R.I.P. Dad

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So sorry to hear that you lost your Dad. Prayers to you and your family during this time. Stay strong.

Sorry for your loss Randy. You had more years with him than you thought you would have. A gift and blessing from GOD.

My sincere thanks to all of you for your words of comfort during this very difficult time. It means more to me than words can say. We laid dad to rest this morning. It was truly an honor to hear all of the kinds words and wishes from those that have known my father one one manner or another over the 76 years of his life. Additionally, it was an additional honor for us to be presented with our country's flag in recognition for his service in the Air Force during the Korean conflict.

Over the past 12 years he has dealt with, aside from the disease that eventually took his life, a 7-way heart bypass, a car accident that left him with a cervical spine fracture, a perforated colon that resulted in a temporary colostomy, and prostate cancer. My mom was a saint as his primary caregiver and, for her, I find comfort in that she will be able to enjoy life in a different way. There's no doubt that she would rather have her husband of 18 years with her, but, the reality is that she can't and I tried to reassure her that she shouldn't feel guilty for enjoying herself.

Again, for all of you who took a few moments to pass on a few words to me, thank you.

As some of you know, my dad was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis approximately 9 years ago. When we originally got the news, everything we saw and read said that his projected lifespan was 2-5 years. This horrible disease finally took his life yesterday morning at 10 am. Pulmonary fibrosis is essentially a scarring of the lung walls that inhibits the lungs from transferring oxygen into the bloodstream. The first 7 years were difficult, but, bearable. A year ago September, the disease advanced to the point where he required an occasional dose of supplemental oxygen. By this past April, he required oxygen approximately 80% of the time. 1 month later, he required oxygen full time, but, could still withstand a somewhat normal way of life. By September, the disease kicked the shit out of him and it advanced rapidly. Things we take for granted such as getting up to go get a drink of water turned into a huge ordeal and he couldn't walk from the living room to the kitchen without being completely exhausted and his body couldn't take all of the oxygen the machines would give him.

On Sunday morning, his oxygen saturation level dropped to a dangerous level. My mother called 911 and ,when he got to the hospital, he went into cardiac arrest. They put him on a ventilator and kept him 'alive'. My brother, sister, and I flew to Florida to be at his side and to comfort mom. On Monday, he showed some improvement, but, the outlook wasn't great. He opened his eyes when I got there Monday night and looked at all of us. While the reality is that he probably didn't know what was going on due to the medication and sedation, we're going to believe that he saw us and he knew we were there. Tuesday was a rough day and we knew we were going to be faced with a difficult situation soon. They called us Wednesday am and said his numbers were dropping rapidly and we should get to the hospital. At 10 am, with all of us by his side, he took his last breath and we said our goodbyes.

We knew this disease would take his life, we just didn't know how it would go down. We were relieved that his life didn't end by suffocation or another form of long-term suffering.

He will be missed by so many.

Rest in peace, Dad....my friend, my father, my hero.

My condolences to you and your family.

R.I.P Dad.

Sorry about your big loss.

My mother died 10 years ago. I knew she was dying and had what I thought prepared my self for it.

But the night she died was a shock anyway and the time after was unreal.

Now it´s 10 years ago and I can look back with good memories and love.

It still hurts but I´ve found peace in my mind.

Hope you also will find that. I know you will but it may take time.



Randy, I'm just now catching up with this thread. I'm sorry to hear of your loss.I hope you can gain some hope and comfort in the days ahead.

These kind of things are what has shifted my paradigm from material things being important to me, to relationships being more important. I don't care about things anymore. I care about my relationships with those I love.

My prayers are with you and your family at this time.


Condolences Randy,

Thank you for sharing your pain with us,

and I thank your father for his part in sharing you with us.

Much Love to you and your family.

