was a quote from the SkooterG post here, that mentioned "Inane Crap", which prompted me to split off the discussion about limiting the tomfoolery in the technical discussion subforum.

No, I don't want a medal, nor any special recognition. I was just striving to make this a more enjoyable place for all parties. Was that too much to attempt or expect? Apparently so.

As for my lack of participation lately, there are several reasons. Not the least of which is that I do not feel particularly welcome here, or at the FJR gatherings for that matter, (except the ones I have put on myself up in VT). Some people here take offense that I have participated on the forum too much. My "post count" is too high, and my contributions are too verbose. Some others have grown to dislike me from my expressed opinions. I will admit that I can be opinionated, but I have always tried to be fair and listen to other people's positions. I do like a good debate, but many modern snowflakes are too sensitive to participate in debate without introducing their emotions.

I'm also entering a new phase of my life where family time is more important to me than online time. So I will just sit here in the back seat and watch how the final days of this forum ride out. It was kind of fun while it lasted.

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"if your species won't continue clap your hands..................if your species won't continue clap your hands....................."

"oh, hey what's that sound?.............all the mammoths are underground............."

When I joined this forum, after buying two FJR's, I went looking for how-to information on quite a few topics. If memory serves me well, Fred's posts were usually the most useful. It's unfortunate that he feels unwelcome here.

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Facebook SUCKS ASS

My sentiments


Sean Parker, one of the original designers of Facebook and its first president, said in an interview today that the founders of Facebook knew it would be harmful and addictive but did it anyway, and that it is designed so that it exploits vulnerabilities in human psychology. Yup, sign me up. Facebook announced today that people who have provided nude pictures to a past romantic partner should send Facebook a copy of the pictures so that they can block them from being posted anywhere on the WWW. This is so stupid I just might send them a full frontal shot of myself just to punish them. Maybe a group photo can be taken at an upcoming FJR event..... that will teach them.

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As Fred said, It is tuff to debate folks these days. I run into many heated political debates with peeps at work and with family. Logic is almost nonexistent anymore and it all about feelings these days. For crying out loud I would love to go back to the old days when common sense prevailed.

I fear those days will never be back,

Good night folks, sleep well.


"Redfish Hunter" wrote:

Fred W? A wonderful source of technical information, incredibly useful, and my friend. But he gave us Rule #10 and the forum changed forever. Do we blame him? Or give him a medal? I notice he doesn't post much anymore...
Since I've been "called out", let me refute that accusation here and now. I have a feeling that this misconception may be fairly widespread.

I did not "give you Rule 10". I was not then, nor am I now in favor of stifling the fun and shenanigans on this or any other forum. I only asked if there should be limits placed on a very select and few areas of technical content. The rest of the forum should have been left alone, IMO.

If you doubt me on this, re-look at my original proposition and decide for yourself if that sounds anything like Rule 10: "Inane Crap" thread. As to the semi-offensive name of that thread, that wasn't even mine. It was a quote from the SkooterG post here, that mentioned "Inane Crap", which prompted me to split off the discussion about limiting the tomfoolery in the technical discussion subforum.

No, I don't want a medal, nor any special recognition. I was just striving to make this a more enjoyable place for all parties. Was that too much to attempt or expect? Apparently so.

As for my lack of participation lately, there are several reasons. Not the least of which is that I do not feel particularly welcome here, or at the FJR gatherings for that matter, (except the ones I have put on myself up in VT). Some people here take offense that I have participated on the forum too much. My "post count" is too high, and my contributions are too verbose. Some others have grown to dislike me from my expressed opinions. I will admit that I can be opinionated, but I have always tried to be fair and listen to other people's positions. I do like a good debate, but many modern snowflakes are too sensitive to participate in debate without introducing their emotions.

I'm also entering a new phase of my life where family time is more important to me than online time. So I will just sit here in the back seat and watch how the final days of this forum ride out. It was kind of fun while it lasted.
Old Friend, you were not "called out", you were not "accused". I do see how you might feel that way and I will apologize if I offended you. I listed you along with some other Big Names that had powerful influences on this forum and the directions it took over time.

You were absolutely a HUGE influence in the development of Rule 10. No doubt the Management was looking for a way and some influence to move in that direction. It may not be what you wanted it to be, it certainly wasn't your idea originally but you did influence it as you influenced so many other things on this forum. This is no insult, it is just a statement of fact. You were one of the smartest and most useful and most influential members for many years. I personally owe you for many, many bits of useful information and entertainment.

As I recall, you were on one side of that "discussion", BeemerdonS was on the other. The fallout from that drove a wedge between BeemerdonS and SkooterG and smaller wedges all over this forum. Some of that never healed. That was as I see it, the Beginning of the End of the happiness here. I am sure that was NOT your intention.

I assumed that your lack of participation here was for exactly the reasons you posted. I don't think this forum is done just yet and I cannot imagine where it would be without all the knowledge you contributed over the years. I urge you to do as I do. I only post when I think my input is truly valuable and that the membership will benefit from what I have to say.

I hope that Rule 10 has not driven yet another wedge.
